James David Douglas


Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Edward Douglas/s 1713 - 1795, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Aberdeenshire UK

Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Edward Douglas/s
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Douglas, Douglass, Gordon
dna haplotype
Website address

Comment Wall:

  • William Douglas

    Welcome to our group, James.

    My biographies on Col Edward Douglas and Col Edward Douglass contained broken links, which I have repaired, and will go online shortly.

    I do not feel confident about the content of either, so very much hope that you can throw some light on them!

    Yours aye,


  • James David Douglas

    Thanks William I will be interested to see your posts on this line. I have been researching this line for a number of years and may have information that would be of interest to others searching this line and related families. I am out of town for a few more days but will catch up with you in a few days.

    David Dauglas
  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Thank you James . I dig up  Douglas/s info while looking for Drysdale information , but just try to pass it along