Researching members of the Douglas family in Ireland is notoriously difficult. So many records have been destroyed, and the families often moved on to America, or elsewhere.
This group is for those tracing their ancestors in Ireland.
Does anyone have any information about this mysterious chap? We know that he married a Jane Gay (daughter of Mathew Gay) who was also from the same town/area. He is my great (x6) grandfather. His children immigrated to New Zealand. Many of his descendants (some of which may be on here) have struggled to find any information on this man. We have been told that a fire destroyed records from this time, which could explain the dearth of information on him. We also know that there were many other Douglas families in Northern Ireland who also originated from Scotland.. so this could be a needle in a haystack type request. Anyway any information would be welcomed. Thank you !
William Douglas
The records were destroyed during the Uprising, but more recent transcriptions of church, valuation, etc records are revealing information, so all is not lost.
I have this note:
Robert and Roberta Douglas: Robert's father was Robert (wife Mary), grandfather John Alexander, gt grandfather Mathew (wife Nancy Hunter or Ferguson), gt gt grandfather Samuel Douglas (wife Jain Gay)
Sorry, but I do not know who Robert and Roberta Douglas are, except that they live in the Limavady area.
See also:: where Samuel's father is William
If I find more, I will share.
May 14, 2020
Susanna Elizabeth Bain
I have Samuel Douglas and Jane gay in my family tree I live in New Zealand I am not 100% sure of my facts but Samuel and Jane were the parents of William and Rachel Douglas. William and Rachel had a daughter called Rachel Maria Born 1839. Rachel Maria is my great grandmother her daughter Rachel married Samuel Martin Green Who was born in 1832 and Rachel was born in 1839. Their daughter Rachel was born in 1867 and was my grandmother who married William Elkin Hutchison Who is my grandfather. I hope this information is of some use to you regards
Susanna Bain
Jul 22, 2020