George H Douglass


Springfield, LA

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
John Douglas b.10/4/1764 d.11/9/1839 married Nancy Denman Walden b.5/20/1774 d. 8/1836. Children: Ransom Douglas b.8/9/1805 d.6/5/1889; Jepthah Douglas b.1808; Joel Douglas b.9/13/1810 d.11/8/1884; Elisha Douglas b.6/9/1814 d.9/1/1900; and Elijah Douglas b.6/9/1814 d.1817.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
John Douglass
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Copiah County, Mississippi USA

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas


    The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

    Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

    Professions also help.
