Chris Mallouhi



Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Jean Douglass born about 1753 married John Reid daughter Anne born 19 March 1775 Dalhousie. Other children and sons John and James.

ALSO Agnes Douglas married Joseph Torrance . Son Richard born 28 April 1771 Dalhousie and daughter Margaret born 1757 Borthwick.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Jean Douglass
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Agnes Douglass, Jean Douglass, Reid, Torrance, 1775, 1757

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to our group, Chris.

    There are links between Dalhousie and the Douglas family in nearby Cockpen.  If you search this forum (Search box top right) for Dalhousie, you will find previous correspondence.

    Yours aye,


  • Timothy Bernard Douglass

    Hello Chris, I'm Timothy Douglass. You had a friend request to me quite some time ago.  By no means was I ignoring the request!I haven't been on the site in a long while. However , I need to make the time to log in more frequently. Please feel free to share what ever interest you find compelling about this site. hope all is well in your life !


    Timothy Douglass