I have three Drysdale Testaments from the Scotlandspeople website (two from 1546 and one from 1553) they may contain useful genealogical information which is relevant to the origins of the Drysdale Surname or they may be just an inventory of farm tools, chickens, pigs etc and who gets them.
I approached 4 professional transcribers to see if they could do anything and the consensus was that they were too difficult for them to tackle - untidy handwritten secretarie script combined with a combination of old scots and Latin language.
The wills are
Ronald Drysdale
Just a footnote to go with the above post.
Please note the copyright status of the above documents.
May 30, 2023
William Douglas
Amazing documents!
Sadly I have no idea what they say.
It is interesting that they should be from Dunblane. Do we have any family trees that include Drysdales from that town?
May 31, 2023