Dr Henry Grattan Douglas (HG) is certainly an interesting character - I have just added his biography to the Douglas Archives. He is the son of an apothecary (do they qualify as doctors?), Adam Douglass, and the grandson of Adam Douglass of Killensule, County Tipperary.
I am wondering if I should be adding HG to the rogues section? Or was he just misunderstood? His obituary in The Gentleman's Magazine states he died at Woolahara, and gives his address as Douglass Park, Camden, Sydney. It also gives his age as 73, but that must be a mis-print. Interstingly, there is no mention of his family.
I note HG was married in 1812, so to have a son born in 1848, when he was 58 does not seem very likely, so perhaps your Henry could be a grandson?
Sorry not to be able to be any real assistance - at this stage.
Hi Francene
Well so far my direct lineage is completely covered right up to when my Great Great Grandfather Edward migrated to Australia in 1851. And that's where the trail ends.... until last night when with a bit of snooping online I came across a possible breakthrough.
Before I didn't know the names of Edwards brothers. He had two others from what I gathered through the information passed down from my mother. I was intrigued that one of his brothers migrated to Canada around the same time so my search began from there.
It turns out that Edward sailed to Australia with one other brother John Douglas who went on....
.... to be a politician in both the colonies of New South Wales and Queensland. He had a very colourful career and I was quite suprised to find that Port Douglas was named after him. It's a shock to find that a famous Aussie destination is named after a relative!
However... the search continues.
It was John Douglas - here is the details about him I found. http://adbonline.anu.edu.au/biogs/A040087b.htm
Now his brother that sailed with him to Australia - Edward Douglas, is I believe to be my Great Great Grandfather. I'm still yet to confirm this information as there are some inconsistencies but this is the strongest lead that I have that can direct me way back on my direct family lineage. It's pretty exciting. :)
Hello Francene,
I am a member here and I seen that you responded to "doris". Please be careful. There's so many people up to no good out there and this seems a little creepy to me. But that's only my opinion. I wish you well,
Your quite welcome Francene. We wouldn't be human if we didn't make mistakes. We only try to learn from them. And sometimes we like to help others with what we learn. It's a shame we have to be leery of some people, isn't it? I, too, am much too trusting and I hope you didn't mind my barging in on your business : )
May God Bless You!
William Douglas
If I can be of any assistance, in any way, then please do get in touch.
I would need to know a bit more about your Douglas ancestor before I am able to help look for the interesting sounding doctor.
It looks like you may have put your email address in where it asks for a website address?
Yours aye,
Sep 5, 2009
William Douglas
I am wondering if I should be adding HG to the rogues section? Or was he just misunderstood? His obituary in The Gentleman's Magazine states he died at Woolahara, and gives his address as Douglass Park, Camden, Sydney. It also gives his age as 73, but that must be a mis-print. Interstingly, there is no mention of his family.
I note HG was married in 1812, so to have a son born in 1848, when he was 58 does not seem very likely, so perhaps your Henry could be a grandson?
Sorry not to be able to be any real assistance - at this stage.
Sep 6, 2009
Andrew Douglas
Jan 25, 2010
Andrew Douglas
Well so far my direct lineage is completely covered right up to when my Great Great Grandfather Edward migrated to Australia in 1851. And that's where the trail ends.... until last night when with a bit of snooping online I came across a possible breakthrough.
Before I didn't know the names of Edwards brothers. He had two others from what I gathered through the information passed down from my mother. I was intrigued that one of his brothers migrated to Canada around the same time so my search began from there.
It turns out that Edward sailed to Australia with one other brother John Douglas who went on....
Jan 25, 2010
Andrew Douglas
However... the search continues.
Jan 25, 2010
Andrew Douglas
Now his brother that sailed with him to Australia - Edward Douglas, is I believe to be my Great Great Grandfather. I'm still yet to confirm this information as there are some inconsistencies but this is the strongest lead that I have that can direct me way back on my direct family lineage. It's pretty exciting. :)
Jan 26, 2010
Wendy Douglas~Winchell
I am a member here and I seen that you responded to "doris". Please be careful. There's so many people up to no good out there and this seems a little creepy to me. But that's only my opinion. I wish you well,
Apr 16, 2010
Wendy Douglas~Winchell
May God Bless You!
Apr 17, 2010