Thelma Douglas Singh


Hartford, CT

United States

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Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Jamaica Douglas line
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Kenneth Douglas 1920 Jamaica

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  • Rita Douglas-Bewry

    Thelma, I am a Douglas from Brown's Hall, St. Catherine, Jamaica. My Douglas group are based in Blue Hole, Bella's Gate, Marlie Hill, Connors. It is quite a large family. My father was Sidney Morgan Douglas son of Charles Douglas son of William Douglas son of Henry Douglas.

    Please let me know precisely where your grandfather was born and I will try to pursue a link.

    Best regards.


  • Rita Douglas-Bewry


    I believe that we may share a common grandfather. If William is correct, then Charles Douglas who married Agnes Green is also my grandfather. Charles Douglas, my grandfather, fathered my father Sidney Douglas and 2 siblings, Lulietta and Ferdinand by Zella Blanche Morgan. He later married Agnes Green and fathered Kenneth, Samuel and Courtney. Rita

  • Rita Douglas-Bewry


    I left a comment for you concerning your post. I strongly believe that we have the same grandfather, i.e. Charles Douglas of Marlie Hill, St. Catherine, Jamaica. He had 3 children by my grandmother, Zella Morgan and at least 3 other children by other women. I was recently told that he did marry and had a child named Kenneth. Let me know whether any of this sounds familiar to you.