Ben Giffard


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Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas who married Juliana Catherine Spiller, father of Georgina Honora Douglas
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Walter Michael Aubrey Douglas, Georgina Honora Douglas

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  • lilian janet bregmen

    Hi Ben any info would be great. My cousin has done a lot of work on our family and I am truely grateful. We have so much info it would be good to email you.Douglas.pdfdouglasxx.pdf

    Google Croome court If you live in England I would Love photos of the earls they are all there in Croome Court .

  • William Douglas

    Ben, you sent me a private message with the photo of a lady. It has vanished!

    Can you please resend, or preferably, publish it publicly?


  • Wayne Michael Douglas

    Thank you very much Ben; that’s great!


    I saw the portrait of WMAD on the dining room wall when I visited the Morrinsville farm back in 1992 and it was still there when I last visited in 1999. The farm has since been sold and Ross Douglas (son of Roy Douglas passed away in 2011). I have no idea who has the portrait now. I was told there were a heap of photos there, but I never got the chance to see them.


    BTW, I have been sent some info about Juliana saying:


    “Juliana Catherine Spiller is one of 22 children. When she was a young girl she was ‘Lady Companion’ to Princess Alexander, Danish wife of Queen Victoria’s son Edward. Julian was the first white woman to set foot in the Kimberly Diamond Mines. She is descended [directly] from Charlemagne Holy Roman Emperor right through to the French Royal Family. Her grandfather [mother’s father] was the last French Earl of Crave. Her mother was an only child and the title became extinct. There are no gaps and puzzles in Juliana’s Family Tree. She comes from a Kentish family.”


    This is a direct quote from the info I was sent.