Michael D Douglass


Mesquite, NV

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
William H. Douglass, born 1797 Kentucky.
Here is the latest information I have.
I found this info that identifies my William Douglass from birth 1797 as part of douglashistory.co.uk. My brother has confirmed his marriage from ancestry.com in case it helps. I may get further info later this month.

G-G-G Grandfather: James Douglass, b May 5, 1755 Coldingham, Scotland. Married Mary Wallace May 30, 1777 in town of Hutton. James was a blacksmith in town of Renton. Eight children were born, among them was James Douglass who made crossing to the New World.


John Douglass, christened April 6, 1780

George Douglass, christened May 5, 1782. Married Mary Crow, b. August 5, 1805

Mary Douglass, Christened April 4, 1785

Robert Douglass, christened Oct. 8. 1787

James Douglass christened Dec. 21, 1789

Anne Douglass, born Aug. 14, 1792 Coldingham, Scotland.

Joseph Douglass, born Aug. 5, 1794 Coldingham, Berwick

William Douglass, born June 8, 1797 Kentucky. (My g-g grandfather.) Married Catherine (Caty) Conover (Cownover) (covenhoven) born 1798 Kentucky. Married Aug. 15, 1822.

From my brother's record, our links go back to King Arthur Meriadoc King in the Isle of Avalon. Birth 0460 Tintagel Castle, Cornwall, England and died May 21, 0542, buried Glastonbury Abbey, Glastonbury, Somerset, England.

I haven't seen the total linkage but plan to check it later this month.

Best Regards, Michael
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
William Douglass above

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    Hi Michael,

    You are welcome! I do know that Elmore Douglass' father was born in Scotland...or so we think. I am on Ancestry. I will look and see what information I have on the family from Scotland and let you know.
    Everything I posted was going by memory which is why I did not have many dates.

    I will be back in touch soon!


  • John William Douglass

    Hello Michael and thanks for your note back in April.   Ok, so I can't get earlier than David Douglass born October 28,1801, married to Poly Chamberlain (born Feb 18, 1811).  Their son is John Fletcher Douglass, born March 17,1836, my direct ancestor as well.  According to my grandfather's geneological records prepared in the 1930's, David and Polly were married Feb 16, 1829 and online I see a certificate allowing them to marry issued Feb 14, 1829.  How can I get back further than David Douglass?   When I search I get a David Douglass married to a Mary a year or two later than my David, who has about 11 kids listed, one of whom is a John F. Douglass.  Very strange.  Thoughts anyone?

  • William Douglas

    One of the tasks on my to-do list is to make a directory of all those in the Douglas family who were blacksmiths.

    I have 'your' James here:  http://www.douglashistory.co.uk/history/jamesdouglas17.htm
