Jenny Blain


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Douglas in Cockpen, Lasswade, Newbattle areas of Midlothian.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
William Duglass, Cockpen, born in the 17th century; father may be David Duglass, servant to Lord George Ramsay at Dalhousie.
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  • julie bryce

    I have already found a message from you on another Scottish website regarding James 1697.  I am descended from his brother George.  William Douglas and Janet Wetherspoon were my 7th Great Grandparents.  Julie

  • Ethel Douglas

    Hi Jenny.

    I'm related to Julie Bryce who you have recently made conatct with. Julie told me to look at your page here.

    The Wm Douglas born 1699 and Janet Witherspoon born 1670 in my tree had Children George 1711, John 1695, James 1697, Janet 1699, Anna 1701,Katherine 1703, David 1704, William1706, Alexander 1708 and Peter 1713.

    I wanted to ask if you'd heard of the" book of Flaval " My dad has ancient hand written family records from the book of Flaval which has given us quite a lot of information about our Douglas relatives. They were mainly from the Temple,Cockpen and Roslin areas., Ethel 

  • Ethel Douglas

    Hi Jenny

    I should have added that I come from the George born 1711 who married  Christian Watson born 1717 in Borthwick., Ethel