Douglas families in Ireland

Researching members of the Douglas family in Ireland is notoriously difficult.  So many records have been destroyed, and the families often moved on to America, or elsewhere.

This group is for those tracing their ancestors in Ireland.

Charles Douglas of Dervock

At a dead end despite 20 years research on my 3rd G-Grandfather Rev. Charles Douglas (1743-1833) of Dervock, Co. Antrim, whose father is indicated to be a James Douglas of Dervock by the University of Glasgow records (Charles graduated there in 1764). Burke's Landed Gentry of 1855 says Charles is descended from the same Scottish ancestor as the Douglas of Grace Hall family, and if so, that would be Robert Douglass (1665-1733) who had three wives. Lots of family tree descendants from Charles and wife Grace Gamble, but Church of Ireland (he was Bishop of Connor) indicates he also had three wives and I find no records of the other two. Did my Y-DNA and lots of Hamilton ancestors, but very few Douglas ancestors. None of the DNA Douglas matches have posted family trees or respond to emails. Hamilton DNA Project says that I'm an anomaly. Any ideas out there?


Richard William Maginis Douglas

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    Chrissy Fletcher

    Hi Bill, I am a new member. I live in Melbourne, Australia. You match with my late father's Lazarus Gedmatch kit LY585897L1 on chromosome 6 at 13.6cM. Dad's ancestors were Jane Douglas born c1800 married William Hendren about 1825 in Lisburn, Co Antrim. William was in the RUC, as were two of his son. The three sons who emigrated to Australia were James Douglas Hendren, Edward Hendren and William Hendren.

    Three sons emigrated to NSW Australia in the 1850s. Two of them were born in Antrim and one in Derry.
    DNA matching suggests William and Jane may have been cousins. I have never found a marriage for them. I have been doing lots of DNA research and it now appears that my Douglas were originally from Ayrshire. There is a connection also to Gilmore/Gilmour within both Douglas and Hendren families in Ayrshire and Antrim. A researcher with Gilmore ancestry matches my father on exactly the same segment of chromosome 6 as you do and with 13.6cM, which is VERY interesting for us. Her ancestry is also Ayrshire.

    I did find a reference for a Charles Douglas and William Hendren both announcing insolvency in the same news article. Perhaps they were in business together?

    So many questions.
    Regards Chrissy Fletcher in Melbourne
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      Chrissy Fletcher

      Bill, Mea Culpa! It was Samuel Douglass! This is EXACTLY how misinformation spreads, ha ha. Never mind, probably still relevant for you. Chrissy
      Hendren & Douglass Insolvent Debtors

      “Insolvent Debtors”
      The petition of the following debtors are to be heard at Carrickfergus on Mon 22 Feb 1836 –
      Samuel Douglass, late of Lisburn, said County, grocer
      James Hendren, late of Antrim, said County, formerly a civic bill officer.

      (Source: The Northern Whig, pub Belfast, about Feb 12 1836. The British Library)
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        Chrissy Fletcher

        I have Gedmatch kit numbers if that helps. Also, there is another Douglas tree from another Melbourne researcher which is my line but he has it private on Ancestry. However this is the same line from another tree - not sure about the very early research. Lots of DNA matching to my late father's Lazarus kit from this line, also from another Gilmour researcher. Maybe some of this helps! My father's Lazarus kit is LY585897L1. BTW I have loads and loads of DNA matches to Gamble, seem to connect to Campbell which I'm sure married into Douglas/Gilmore. All a bit confusing eh? Chrissy