Maurice Hart Douglas



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
my family, on my fathers side, Allan Monteath lockhart Douglas

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome, Maurice, to the Douglas Archives Community Network.

    I have seen the name Alan Lockhart Monteith Douglas mentioned in connection with music production. Is there some connection that you are aware of?

    Can you put any dates and locations to your early ancestors to help visitors to the site identify them?

    Yours aye,

  • Charlotte Paton


    I wonder if you would get in touch with me regarding your late father.

    I would be very grsteful if you would

    Charlotte Paton

  • Charlotte Paton

    Good Evening Maurice  I really would be grateful if you would get in touch with me regarding your late father, my e mail address is

    Many thanks