The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

Russell Lynn Drysdale
  • Male
  • Lexington, VA
  • United States
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Russell Lynn Drysdale's Friends

  • Robert Leslie McKay
  • A Chapman
  • Anne Spick
  • Terry Douglas Irons
  • Kerry Bryant
  • EllieEliza
  • Wilma Hamilton-van der Garde
  • Ronald Drysdale
  • Maureen
  • Mikko Salomaa
  • Christopher Duncan Drysdale
  • Diana Davies
  • James Izatt
  • Werner Conde Zurek de Grotów

Russell Lynn Drysdale's Discussions

Freeman Cook Rose Drysdale

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Dec 3, 2024. 1 Reply

Exerpt  from History - Town of Magrath ...'' Magrath was established in 1899 by settlers sent by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Utah and Idaho. These Mormon settlers were recruited by the Alberta Railway and Irrigation Company…Continue

William Drysdale of Mount Sterling Kentucky, Father of James Drysdale of Rush County

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Aug 13, 2024. 2 Replies

William Drysdale was born near Mount Sterling, Kentucky, July 17, 1815; died at Virginia April 7th, 1898. He moved to Rush county, Ind, and in 1887 he married Miss Elizabeth Earnest  who died in 1879. To this union 13 children were born. In 1866 he…Continue

Tags: Kentucky, Sterling, Mount, Drysdale, William

JAMES DRYSDALE of Rush county, Indiana

Started Oct 1, 2023 0 Replies

....JAMES DRYSDALE.The subject of this scetch was born in Rush county, Indiana, in 1843; was the third child of William and Elizabeth (Ernest) Drvsdale. The former was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, in 1815, and was of Scotch descent, and…Continue

Tags: Drysdale, Montgomery, Kentucky, William, Indiana

Samuel Irvine Dryadale of Jessamine County, Kentucky

Started Sep 21, 2023 0 Replies

. Samuel Irvine Dryadale.. .Died, In this city, Tuesday, August 13th, Samuel Irvine Drysdale, aged 79 years, 5 months and 21 days. Mr. Drysdale was bom in Jessamine county, Kentucky, February 22, 1822; was married to Miss Belinda Porter Ingram, of…Continue

Tags: County, Kentucky, Jessamine, of, Irvine

The devil called Peter Drysdale

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Jul 15, 2023. 2 Replies

While in British Columbia, I had a tale related to me by an Acadian - an old story about a devil , dressed in all black with cloven hooves -He looked like any other man except his feet- One night the local folks had a dance and the devil dressed in…Continue

Tags: Hooves, Cloven, PeterDrysdale

Penkridge ...

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Apr 20, 2023. 1 Reply

...''Railways and Roads The Grand Junction railway on the northern part of the line from London to Manchester and Liverpool passes through or near the towns of Walsall Bilston Wolverhampton Penkridge and Stafford and through the district the…Continue

80 Drysdale men counted at 1541 weapon show

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Jan 15, 2023. 1 Reply

Encyclopedia BritannicaWAPENSHAW (M.E. for “weapon-show”), a periodical muster or review of troops formerly held in every district in Scotland, the object having been to satisfy the military chiefs that the arms of their retainers were in good…Continue

Tags: Drumlanrig, 1541, Annandale, of, Douglas


Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Nov 3, 2022. 3 Replies


Simplified view vs. Desktop view in a group

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Jan 14, 2020. 3 Replies

Show simplified view.... in the group Drysdale Archives this simplified view simply leaves out most information posted there…Continue

Thursday , July 18th 2019

Started this discussion. Last reply by Russell Lynn Drysdale Dec 15, 2020. 2 Replies

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections. For Myself , Sept name , Drysdale, in particular , William Drysdale and wife Helen Renny both [supposedly] born 1730s , Dunfermline , Fife , [supposedly] married Jan…Continue

Tags: Rennij, and, Drijsdale


Russell Lynn Drysdale

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Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's group Drysdale Archives
"Click on the below it will open in a full screen or at least it does for me."
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's group Drysdale Archives
Ronald Drysdale commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's group Drysdale Archives
"Excellent sleuthing Russell! Some previously unknown and very early 'Dryfesdale' type Drysdales, who are landowners in Annandale ln 1531. Best regards"
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's group Drysdale Archives
" Andro Driuisdale, Alexander Dryuisdale, 1531 Be it kend till all men be thir present letteres ws Thomas Newale, Johnne Newale, Andro Driuisdale, Alexander Dryuisdale, Andro Croket for to have gewin the rycht and kyndnes of our malingis of…"
Russell Lynn Drysdale liked Russell Lynn Drysdale's page Clever Mr.Gibson
Mar 19
Russell Lynn Drysdale liked Ronald Drysdale's discussion Another Medieval Drysdale has turned up - 1377 Carlisle
Mar 19
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's group Drysdale Archives
Mar 19
William Douglas commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's group Drysdale Archives
"Some tidbits:• The Castle Campbell Hall was built by William Drysdale in 1820 as a woollen mill. In 1865 it was converted into a meeting hall and was known as the Volunteer Hall. • members of the Archibald, Paton and Drysdale families were…"
Mar 19
Ronald Drysdale liked Russell Lynn Drysdale's page Clever Mr.Gibson
Mar 18
Ronald Drysdale commented on Russell Lynn Drysdale's page Clever Mr.Gibson in the group Drysdale Archives
"I think that Mr Gibson was not totally sold on the '1503 story' and knew very well what he was doing when he set out the page and paragraph headings in his book - Reminiscences of Dollar etc. Not wanting to offend Robert Drysdale, the…"
Mar 18
Russell Lynn Drysdale added a page to the group Drysdale Archives

Clever Mr.Gibson

Diane [nee Drysdale] Monteith pointed this out  Page 203 ROMANTIC STORY OF DRYSDALE FAMILY   From a very old document that has been put into my hands I find Mr Drysdale can trace his genealogy back to the beginning of the sixteenth century I…
Mar 18
Russell Lynn Drysdale posted a photo
Mar 18
Russell Lynn Drysdale replied to Ronald Drysdale's discussion The origins of the surname Drysdale in the group Drysdale - a Douglas sept
Mar 1
Russell Lynn Drysdale replied to Ronald Drysdale's discussion Ingebald's Castle 1100s in the group Drysdale Archives
" Clan Jardine's page on Electric Scotland says  ...''As far as can be ascertained there was no one with the surname of Gardine or Jardine in the first half of…"
Feb 25
Russell Lynn Drysdale replied to Ronald Drysdale's discussion Ingebald's Castle 1100s in the group Drysdale Archives
"I am sorry to hear of their loss, my Condolences go out to the family."
Feb 25
Russell Lynn Drysdale replied to Ronald Drysdale's discussion Ingebald's Castle 1100s in the group Drysdale Archives
" ...''Another of these castles was at Applegarth, on the banks of the river Annan and just some 2 miles NE of theBruce's’ castle at…"
Feb 23
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on William Douglas's blog post Are all Sawny's evil?
Feb 21
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on William Douglas's blog post No Title
" $125.oo USD Yeah too rich for my blood as well."
Feb 21
Russell Lynn Drysdale commented on William Douglas's blog post Are all Sawny's evil?
"William, I know of one other Sawney. A Saponi Indian who had a few choice words on the subject of Lt. Governor Hugh Drysdale while he was drunk, Sawney was a Alexander Spotswood fan. Source: Archive Division, Virginia State Library, Richmond, VA,…"
Feb 17
Russell Lynn Drysdale posted photos
Feb 15

Profile Information

Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
William Drysdale and wife Helen Renny for myself .
Who is your earliest known Douglas ancestor?
Sept name Drysdale
Tags/keywords - used to help people find you
Orvin Dick Drysdale jr. / sr.
dna haplotype

Tags/keywords - used to help people find you

DRYSDALE , Arnott , Jackson, Clark , Pearson , Brook , Robinson , Hobson , Jeffs , Walker , Phillips , Cutler , Buckley , Fielding . Kipling , Pounder , MacKie , Beveridge  ,     Henderson ,  Renny  , Rainy , Rennie  

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Comment Wall (29 comments)

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At 2:43 on January 17, 2024, Kerry Bryant said…
Thankyou Russell 🤗
At 9:40 on November 20, 2023, EllieEliza said…
Hi Russell, thanks for the message. That’s great! Are you able to provide me with the email address please? If you have any information on that line of the Douglas family please let me know. Many thanks!
At 14:55 on October 4, 2023, Wilma Hamilton-van der Garde said…

Thank you Russel!

have to find out how it works all. But I signed in because I was confronted with a picture of the Drysdales and my aunt Sonja Sauerbier (who is the unknown person).searching more I got more and more flabbergasted because i saw the death certificate of my grandmother Eleonore Drysdale married to J.F. Sauerbier. and another registration card on which my grandparents and their children of whom my mother is Frieda!  
Then all the names from the Drysdale's mentioned: Tom, Suze,Ben , Boy, Dee Edith,

uncle and aunt and cousins to my mother, by me all addressed as uncles and aunties.

a bit overwhelming this . So bisar more… there is a scan from a newspaper stating an orphanage in Batavia during the war in which is mentioned a Miss Drysdale? That was my great aunt “ tante Ellie” Manuela Drysdale. Sister of Eleonore and Tom Drysdale.

long story , very excited to learn where you got all these documents and how you are connected .

In all my excitement totally forgot to introduce myself: My name is Wilma van der Garde, married to Hans Hamilton born and raised in The Hague In The Netherlands now living in Veenendaal in the middle of the Netherlands. 

so far for now, think many more questions will pop up🙂

kind regards

Wilma Hamilton

At 21:01 on September 25, 2023, Richard William Maginis Douglas said…

Thanks Russ!

At 19:51 on September 23, 2023, Richard William Maginis Douglas said…

Nice job Russell, I was looking for a way to accomplish it and didn't see it!


Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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