
Athens, GA

United States

Profile Information:

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
Captain Elmore Douglass Born in 1753 Culpepper, VA. He built what is now called the Douglass-Clark House in Gallatin, TN. He married Elizabeth "Betsy" Blakemore. They had several children including my 4th Great Grandmother Celia Douglass (married John Page) and Burchette Douglass. Elmore died in Oct. 8, 1819 in Tennessee.
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Edward Douglass III Born in 1644 Died 1698 Scotland

Comment Wall:

  • Michael D Douglass


    I am researching a William H. Douglass born in KY in 1797 and am wondering if you could provide any more descendant children of your Captain Elmore Douglass, Celia, or Burchette. In the meantime I will check the best census I can for them, it may help. Michael Douglass, Utah

  • Michael D Douglass

    Erika, WOW, that is great history. I'm glad you're still interested in the Douglass name. I think I was looking for more birth and death dates but I can research the census on names you gave me, and I appreciate that. I was more curious about any descendants from 1644 since there was a Douglass group that came from Scotland that could fit my ancestry. If you haven't been on it, is a good place to build a tree but has a continuing cost.  Best Regards and thanks for replying.