Deborah Ann Hill-Hampton


Milford, DE

United States

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Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
I am not sure, My grandmother used to comment about the black douglasses. I know that they had to change their name to Drysdale as a result of the king of the time. I have name but not what actual lines.
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
drysdale, douglas, hampton

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  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Hello Deborah , maybe we can share notes , it appears we are both headed in the same direction , Thomas Douglas .
  • Jeff Fears

    Hi Deb,

    My most recent Douglas ancestor is Mary "Polly" Douglas (b. abt. 1794 in Tennessee), daughter of Joseph & Margaret Douglas. Polly married William Fears in Grainger County, TN in 1809. Thanks for the greeting.


  • William Douglas

    I need get some of the Drysdale genealogy into my database.

    I wonder if anyone has a gedcom file?