Jenny Blain


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Douglas in Cockpen, Lasswade, Newbattle areas of Midlothian.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
William Duglass, Cockpen, born in the 17th century; father may be David Duglass, servant to Lord George Ramsay at Dalhousie.
Website address

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to the douglas Archives Community, Jenny.

    I did some work a while ago on Douglases from Cockpen.  We did not break through the 'brick wall', but made some progress.

    There is a list of names here>>>

    'Duglass' also features in Cockpen.

    Yours aye,


  • julie bryce

    Hullo Jenny - I will really enjoy hearing from you.  I've done quite a lot of work on the Dalhousie Douglases so will be very interested in what you have found.  Julie

  • William Douglas

    Yes, I think posting on your wall would be good - but if we thought we were going to have a good discussion on this, it might be an idea to start a discussion?