A collection of historical and genalogical records
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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Ah! Yes! He was President of The Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association (LVMA) from 1925 - 1927. Married to Marie 'Lou' Bertaut Douglass:
Douglass - Marie 'Lou' Bertaut Douglass On Sunday, February 23, 2003 At 10:50pm, Wife Of The Late Dr. Frank Joseph Douglass, Jr., D.V.M., Beloved Mother Of Frank J. Douglass, Iii, Sissy Roniger, Ann Menard, Dan F. Douglass, Tom A. Douglass, Jeanne Madere And S. Ed Douglass, Sister Of Lynn Bertaut, Alvin Bertaut, And The Late Olive Burke, Helen Parker, Ernest, Fred, Folse And Laurie Bertaut, Daughter Of The Late Marie Alice Folse Bertaut And Fred Bertaut, Also Survived By 18 Grandchildren And 3 Great Grandchildren. Age 87 Years, A Native Of St. James Parish, La And A Resident Of Metairie, La For The Past 75 Years. Relatives Friends, Also Members Of Raphael Semmes Chapter Of United Daughters Of The Confederacy, East Jefferson Hospital Auxiliary, United Daughters Of 1812, Louisiana Colonials, Jefferson And Louisiana Historical Society And Association, National Society Of Southern Dames Of America, Jefferson Parish Retired Teachers Association, Alpha Delta Chapter Of Delta Kappa Gamma Society International, Jefferson Geneological Society, Metairie/ Gretna Branch University Women, Metairie High School Alumni Association, Antique Study Group, Confederate Memorial Hall Foundation, Friends Of Lafreniere Park, Parlimentary Procedure Association, Auxiliary To The Greater New Orleans Veterinary Medical Association Are Invited To Attend The Visitation And Funeral. A Funeral Mass Will Be Celebrated At St. Catherine Of Siena Catholic Church, 105 Bonnabel Blvd., Metairie La On Thursday,February 27, 2003 At 12:00 Noon Followed By Interment In Greenwood Cemetery. Visitation At The ChurchBeginning At 10:00 Am Until Mass Time On Thursday. Arrangements By Jacob Schoen And Son Funeral Home.Times Picayune 02-26-2003
Frank, Welcome to our community network.
Can you put dates and places to Frank Joseph senior? You grandfather?
I am sure I should know, but what does DVM stand for?
Yours aye,