My data says that Henry was indeed married to Catherine Hickson on 4 Nov 1858 in Sofala (NSW). but there is still no mention of Wallace. I wonder if the historians missed him? I looked through all my data and there is no mention of the names in your line. does your data say how many kids Henry and Catherine had (mine says 9) and where did wallace come in?
Daryl John Douglass
Hi Michael,
Really interested to know your background. I have all the info for William back to his leaving England on the Coramandel.
Oct 23, 2013
Daryl John Douglass
hi Mick,
Having trouble matching the names. Who did Henry marry? I don't have the lineage you sent.
My data says the children of Henry were: Elisha john, henry charles,Evangeline,Albert T,William R,Rowland,Frederick,George Horace and William E.
Nov 1, 2013
Daryl John Douglass
Hi Mick,
My data says that Henry was indeed married to Catherine Hickson on 4 Nov 1858 in Sofala (NSW). but there is still no mention of Wallace. I wonder if the historians missed him? I looked through all my data and there is no mention of the names in your line. does your data say how many kids Henry and Catherine had (mine says 9) and where did wallace come in?
Nov 25, 2013
Daryl John Douglass
thanks for that,I'll look forward to any new data
Nov 27, 2013