Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
R-U106 German, Northumbria (English/Scot) Wm and Archie
Have been here since; May 10, 2015 Updated and added information. http://douglashistory.ning.com/main/search/search?q=u106
Added by Mark Elliott at 1:23 on May 10, 2015
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Mehitable [ELLIOT] DOUGLASS born in Croydon Twp, Sullivan Co, NH, on 12 Jun 1784. She married on 19 Feb 1804 to John DOUGLASS, Jr.
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
U106 reiver
dna haplotype
Y-DNA SNP FTDNA#101829, Yseq#4069 M269>U106>S12025>FGC12040>S16361>A6722
When referencing Jamaica, are you referring to black Douglas in terms of race/ethnicity or "Black Douglas" as in the "House of Douglas?"
I'm only familiar with color-coated Douglas families in terms of the Black Douglas (Earls of Douglas) and the Red Douglas (Earls of Angus).
In terms of the anglophone Caribbean, my mother is from the Bahamas, and I'm familiar with residents there who carry the surname Douglas. A generation ago, they were almost exclusively from Rum Cay or Ragged Island.
Since my dad is a white Douglass descended from Samuel Douglass of Scotland who came over to the U.S. fairly early in the 1700s, I've never had to give much consideration to people with the surname Douglas in the Bahamas or Jamaica. I never assumed a genetic relationship with them, at least not through my father's line.
My family actually immigrated to Massachusetts around 1730, then worked its way to Brookline, New Hampshire. My ancestor Frederick moved to Michigan around 1840, and that's where I was born. My move to North Carolina is very recent.
Mark, thanks for the info.. Lorenz is my married name, my late husband's family originated either from Germany or Russia, although he was born in Posen, Poland in 1943, which was at the time under German occupation,he had German nationality. My maiden name is Palmer Douglas (no hyphen). My great grandfather was Palmer from Sullington, Suxxex who married my great grandmother in the 1880s, she was a Douglas of Cavers, Hawick (Black Douglas) and our branch of the Douglas is directly descended from William de Douglas
Mark, I have some information re the Elliots of Stobbs, if you wish to know more please email me directly, when I can tell you more and perhaps even mail you some paperwork. Look forward to hearing from you. Helen (Palmer Douglas)
Ian Douglass
This is also very helpful. :)
Jan 11, 2018
Ian Douglass
Mark, did you mean to comment this to me directly, or did you intend to post this as a new thread topic for discussion?
Jan 11, 2018
Ian Douglass
When referencing Jamaica, are you referring to black Douglas in terms of race/ethnicity or "Black Douglas" as in the "House of Douglas?"
I'm only familiar with color-coated Douglas families in terms of the Black Douglas (Earls of Douglas) and the Red Douglas (Earls of Angus).
In terms of the anglophone Caribbean, my mother is from the Bahamas, and I'm familiar with residents there who carry the surname Douglas. A generation ago, they were almost exclusively from Rum Cay or Ragged Island.
Since my dad is a white Douglass descended from Samuel Douglass of Scotland who came over to the U.S. fairly early in the 1700s, I've never had to give much consideration to people with the surname Douglas in the Bahamas or Jamaica. I never assumed a genetic relationship with them, at least not through my father's line.
Jan 12, 2018
Ian Douglass
My family actually immigrated to Massachusetts around 1730, then worked its way to Brookline, New Hampshire. My ancestor Frederick moved to Michigan around 1840, and that's where I was born. My move to North Carolina is very recent.
Jan 12, 2018
helen lorenz
Mark, thanks for the info.. Lorenz is my married name, my late husband's family originated either from Germany or Russia, although he was born in Posen, Poland in 1943, which was at the time under German occupation,he had German nationality. My maiden name is Palmer Douglas (no hyphen). My great grandfather was Palmer from Sullington, Suxxex who married my great grandmother in the 1880s, she was a Douglas of Cavers, Hawick (Black Douglas) and our branch of the Douglas is directly descended from William de Douglas
Mar 6, 2018
helen lorenz
Mark, I have some information re the Elliots of Stobbs, if you wish to know more please email me directly, when I can tell you more and perhaps even mail you some paperwork. Look forward to hearing from you. Helen (Palmer Douglas)
Jul 30, 2018
William Douglas
Thank you for your recent interesting posts, Mark.
I will look closer at them post-Christmas.
Dec 24, 2018