Steven J. Douglas


Clifton Heights, PA

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
West Virgina- My Father Argean Ny Grandfather Theodore Roosevelt Douglas

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to our community network, Steven.


    Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?



  • William Douglas

    I feel that I ought to be bringing up more results, but the only  Theodore Roosevelt Douglas can find is:
    Theodore Roosevelt Douglas,Born: 11 SEP 1907 in Jones County, Texas. Died: MAR 1956 in Phoenix, Arizona. He had three children.
    I think John Douglas might have been one of the early radio evangelists. Does that ring any bells?  Google Books
    I did come across a Rev John E Douglas in Pennsylvania/Philadelphia during my search.
    Yours aye,