I have a Scotlandspeople image for the Testament of one William Dryisdaill of Dollar dated 1600 which I have had professionally transcribed.
There are quite a few Drysdales mentioned in this Testament:
His children - William, Symon, Johne, Jonet, Ewffame, Agnes and Cristiane Dryisdaill.
Alexander Dryisdaill in Forrest, his brother, George Dryisdaill, portioner of Balhartie & Johne Dryisdaill his servant.
A part copy of the will is posted here:
and a full pdf of the will and transcription is enclosed as an attachment for any with an interest in Drysdale history.
William Douglas
I had a look through to see if there were any connections with the supposed origins of the Drysdales:
and found:
...the deceased William Dryisdaill in Schirdaill,...
'in Schirdaill' indicates that he was a tenant. and we see 'Lord Argyle, his master' These lands were owned by the Campbells, hence Castle Campbell. Lord Argyle was a Campbell.
Wester Sheardale House [Wester Scherdail 1615], part of the lands of Sheardale [Schirdaill 1561, possibly Gaelic siar + dail ‘west haugh’]. Further along to the right can be seen Haugh Farm [Sherdale Haugh 1783, Lower Sheardale 1866, containing Scots haugh ‘low-lying land by water’, similar to Gaelic dail].
Aug 11, 2023