Drysdale Archives

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  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Cemetery Records
    Compiled by Ronald S. Cook [Cook is a relative of Rose Minnette Drysdale and Freemont Cook]
    08-05-02 NAME: John Drysdale CODES: AF, OR
    BORN: 08 Oct 1837 Manchester, Lancashire, England
    DIED: 04 Apr 1912, Cedar Fort, Utah, Utah
    PARENTS: Margaret Arnot and James Drysdale
    SPOUSE: Emma Clark, Married July 8, 1861, Cedar Fort, Utah, Utah
    CHILDREN: Margaret Elizabeth, b. 16 May 1962; Mary Jane, b. 28 May
    1864; James, b. 1 May 1867; John Thomas, b. 12 Apr 1869; Andrew Clair,
    b. 12 Aug 1871; Emma Lenore, b. 16 Apr 1874; Henry Randolph, b. 27 Jun
    1876; Rose Monetta, b. 20 Sep 1878; Annie Adeline, b.13 Dec 1881.
    (Emma, b. 1865, d. 1872?)
    MARKER: Upright gray polished granite marker approximately 40" wide
    10" think and 30" high setting on a white granite base. Writing on the
    marker as follows:
    West side: *Flowers between Mother & Father
    1845 C 1919 1837 C 1912
    East side:
    HENRY R.
    1876 - 1915
    1867 - 1872
    JOHN T
    1869 - 1872
    MARY J.
    1864 - 1872
    HISTORY: (See: Peterson, Margery J., OUR ROOTS GROW DEEP - A History
    of Cedar Valley, 2nd ed., [American Fork, Utah, 2003] "John and Emma
    Clark Drysdale", p 15:154)
    OBITUARY: DRYSDALE B John Drysdale, an early pioneer of Cedar Fort,
    died at his home in that place April 4. Mr. Drysdale was born Oct. 10,
    1837. He came to Utah in 1853. He crossed the ocean in the ship Elvira
    Owen in a company of emigrants in charge of Elder John R. Winder. He
    went to California in 1854, where he remained during the winter,
    coming back the next summer when Johnson's army came to Utah. He
    located first at Bountiful and later moved to Clearfield. He was in
    the Tintic war and took part in the skirmish in which George and
    Washburn Carson were killed. Soon after this episode he located in
    Cedar Fort, where he had lived until his death. He married Emma Clark
    July 8, 1861, and to them were born nine children, six of whom, and
    his widow, survive him. He had been a prominent citizen and took part
    in many religious and secular affairs in the community. (Deseret News
    15 May 1912

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Back row left to right : Margaret,Andrew,Emma,Henry, Front row left to right John Drysdale, Emma Clark , Anne and Rose


  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    KILLED BY A FALLING HOUSE. The house , No. 21, Britannia street, Hoxton, London, has fallen down, killing one person and injuring three others. The adjoining house having been pulled down for the purpose of rebuilding, the workmen have for days past been briskly engaged in digging of the foundation, A Mrs. Mills and her babe were rescued from out of the window by means of a ladder, and removed to the adjoining house; but Eilen Mills , before she could be got out, had a guaranty of mortar fall on to her head, which injured her to such an extent that, she was at once taken in a cab to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. Two other children, who also received injuries,were taken to the hospital. Unfortunately Frances Drysdale, aged 60, was coming clown stairs when the house fell in, and she was buried beneath the debris . A body of police and Laborers were quickly on the spot, who at once set to work, and after some time the body was recovered quite dead and much mutilated .
    The Merthyr Telegraph and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales
    12th April 1878

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    The engineering community was ninety per cent.Scotch, and even in the Dutch lines there were B.I.S.N. Co.'s steamers, on loan to the Netherlands Government, Officered on deck by Dutch and in the engine-room by Scotch, a combination which proved a great success, and ran smoothly for many years. We were a merry crowd, mostly all hailing from the Clyde.The first meeting to form an Engineers' Association was presided over by Jackson Millar, who was at that time a partner in Riley, Hargreaves and Co., who still hold the record for the largest steel steamer built in Singapore,the Sarie Borneo
    excerpt from '' Awakening old memories'' , by JH Drysdale

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    http://www.douglashistory.co.uk/famgen/search.php?mylastname=DRYSDA...        other variant spellings listed , Thank you William Douglas .

  • William Douglas

    Acting Lieutenant Colonel Douglas Drysdale M.B.E.


  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Douglas Burns Drysdale ,for further info  about 2 pages back there are posts from  July 9, 2016  and a pdf called Train Wreckers and Ghost Killers-Allied Marines in the Korean War PCN 19000410700_2.pdf

  • William Douglas

    New entry in Wikipedia - Princess Adelina de Colonna, Duchess of Rignano (born Adelina Munro Drysdale

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Adelina is a relative of Fransisco Dean  from the Juan and Joseph Drysdale group of Argentina .

    >>>There are many Scots in Argentina. I am fascinated as to why it was so attractive as a place to settle  -  William

  • William Douglas

    Local hero

  • William Douglas

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    If you try to download the link William has posted below in regards to fife family history  below....

    Numerous mentions of the family here:  https://electricscotland.com/history/articles/fifefamilyhistories.pdf 

    you may receive this message and no pdf ...

    The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    However , look at your User Reference Lable  , notice that past the .pdf

       %C2%A0 has been added  after .pdf

       simply cut %C2%A0 

       off and download 

  • William Douglas

    DRYSDALE. Andrew Knox Drysdale. Appointed assistant-surgeon, to the 79th, November, 1854; surgeon, 10th of May, 1864. Died 10th of September, 1869 He served with the 79th
    Highlanders in the Eastern campaign of 1854-55, including the battles of Alma and Balaclava, and the siege of Sebastopol.
    (Medal with three clasps, and Turkish medal.)

    Served in the Indian campaign of 1858-59, including the siege and fall of Lucknow. (Medal and clasp.)

    Extracted from the Historical records of the 79th Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Collections toward , A history of the County of Clackmannan , no.1 parish of Clackmannan ... interesting 

    If a person is described as being 'in' property, this a means that this person is a tenant to a feudal superior and is not the owner of the property. This can be misleading as sometimes persons 'in' a place have quite vast estates but of course are tenants because they are renting their estate from a feudal superior.  -Ed.

  • William Douglas

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    http://www.genealogywise.com/group/drysdalearchives/page/obituary-d...                                  OBITUARY DM DRYSDALE Liverpool  has lost a whole souled and untiring Christian worker in the death of Mr Donald Munro Drysdale of the firm of Drysdale Brothers timber and stave merchants 168 Regent Road Liverpool who passed away at Mentone in the south of France on Christmas Eve [full obit]

  • William Douglas

    Georgina Claire Maitland nee Drysdale who m 1984 Robert Ramsay Maitland, uncle of and hp to Sir Charles Alexander Maitland, 10th baronet, has been appointed Vice Lord-Lieutenant of Kincardineshire

     Robert Ramsay Maitland, b.14 Jul 1956; m.16 Jun 1984 Georgina Claire Drysdale

    1i) Harry Robert, b.1986

    2i) Cara Claire, b.1989

    3i) Anna Victoria, b.1991

    4i) John Richard, b.1992

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Drysdale, William, Bookseller, Montreal, was born in the city of Montreal on the 17th of April, 1847. His father, Adam Drysdale, was a native of Dunfermline, Scotland, settled in Canada many years ago, and for a long time held a position in the civil service of Canada, conferred upon him by the late Lord Elgin. His grandfather was one of the first persons to engage in the shipping trade between Scotland and Canada, especially to the port of Montreal. William Drysdale, the subject of our sketch, was educated at Montreal, in the school conducted by Mr. Hicks, who afterwards became the first principal of the Normal School in that city. Here he received a thorough commercial training, but owing to the serious illness of his father at the time, he was prevented from taking a classical course. After leaving school he entered the office of the late John Dougall, who was then publishing the Weekly Witness, and also carrying on a book business. Young Drysdale was given almost the entire charge of the book branch, which he conducted to the satisfaction of his employer. After a short time he entered the service of another bookseller, Mr. Grafton, with whom he remained for ten years, and was the confidential manager of the firm. In 1874 he commenced business on his own account, and owing to his early training and urbanity of manner soon acquired a business that is now second to none in the Dominion. His business relations extend from Gaspé to British Columbia. He has already published a number of important Canadian works that are of great value, in a historical sense, to the country at large. Mr. Drysdale, having strictly confined himself to business, has not had much time to devote to political affairs. He is in no sense a party man, but he takes a broad view of things generally. As a private citizen he, however, always takes an active part in whatever tends to improve his native city and help his fellow-citizens. He is on the executive of the following:—Society for the Protection of Women and Children, the Dominion Temperance Alliance, Boys’ Home (of which he is treasurer), Numismatic and Antiquarian Society, a life member of the Mechanics’ Institute, governor of the Montreal Dispensary, and is one of the most active promoters of the Protestant Hospital for the Insane. Mr. Drysdale is a member of the Presbyterian church, and is a superintendent of one of the Sunday schools. He was married in 1888 to Mary Mathie Wales, daughter of the late Charles Wales, merchant, of St. Andrews East.





     page 794 

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

  • William Douglas

    When in London earlier in the week I came across Drysdale Street and Drysdale Court.  So far, I have found no information as to why they are so named, but did turn up a couple of interesting histories:
    •  Bertha Drysdale 1861-1943: https://www.badseysociety.uk/people/drysdale/bertha-john-mortimer-r...
    • Drysdale and Co of Bon Accord Works, Ferry Road, Yoker, Glasgow: Drysdale and Co of Bon Accord Works, Ferry Road, Yoker, Glasgow

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    I have no knowledge of the namesake  for Drysdale Street in London . However, Just off Drysdale street , is a Drysdale place . Apparently Drysdale Court is a building - Bertha Drysdale is a wealth of information connected with the Badsey and Wickhamford communities , Her family are the ones the LDS constantly connect my line to her John James Drysdale relative ... William do Medical Doctors raise their children to feed cattle and sheep or produce charcoal ?  Once again LDS failure at dictating the narrative on who is who .

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    The Drysdale story as told in a 1989 Australian newsletter: That's  that guys opinion, myself  I maintain a different opinion, basically - a fairytale is a fairytale. 

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    William , This is the only article I found connecting the  Consul Thomas Cochrane Drysdale to oil ... ChatGPT told a fib [two or more] scroll to the right  

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    TCDrysdale state almanac for the kingdom of the NL 1861                                              [In highlite yellow]

  • Ronald Drysdale

    Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on May 28, 2019 at 3:15
    Martha , I don't have the subscription to access the fullness of the information or possibly lack there of .

    An old comment from Russell about Asylum Registers perhaps, but the site below does have quite a bit of free useful information on both Drysdale & Douglas in-patients on their General Register of Lunatics: 


    The info is in text format with the possibility of purchasing images.

    The site also has other records, generally dating from the 1800s


  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Thank you Ronald Drysdale for the General Register Link , I probably should have followed up on that, and I didn't. 

  • William Douglas

    I would have thought that the gravemarker was a reasonable bit of evidence, but perhaps not

    Suggested Edits Declined


    The following suggested edits you submitted for the William Drysdale (1776–1843) Find a Grave memorial have been declined.

    Reported Problem:

    Suggestion does not match information I have for this person or memorial.


    William Drysdale (127413994)





    Birth Date:



  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    William Douglas,I concur with your findings,

    I have as well sent a suggestion to the person managing Sir William Drysdales memorial on find a grave -and your suggestion was noted , but the birth day month and year have been locked by the person who controls it. - In my eyes the book references many other people whereas the stone is a singular representation , made by a craftsman, with pay dependent on end product, and math never hurts... been over a month and no acknowledgement of the request even being recieved. 

  • Ronald Drysdale

    Hi Russell,

    Maybe if you provide some additional evidence supporting the 1781 birth date the powers at Find-a-Grave will deign to reconsider (or maybe not!)

    I have enclosed 2 files for your info:

    1841 scottish census showing Wm Drysdale aged 60 living at Royal Circus Edin.

    1781 birth record for Williamm Drysdale at Kirkaldy, Fife.

    A link to an article about William Drysdales family at 8 Royal Circus Edinburgh with the following detail: " .....He was the fourth son of Sir William Drysdale (1781-1843) and his mother was Elizabeth Pew, or Lady Drysdale......."





  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    One or two guys making noise about this won't cut it. With Billion Graves or Findagrave, Family Search uses findagrave, I have no access to FS, Ronald you do however- I would suggest a composition of facts , and an email from Douglas Archives , CDSNA , Drysdale Archives letter to Brigham Young University pointing out that their International Non-Profit Organization is spreading mis-information found on findagrave and billion graves. I know they [ LDS ]have told lie after lie about my immediate family-but thats my axe to grind, this campaign of disinformation needs to stop. American Tax dollars fund this FS.We can include a few senators Cc just so they get the point.

  • Ronald Drysdale


    I've just now put in a request to Find-a-Grave to amend William Drysdale's Birth date, this request is now 'pending', I've also uploaded ScotlandsPeople birth and death records and the 1841 Census as 'photos' to this site. So we can see what happens next. Give it a week or two.


  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Ronald I put in a request to Findagrave on Thursday [06/13/2024] right after yours. They seem to be ''processing a backlog''          Thank you for contacting Find a Grave.
    We have received your email. We're currently processing a backlog and will get back to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, please check out our support site, which has detailed instructional articles and answers to frequently asked questions. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

    So I wrote support as well- and the Harold B. Lee Library at BYU.

  • Ronald Drysdale


    I thought I would contact Lauren on Find-a-Grave to check how my suggested edits were progressing, but it seems that she is no longer accepting messages. 

    It would appear that Lauren has decided to stick with her position and is battening down the hatches.

    So I thought I would upload Sir William's official ScotlandsPeople burial record to the Find-a-Grave website. This record shows that Sir William Drysdale died from Dysentery in 1843 at the age of 62. 

    Best regards

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    As I said Harold b Lee at BYU  from the top down... one has to accept messages last I read the rules on there.

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    After numerous consultations with Ronald,3 letters to Lauren and 1 to Harold B  Lee library at BYU, 4 more to F.A.G. support-the powers that be transferred Sir William Drysdale memorial to myself. William or Ronald- what have you seen as far as his Military standing ? I am currently working from my cellphone- no power.

  • William Douglas

    East of Scotland Growers merges with R&K Drysdales

  • Ronald Drysdale

    Hi Russell,

    You previously asked about Military connections to Sir William Drysdale of Pittenchar and gave me a link to Lieutenant-General Sir William Drysdale KCB.


    It seems that this gentleman was the nephew of Sir William - via his brother Major James Drysdale:

    National Library of Scotland - British Military lists


    There is also another military gentleman of note in this family line (yet another William) - a Lt. Col. William Drysdale - who was the great nephew of Sir William, via his brother John Drysdale of Kilrie. He died in France in WW1 in the battle of the Somme:

    He has an interesting web page on the find-a-grave website (2 separate entries) which also includes details of his son - Wing Commander James Kenneth Montague Drysdale who died in WW2 when his wellington Bomber was shot down during a raid on Le Havre in France in 1941






    Best regards

  • William Douglas

    This has probably been shared before, but I cannot see it, so:

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    https://www.royalmarineshistory.com/post/lt-colonel-drysdale-royal-... It seems- This article has been sourced directly from this page and the collective commitments in re DB Drysdale. If you scroll down ... 

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

  • William Douglas

    From the July 1987 Clan Douglas Australian newsetter:

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Drisdalen [ Swedish ] I had never heard of this before today , more to look into it seems. Here's the little I have seen so far ... Extracted from a article called ''the People'' [no one listed is Drysdale , just  apparently a farm] Dridalen is referenced 17 times on this link-- Tekla Linnea Natalia Andreasson, born in 1898 in Masthugget parish in Gothenburg, moves from the Haga district to Drisdalen in 1920.Carl Börjesson, who worked as an agricultural laborer all his life and who cleared and farmed the small rental farm Drisdalen for himself and his family and lived there for almost 50 years, dies in September 1937, aged 88, from a cerebral haemorrhage--Torpet Drisdalen marked as Dristan on the district map from 1897 is now deserted according to a report in 1965--Carl Börjesson in Drisdalen.-- The place is named Drisdalen, also called Dristan. The croft was located in a valley by the stream that flows south from Stora Drisstjärnen - Stora Drisstjarmen according to Google translate ''Big Driss star''

    Source: http://www.vattlefjall.net/manniskorna.htm

  • Ronald Drysdale

    This could be all that remains of the long lost tribe.........

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Ronald, yes it is a quandary. Look at this link, https://www4.isof.se/NAU/bilder/_s1px001/223111b1.htm , Using Ctrl+F search the data for '' Dris '' returns 19 locationsin different locationson the page..


  • William Douglas

    Memorial in St Mary's Churchyard, Haddington, Scotland~

  • William Douglas

    We may already know about Denise:

  • Russell Lynn Drysdale

    Denise isn't hard to find , kind of like Cliff Drysdale, Don Drysdale, Kate Drysdale Rob Drysdale - all well accomplished individuals each in their own right... Do we know about Charlton Heston ?? As I recall his greatgrandmother was Mary Drysdale 1836-1913 daughter of Alexander Drysdale & Catherine Frazier.

  • William Douglas

    Charlton Heston was born John Charles Carter in No Man's Land, Illinois,  the son of Lilla (née Charlton) and Russell Whitford Carter, a mill operator. In his autobiography, Heston refers only to his father participating in his family's construction business. Heston was of English and Scottish descent and a member of the Fraser clan.

    His great grandmother was Mary Drysdale, wife of James Charlton.

    Mary was the daughter of Alexander Drysdale, born about 1804 and Catherine Frazier, died before 1871

  • William Douglas

    I clipped this image of the village - and captured this trailer