Drysdale Archives

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  • William Douglas

    video of the Thomas Drysdale and his wife Catherine White memorial stained glass window on visit to St Fillan's Church in Aberdour, Fife. John died in January, 1906, and Catherine in December, 1889. This window given by their children.

  • William Douglas

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale


    The Petition of John Toshen and Others
    March, 1785

    John Toshen, William Atkinson, Martin Lyons, John Mark Delesdernier, John Henderson, John Parsons, William Dryesdale, Jonathon Malcolm, Alexander Henderson, James Henderson, John Delesdernier … they are all inhabitants of Miramichie, they are informed that thirty families of Loyalists have obtaned 15,000 acres of land on this River. Your Memorialists claim a small Tract of Salt Marsh Lands on south side of River Miramichie called Kinadian Point, … have cleared, enclosed, and occuped said lands since 1777, and therefore ask that the land be granted to them.                                                                                        

    The Petition of Benjamin Marston
    August 15, 1785

    Alexander Wishart, Ship Master, Robert Reid, Cornel's Place, John Watson, Alexander Henderson, ask that John Tushie, who has acted as Pilot on this River since 1775, never lost a vessel, recommend him for Pilot, very active, sober and industrious man. Francis Harriman, Master of the Ship Viper, certifie that … have been piloted up and downe this River several times by this Mr. John Tushie.

    Thomas McKinnon, Ship Builder
    Thomas Yeomans
    William Drysdale
    William Coon
    William Brown

    (encl.) in a letter, Marston to Jonathon Odell

  • William Douglas

    John Drysdale, Storekeeper, played a key part in opening up Australia.

    See this Douglas newsletter>>>

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

  • William Douglas


    Can you link your family to the Badsey Drysdales?

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Badseys Drysdales ''The Medical Register of 1859 records John Drysdale as living at 44 Rodney Street, Liverpool, having qualified as M.D. in Edinburgh in 1838 '' These folks  this line of Drysdales were Doctors and such . 

     My direct line  were in Hulme , Manchester.

    In 1853 John Drysdale , my immigrant ancestor  was in Liverpool long enough to board the Elvira Owen to New Orleans  , then on to Utah,  with his 3 brothers , James , Thomas , and Andrew ...  John crossed the plains with the Moses Daley Freight Train, serving as a teamster, his brothers traveled with the Cryus Wheelock pioneer company. 

     From Utah , John Drysdale went to California in 1854, where he remained during the winter, coming back the next summer when Albert Sydney Johnson's army came to Utah.....Soon after this he located in Cedar Fort, where he had lived until his death.

    I have been looking back to see if I can find a connection further back , honestly I am still digging William .   

  • William Douglas

    David Drysdale starts new season promisingly in Hong Kong

    Read more at: https://www.scotsman.com/sport/golf/david-drysdale-starts-new-seaso...

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Got a family member who disappeared around Fife?
    Fife, Scotland, Asylum Registers, 1866-1937
    1.Andrew Drysdale
    2.Ann Drysdale
    3.Helen Drysdale
    4.Mary Drysdale
    5.Margaret Drysdale
    6.Elizabeth Anderson Drysdale
    7.Isabella Drysdale
    8.Agnes Drysdale
    9.Margaret Drysdale
    10.May Drysdale
    11.Isabella Drysdale
    12.Mary Drysdale
    13.John Drysdale
    14.Andr. H. Drysdale
    15.Anna Drysdale
    16.Elizabeth Drysdale
    17.John Drysdale

  • Martha Todd Drysdale

    Most of these names are members of my immediate family with the exception of maybe four names. What is this about  Fife asylum register?

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Martha , I don't have the subscription to access the fullness of the  information or possibly lack there of . 

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    1859-09-03THE Queen and the L,T.NT. day lately, when her Majesty was at Aldershott inspecting the camp, she became fatigued, and expressed a wish for a cup of tea. She accordingly, and without any ceremony, entered the nearest officer's tent, which chanced to be that of Lieutenant Drysdale, son of our respected town- clerk, Mr. Drysdale of Kilrie, and to him the desire of his Queen was made known. As was to be expected, the lieutenant found himself at first a little awkward suited for the reception of so distinguished a visitor, but the ease and homeliness, so to speak, of her Majesty quickly put all feeling of that kind to flight, and he proceeded to cover his humble table with the best cloth he had; and having handed out a soldier's I I tea things," he retired, leaving the august lady with her attendants to enjoy her cup.-Fifeshire Advertiser,

    <ref>{{cite web|url=https://hdl.handle.net/10107/4465266|title=Notitle - The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality|date=<ref>{{cite web|url=https://hdl.handle.net/10107/4465266|title=Notitle - The North Wales Chronicle and Advertiser for the Principality|date=1859-09-03|accessdate=2019-09-09|publisher=Kenmuir Whitworth Douglas}}</ref>|accessdate=2019-09-09|publisher=Kenmuir Whitworth Douglas}}</ref>

    Comment: I assume this to be William (1838-1902)  WHSD

  • William Douglas

    North Pitteadie ¾ Mile S. [South] of Balwearie. A comfortable farm house and out offices in good repair South of Balwearie the property of Mr. Drysdale Town Clerk of Kirkcaldy


  • William Douglas

    Twins born in Hulme about the same time as John, born 1837

    Baptism: 13 Aug 1845 St George, Hulme, Lancs.
    Henry Drysdale - Son of James Drysdale & Christiana (formerly Arnot)
        Born: 13 Aug 1845
        Abode: 4 Waltons Buildings, Sikes St., Hulme
        Occupation: Joiner
        Notes: Parent's House
        Parents' Marriage: Dunfermline Ch., Scotland, 1832
        Baptised by: Robert B. Davies
        Register: Baptisms 1835 - 1846, Page 281, Entry 2243
        Source: LDS Film 2113127
    Baptism: 13 Aug 1845 St George, Hulme, Lancs.
    Robert Drysdale - Son of James Drysdale & Christiana (formerly Arnot)
        Born: 13 Aug 1845
        Abode: 4 Waltons Buildings, Sikes St., Hulme
        Occupation: Joiner
        Notes: Parent's House
        Parents' Marriage: Dunfermline Ch., Scotland, 1832
        Baptised by: Robert B. Davies
        Register: Baptisms 1835 - 1846, Page 281, Entry 2244
        Source: LDS Film 2113127

  • William Douglas

    and another one

    Baptism: 7 Apr 1847 St George, Hulme, Lancs.
    William Drysdale - Son of James Drysdale & Christian [sic] Ann (formerly Arnot)
        Born: 6 Apr 1847
        Abode: 4 Waltons Buildings, Hulme
        Occupation: Joiner
        Place of Baptism: Parents house
        Parents' Marriage: Dumferlane, 1843
        Baptised by: William Whitelegg
        Register: Baptisms 1846 - 1853, Page 44, Entry 352
        Source: LDS Film 2113127

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    According  to John His mothers name was  Margaret Arnott  born 1815 , listed in pioneers and  prominent men of Utah as Margarate Arnold . A Christian  or Christina Drysdale and James Drysdale shown up in Salt Lake Valley some years later she was way older than James .

    Comment: Interesting and confusing!

    I have (below) a James Drysdale, b1810 and a Christina Arnot b1814, who married in Dunfermline in 1832.  Their children were baptised in Hulme, same place as John was born.  WHSD

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale


    Margaret Arnot