Alfred Wilson Douglass, Jr.


Cataumet, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
I am trying to go back as far as possible with the American Douglasses and would like to contact Scots Douglasses also. I intend the latter because I will be travelling to Scotland in the Spring of 2012.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Cahrles Douglass, Pittsburgh PA and New York, NY
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to our Community Network, Alfred.


    Good luck in your search for ancestors of Charles Douglas.



  • William Douglas


    I subscribe to the view that early Douglases could not spell, and so relied on scribes to record their names. Some used one S, some two. If the father was present, then the spelling would probably be passed on, but if not, then whatever the scribe wrote would do.  Apart from the S, there are many variations on how our names are spelt.

    On that subject, the battle is usually spelt 'Arkinholm'.


  • Cynthia Lee Douglass

    HI Alfred,

    Nice to have you as a friend on the Archives. I like your pictures...looks lke your having lots of fun!! Drop a line anytime!


    Best, Cynthia Douglass