The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

Hello All-- Been a member here for awhile but never posted or did anything so here it is. A new day!

My DOUGLAS side is based in Virginia (Northern Neck)----and the people who work on this side are all stuck int eh same place. SO here it goes---

RANDAL(L) DOUGLAS(S), Sr. died about 1730 in Richmond County.

We know he had three sons---John Douglas born 1701 in St. Stephens Parish and Died in 1778

Randal(l) Douglas (s) born 1703  no death date 

Thomas Douglas born 1706

Their mother was Elizabeth ???? who died about 1709in New Farham Parish

We know he arrived sometime between 1655 and 1705 and never located his name on any registers

He is named in the will of RICE WILLIAMS 

His sons --John and Randall were sent to serve with Thomas Wiliams and his wife Frances

In 1722 Randall witnessed a property sale between Francis Settle and Rice & Mary Williams

That is where we are-----

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In county Fermanagh, Randall and Marke are Ellot forenames. In Co. Tyrone, they are surnames. Migration found from Tyrone to Fermanagh, of the 1610 Tyrone muster to the 1630 muster of Hamilton-Anglican lands. Family most likely in America Episcopalian. If they are Presbyterian would look towards, Argyll, it could be and Anglicization of the Scottish Gaelic.

Robert Bell, like Alexander Graham Edenborough, Scotland adopted the Bell, name it would be questionable if he was a Graham whether from the English side of the border, he would adopt the middle name Bell.

Most people will ignore my thoughts because they do not want to accept the idea that there family was thieves. Armstrong and Elliot were known to be number one and two for extermination and exile when James VI Scotland became James I of England. After the King James bible one can understand when a visitor to the borders asked are there any Christians, and we answer we are Armestrang and Ellot. At least being thieves, they left records to chase. 

‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster

It should be noted, it is felt that the Union-Jack north-north Ireland, and the extreme Irish during THE TROUBLES brought their battle front to intermarried, Maguire, Johnston, Armstrong, McManus, and Elliott in county Fermanagh (Maguire), many of these families became refugees to West Germany. About 1650 the Cromwellian Puritans, sold my grandfather as an indentured slave to American, the Tories of Cambridge are still laughing about it. In 1776 my ancestors chase those Tories out. Those of Americans which silence free speech are remnants which still exist in America.

Elwald-Ellot, obtained Redheugh, Larriston lands from Archibald 'Bell the Cat' Douglas. Lands also obtained from Wm Douglas of Cavers. Martin temp chief lived on Braidlee felt to be of Wm Douglas of Cavers then passed to Hepburn. Felt that Wm Elwald-Ellot which own Gorreberry as landholder helped the passing of Redheugh and Larriston lands to Robert Elwald 10th chief. Today's 29th chief Margert Eliott lives on Redheugh lands. Though Buccleceuch and 15th chief Robert Ellot did not get along. There was said to be a plot for Robert 15 to kill Buccleuch. Ellot of Gorrenberry, Copeshaw and Braidley were in support of Robert 15th. Feel he was married to Buccleauch's sister took on a mistress Margaret (Maggie, today's chief does not like to becalled Maggie Kidd of Slaughtree). He built a tower north of Redheugh for at Hartgarth part of the land acquisition of  Larriston an Redheugh, and he also fueded with the Armstrong from Larriston (Look the Door Larriston). Buccleuch had to support the son of Mary Queen of Scots, taken from her James inorder to retain his lands. To west of Gorrenberry was at Billhope in 1540 was Thomas Armstrong, oldest brother to Johnnie hung with Elwald-Ellot at Carlinrig. Here's a map showing lands of Wm Douglas of Cavers. Shawes-Shawis (of trees south of Hermitage). Makpatrickhope upstream from Braidlee, Martin interm chief live there, family moved to Prickenhaugh, accross Liddel Water from Larriston, on same side as Ricarton as the Crozier-Crosar.

Tried to upload the above image. The Ellot-(c.1650 Elliot) of Middle March. Armstrong-Elliot-Nixon-Crozier in numbers are of that order, the four Walter Scot clans and the Kingdom of Scotland 1587 Middle March Clans. Supporters of Catholic Queen Marie Stuart of Scotland 'Mary Queen of Scotland' in 1569, on her sons list in that order of James VI of Scotland and James I of England for exile and genocide, what the United Kingdom called Pacification. The irony when and Alexander Graham Bell phone call was made to the moon it was made by a Nixon, to an Armstrong which left the first footprint on the moon, and his tartan which is also the tartan of the Nixons. When you are not of either Kingdom and of the border today the EU-UK border of Ireland of both sides your do not want either the sides to fight on the border. So Nixon and Armstrong talked world peace.


Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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