The Douglas Archives

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I have looked for many years for the ancestors of Archibald Douglas b:ca 1665 in Scotland/d:29 Feb 1728 in Kent Co., Colony of Delaware . 

Many researchers report he went to America via Ireland after the death of his brother John in the "Scottish Skirmishes"  Archibald reportedly gave his holding to his sister Lady Douglas who was married to a Lord. 

My current are of interest is John Douglas of Newcastle who's daughter married Sir William "12th of Cavers" Douglas and then Lord Andrew Hume.

Comments anyone?


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I have collected some information on John of Newcastle here:

and here:

I would welcome additions and /or corrections.


I cannot help with Archibald - sorry.

Thanks for your response.  I have already reviewed this information and in fact you are the source of the theory I'm working on.  I believe Elizabeth could be John's daughter from an earlier marriage in Scotland.  I'm having a hard time reconcilling the movement of John to Newcastle by the mid 1670's, his marriage to Alice (from the same area) and Elizabeth's marriages in Scotland.

From birth/baptism records we find Alice and John had the following children.

John 1680

Michael 1682

William 1684

Jane 1687

Oley 1688

Anne 1690

Joshua 1692

Daniel 1694

Robert 1694


Some researchers show the birth of Elizabeth as ca 1678.  I can't determine if it is estimated based on Andrew's age or if it is proven.  Other researchers show Lady Douglas, sister to Archibald was born about 1667. Again. estimated or proven is unclear.


I keep looking.  Having this forum started will help get questions looked into


Thanks again

Have now found Elizabeth is in fact the daughter of John and Alice (married 2 May 1675 in Jarrow, Durham, Eng).  She was Christened 10 Sep 1676 in Newcastle

Two more siblings found:

James 1677

Mary 1679


Christening dates source:  Ancestry.con---All England, Select Births and Christenings, 1538-1975

Ah!  I had not made the connection.

You are suggesting that Lady Douglas, sister of Archibald, is Elizabeth, daughter of John of Newcastle, I think?

And that John, b1680 is the John who was killed in the "Scottish Skirmishes"?  That story can be read here: and elsewhere, presumably. This infers he was a Lord. That would appear to be unlikely. It also puts his date of birth at about 1665, which seems early when compared to John, b1680.

But, let us assume that John (senior) moved to Newcastle in about 1670 (He was known to be closely associated with Newcastle's company of Hostmen in  the 1670s). He must have maintained his Scottish contacts for his daughter to be able to marry into nobility. So maybe his sons John and Archibald also were involved in Scottish politics c1710?  And I wonder what skirmishes were happening at about this time?

Lots to search for.  Could be fun!


It appears to me  (if the researchers are correct) that that "Lady Douglas who married Lord Home" and Elizabeth of John who married Andrew Hume are one in the same. I've have reviewed the site you listed several times.  It was only when I linked this site was I able to tie this Theory together.  The hard part is that many researchers don't source the information and you can't tell the validity.

I'm inclined to be doubtful that John b:1680 and Archibald's brother John are one in the same, but who knows.  I haven't been able to find anything out about JOHN.

The Douglas family seemed to always be at war with someone. I have read a little about uprisings in 1715 and/or 1718.  At least one researcher indicates (I read somewhere) that Archibald may well have split for Ireland (and then America) after being on the losing side of the 1718 uprising.  This document put a higher value on that theory that anything about Archibald getting tired of the deaths in his family.

Also, the only evidence that Archibald is a "Lord" is found on the tombstone of is son Andrew.  The Tombstone in St John's Cemetery at Compass in Chester Co., PA reads:

        Esqr. Andrew son of Lord Douglass

It has been reported that the man that cut Andrew's stone for Edward Douglass, knew that Archibald was a Lord by title given to him before he left Scotland.


It has been a

In the book  “George I” by Ragnhild Marie Hatton on page 177, reference is made to Battle that was or did take place around Newcastle in around Nov 1715:

"but in the Northeast of England, a sizable number rallied round Thomas Forster, a county member of the House of Commons, and the Jacobite Lords Derwentwater and Widdrington.   Though they failed to take Newcastle by surprise, they were joined by lowlanders under the Scottish Loards Kenmuir, Nithsdale, Carnwath, and Wintoun and a detachment of highlanders sent by Mar.

This battle and or others around this time, could fit with the possibility of John being killed and Archibald moving on to Ireland and ultimately to America.

I just joined, so I'm not yet able to upload items that I have on this, my family. I am a direct lineal descendant of the sister/daughter/aunt Douglas that married Conrad Bacher Rutter. Andrew and Jean (daughter of Lord Ross?) Douglas were witnesses to Conrad's will which I have a copy of.
I am currently looking @ both Ulster Plantation and Quaker Douglas's based on information from Lytle and Hoge portions of my family.
The major question is this. Where would a member of Francis Daniel Pastorious's retinue meet the supposed daughter of a Lord Douglas? Andrew their oldest was born prior to coming to America, so how did they connect?
Is it possible that the Sir William Douglas with wife of Ulster Plantation is the William with the Huegenot wife? Or/and the Douglas who fought in Ireland for the King? Many of the Quakers came from Ireland. Lloyd (tied to Penn and Pennsylvania) was on the ship America with Rutter and Pastorious. I think that the link is there some where.

Sorry it took so long to respond.  I'm an intermittent researcher.

If Archibald was in fact a "Lord", he would have been rubbing elbows with these folks at some time soon after his arrival in about 1725.

While I can't personally validate the dates, according to most of the research I have seen ,  Andrew, son of Andrew and Jean (Jane) Ross was born in around 1728 (probably Penn colony).  They appear to have an older son George born in Pequea, Salisbury Twp, Berks Co, Penn Colony on 25 Mar 1726 ,

These dates  (if correct) show that Andrew got to the colonies in time to meet Jean (Jane) Ross and have these children.


Have no idea whether you are still researching this family line, but interested in newer information that might be available about Archibald and Ireland. I have two close Y-DNA matches that track back to Archibald through Thomas Douglas and Margaret McConnell. I see no family connection, but my dead end is a recorded James Douglas, my 4th G-Grandfather born c. 1720 in N. Ireland. If Archibald was in N. Ireland prior to leaving for America, that might be the connection.

Bill Douglas


Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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