HAMILTON OF HAGEBY, MALCOLM [SSNE 2605] Surname HAMILTON OF HAGEBY First name MALCOLM, MELKIOR Title/rank BARON Nationality SCOT and IRISH Region BALYGALLY Social status NOBILITY Text source Malcolm Hamilton was the son of Captain John Hamilton of Balygally [or in some sources Hamilton of Tullyreny, Co. Fermanagh] and Jane Sommerville. He was born on 18 April 1635 in Ireland. Malcolm was called to Sweden by his uncle, and served as pikeman with Queen Kristina's lifeguard in 1654. It is noted in his biography that he left for Sweden from Scotland not Ireland as might have been expected. In 1655 he served as a private in the Dalar regiment. In 1656 he became a captain, and later served in this capacity in a recruited regiment. His promotion continued and in 1658 he was made a major. In 1659 he was with the Kalmar infantry regiment and served also as general adjutant of the army in Norway. It is probably this man, Major "Malius" Hamilton who was involved in a legal dispute with Adam Leijell [SSNE 6493] in July of 1661. In 1664 Malcolm Hamilton was ennobled, but not introduced into the House of Nobility. That year the envoy extraordinary, Earl Carlisle [SSNE 2261], interceded on his behalf with the Swedish king, Karl XI, for the children of the late colonel David Sinclair [SSNE 3503]. Three years later, in 1667, Hamilton became lieutenant colonel of the Älvsborg regiment and advanced to colonel in 1678. Malcolm paid 627 rdl for Gothenburg's "lantranteri" in 1689. Either that same year, or in 1693 he was made a baron along with his brother Hugo and introduced into the Riddarhus under nr.99. By 1698 he served as major general and a governor in Västernorrland/Västerbotten. He was baron of Hageby, Hökälla and Råda. He died at the age of 63 in Stockholm on 17 or 19 January 1698 or 99 but was not buried until 13 August 1699 in Christina Church in Gothenburg. In 1661 he married Catharina/Christina Maclean [SSNE 5436], daughter of commissary John Maclean [SSNE 1631]. She had previously been married to Colonel David Sinclair [SSNE 3503]. They had several children including Baron Hugo Johan Hamilton of Boo (SSNE 4950), Gabrial Gyllengrip Hamilton, Jane Hamilton, James Hamilton, Charlotte Catherina Hamilton and Lunetta Beata Hamilton
William Douglas
Flaming salamader noted.
Dec 8, 2024