Wilma Hamilton-van der Garde




Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Eleonore Drysdale was my grandmother
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
William Drysdale
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Weltevreden; Sauerbier

Comment Wall:

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Welcome Wilma!

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

      Wilma ,

    So you're excited to learn where I got all these documents and how I am connected.  About 9 years of digging thru Dutch Archives - how I connect - I can only go back to 1748 but still looking - we have more Drysdales than we do records for Drysdale's.  Your grandmother Elenore comes from one of the longest lines I know of. The Miss Drysdale in the ''Children of Batavia'' article I am curios about her, and other answers  you may have. 

