paul Bradbury



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Primrose Douglas of Lasswade
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Symon Douglas

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to our community, Paul.

    I hope that you can help with this family - one I find interesting.

    Whilst I think Primrose's father was Donald, a gardener, I know nothing about his ancestry.

    Primrose may have been in the Royal Wagon Train, a forerunner of the army supply corps

    He is listed in the muster books of the 1st Dragoon Guards as Corporal, commanders escort, 25th December 1815.

    He fought at Waterloo and was a Bow Street 'horse patrol' officer in London from 1820 to 1840.

    He appears to have been in France in 1819, when his son, William, was born

    All in all, and interesting man.  Are you a descendant?

    Yours aye,
