Robin J Douglas




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Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
John Scott Douglas of Hawick. Relation to Cavers of Drumlanrig. My great grandfather was one of the John Scott Douglases. He emigrated from Hawick about 1890 and took his family to Cork. He was a Hawick trained wooden weaver and came to Donnybrook in Cork to transform a famous linen mill to wool.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
John Scott Douglas who left Hawick in 1890 for Ireland
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
John Scott Douglas
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  • William Douglas

    John Scott Douglas, the Scottish textile expert who met John Morrogh in South Africa who convinced him to move to Cork to run the mill. John’s descendants still live in Cork today.

  • William Douglas

    So annoying that the two photographs on the 29th August post are no longer visible - and of course I cannot recall what they looked like.

  • William Douglas

    One pace forward, one step back.

    I have heard the door-slamming story before, so am wondering if there is a parallel discussion here somewhere.
