Wayne Michael Douglas



New Zealand

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Wayne Michael Douglas Walter Donald Horace Edward New Zealand

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to our group, Wayne.

    There have been various discussions about Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas here.  If you enter his name in the search box (top right) you will find the details.

    How do you connect with him?

    Yours aye,


  • William Douglas

    I will pose the question about descendants of 

    There is a group that you might consider joining:  http://douglashistory.ning.com/group/the-douglas-family-in-fiji

    I am going to bring it to the attention of all those who are descendants to see if we can pool knowledge.


  • Ben Giffard

    Hi Wayne, Welcome!  Your story is fascinating.  I have recently added some photos of Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas's wife Juliana on the site under photos.  There are 4 of them.  She was the one who brought the Douglas family out to Fiji and Australia.  I will add some more stuff if / when I find it.  I was fascinated by your comment about a portrait of WMAD on the wall.  Did you see that a long time ago?  I ask only because the photo of WMAD on this site is a reproduction or a reproduction - probably many times over so it is a bit grainy now.  It would be great to have a new photo.  FYI WMAD's father was Walter Richard Barnes.  All the best!  Ben