Douglas Scott Coley



United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
I am researching my immigrant ancestor, John Douglas, and his wife, Mary. John is believed to be descended from the Red Douglas line. He was born in 1749 in Scotland and immigrated to South Carolina in 1799. He became a US citizen in 1806. According to family tradition, he came to SC to claim land owned by his family and was said to have been from a "well-to-do" family. Some heirlooms passed down include an English and Latin dictionary owned by John Douglas, a Bible, a signet ring with a crest mainly worn off, his citizenship document from SC in 1806, and a large lock of red hair in the Bible.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
John Douglas BIRTH 1749 • Scotland DEATH 1826 • Marlboro County, South Carolina, USA
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
John Douglas of South Carolina, Red Douglas's,
dna haplotype
Website address

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to the group, Douglas

    I wonder if there is enough of the crest on the ring remaining to identify which crest it is?

    I have this entry:

    Douglas, John. Born in Edinburgh. Nat. 29 December 1799. South Carolina; Aged 50. Coachbuilder. Born in Scotland. Wife, Rachel, aged 50. Born in North Carolina. Elizabeth, aged 19, born in Marion County, South Carolina.

    Close, but not close enough?  There are several 'Johns' listed, but I cannot find yours.

    Yours aye,
