Drysdale - a Douglas sept

Drysdale is considered a sept of the Douglas clan, but it is quite likely that this was a separate family which existed previous to when the three Douglas brothers adopted the Drysdale name. A sept is a family that can be related to a clan or larger family for various reasons. Usually this came about either through marriage or by a small family seeking protection from a larger and more powerful neighbour.

The origins of the surname Drysdale

In a previous post I gave some background information on the Barony and lands of Dryfesdale:


In another publication I recently came across a further reference to the Barony of Dryfesdale:

Ref: An inquiry concerning the Boss family and the name Boss

This reference also highlights the Coat of Arms of 'Lord Boyis of Dryvisdaill of Auld' and the family's link to the Bruces of Annandale:

".....In these early times to which I have referred the Bruce family were Lords of Annandale’ and the Bois family were among their feudal vassals; the Bois arms are the same as the Bruce, with a difference in color to distinguish them, and are What are called feudal arms....."

The image below shows the arms of a number of early families with links to the Lords of Annandale:

Best regards

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    Ronald Drysdale

    Of interest in this document is the fact that Joke [Joaquim, Jacob or Jake?] is said to be of Drivisdaill i.e. an owner of land in Dryfesdale, and the crime is committed in Tillicoultry sometime before September 1492.

    Best regards

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      Ronald Drysdale

      Of interest in the document below is the fact that Drisdaill, Crichton, Kirkpatrick & Boys family members were sitting together, as upstanding members of the Community in Sanquhar, in 1548. Sanquhar is in Dumfriesshire & not far (25 miles) from Dryfesdale.

      - why would any member from the outlawed Douglas/Drysdale family return to the area?
      Ref - Folk lore and genealogies of Uppermost Nithsdale


      In 1585 there were two John Drysdales listed as being Maxwell’s men (tenants) in Blackshaw, Caerlaverock in Dumfriesshire (12 miles from Dryfesdale):

      On 6th August 1592, one Annus Dhrisdaile married a Patricke Muncke in Holm Cultram in Cumberland (20 miles from Dryfesdale)

      The proximity of these individuals' locations to Dryfesdale, rather than Clackmannanshire, indicate origins other than Tillicoultry or Dollar.

      Best regards

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      Russell Lynn Drysdale

      Here is an old one , relevant to Walter de Bosco , Robert Bruce , Hugh son of Ingebald...

      Charter by Robert Bruce to Ivo and his heirs, of a place between the fishings of Blawad and the water of Esk, for fishing and spreading his nets. Circa a.d.1190. 
        Robertus de Brtjis, omnibus hominibus suis et amicis, salutem. Soiatis me dedisse et concessisse et hae carta mea confinnasse Iuoni et heredi'ous suis locum qui est inter piscariam de Blawad et aquam de Hesch; tenendum de me et heredibus meis ad piscarias suas faciendas et retia tendenda, libere et quiete ; reddendo miehi annuatim unam libram piperis, uel sex denarios ; hiis testibus, Petro de Humez, Hugone de Corri, Hugone filio Ingebaldi, Eoberto de Hodelmia, Waltero de Bosco, Humfrido del Gardine, Ricardo Flammanc, Henrico filio Gerardi.   
      Google translation 
      Robert de Bruce Greetings to all his people and friends. You have promised that I have given and granted, and that these charters of mine have confined to John and his heirs the place which is between the fishery of Blawad and the water of Hesch; to be held of me and my heirs to make their fisheries and to draw their nets, freely and quietly; paying to my wife one pound of pepper annually, or six denarii; these witnesses, Peter de Humez, Hugh de Corri, Hugh the son of Ingebald, Eobert de Hodelmia, Walter de Bosco, Humfrid del Gardine, Richard the Flamanc, Henry the son of Gerard.
      original source cited:  Original charter in Drumlanrig Charter-chest. 

