Gilbert Franklin Douglas III


Birmingham, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Douglases of Clark County, Mississippi
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Samuel Douglas 1824-1888

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  • Jackie Stoddard

    Hi Gilbert is this what most Douglas lines have as Haplotype?

  • Jackie Stoddard

     the ancient Flett family from the Orkney Islands (and Flatt surname variant) with a proven R-M198 haplogroup interesting its the same
    variations of Auchinleck

    The Affleck Family Project encourages researchers to find their common Scottish heritage (and earlier) through sharing of information and DNA testing.

    Membership to this project is limited to those with the Affleck surname or recognized variant.

    All recognized Scottish spelling variations of Auchinleck are welcome. <p>


     This project also includes the ancient Flett family from the Orkney Islands (and Flatt surname variant) with a proven R-M198 haplogroup


    Surnames in Project:

    Affleck, Affleck-Graves, Afflect, Afflick, Aflecht, Auchinleck, Auflick, Flack, Flatt, Fleck, Fleckie, Flett

  • Jackie Stoddard

    One line of R-M198 includes the descendants of Somerlad, forbear of the McDonalds, from the Kingdom of the Isles