A collection of historical and genalogical records
. .Died, In this city, Tuesday, August
13th, Samuel Irvine Drysdale, aged
79 years, 5 months and 21 days.
Mr. Drysdale was bom in Jessamine
county, Kentucky, February 22,
1822; was married to Miss Belinda
Porter Ingram, of Adair county, May
7th, 1846; moved to Missouri in the
rail ot 1852 and settled on a farm
twelve miles south of this city;
joined the Baptist church in this city
under the ministration of Dr. Dulin;
moved to Sweet Springs In 1881; re
turned to this city In 1900.
, Such Is a brief outline of the prin
cipal events in the life of an old
citizen. When be was a young man,
living in Kentucky, he was chosen as
captain of a company of state guards.
In those times "muster day' was a
great event. His company afterward
volunteered for the Mexican war, but
the young captain bad been married
but a short time, and resigned his
commission. While In this city be
was once or twice elected to the city
council from the fourth ward. While
In Sweet Springs be served ten years
as city collector, and refased a re
election, as he Intended returning to
He was a man of fine mind and
thorough convictions When. he set
tled upon a course he pursued it
without turning to the right or left. .
He was always well posted on the
affairs of state and nation, and took
great Interest in political matters.
He was a man of large heart, and his
house was always open. He enjoyed company, and hospitality was second nature with him.
He was the father of eight children,
all of whom were at his bedside when
he died. There were: James E.
Drysdale, of St.. Louis; Mrs. Mollie
Zeller, of Kansas City; Mrs. W. G.
Musgrove, of this city; Mrs. B. 8.
Cromwell, of Kansas City; Samuel I
Drysdale, Misses Kate and Lillie
Drysdale, of this city, and Mrs. E. L.
Spurgeon. of Sweet Springs.
He was a progressive citizen, an
active friend, an indulgent father, a
broad-minded Christian, a genial
companion, a hospitable gentleman.
He despised cowardice, and had no
patience with crime of any sort. lie
was an unusual man, and those who
knew him best admired and respected
him most. For four years he baa
been an Invalid, and now his weary
body Is at rest. Peace to his ashes.
The funeral was held Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Dr.
Manly conducted the services.
Mrs. Sarah Hare and son, narry,
of Joplln, who have been visiting the
family of her father, Mr. John Mul
ligan, left Tuesday evening for
Kansas City, where they will visit
the family of Mr. Thomas Casben
for a few days before returning to
tbelr home In Joplin.
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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