The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

    We in Australia are far removed from the daily lives of our ancestors. We are generally used to hearing the dreadful repeats of NEWS and we hear little of the daily lives of any other country. Hence most people in Australia would not know of the Republic move to cut mother England off and go it alone. Sure the Torys are going to put up so many reasons not to go.

It would be good to get a very short NEWS item from time to time to keep in contact.

Maybe an idea in Australia is one day a year to wear the Tartan. The Irish certainly have St.Patricks Day and their green beer and Guinness is famous and the Parades in the Major cities. It's time for the Scots to be part of the wearing of the kilt in a parade.

Lighten up and have a Scotch buisket and a slug of Scottish Spirits. It's time for the Parade and claim the space.

what do you think?

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From The Annals Of Dunfermline 

1706 — That day the counsell having got a letter fra Sir Peeter 
• Hallcet that he was content to give in ane address fra the counsell 
to y^ parliament ag' y' union, and y''for y^ counsell ordain an address 
to be drawn up to be pnt""* to y° parliament, and commissionat 
y'^ clerk to go over and deliver it to Sir peeter, and to wait on till 
y* address be presented." {Burgh Records, Nov. 4th and 6th, 1706.) 
The writer has in his possession one of these printed addresses 
(supposed to be the only one extant), printed on a sheet of strong 
paper 17^ x 15 inches. In order to preserve the contents of such a 
remarkable document, it is here reproduced, viz, : — 

To His Grace Her Majesty's High Commissioner, and the Right 
Honourable the Estates of Parliament. 

The Humble Address of the Magistrates, Town-Council, Merchants, Deacons 
of Crafts, and others, Tradesmen and Inhabitants of the Burgh of Dun-
fermling: — 

WE the Magistrates, Town Council, Merchants, Deacons of Crafts, and
other Tradesmen and Inhabitants within the Burgh of Dunfemiling 
underscribing : Having seen and Considered the Articles of the Union agreed 
upon by the Commissioners for the Kingdom oi' Scotland and England, in 
which they have agreed: That Scotland and England be united into one
Kingdom, and that the United Kingdom shall be Represented by one and 
the same Parliament: And seeing it does not evidently appear that such an 
incorporating Union, as is contained in the said Articles, is contrary to the 
Honour, Fundamental Laws, and Constitution of this Kingdom, Claim of
Right, and Rights and Privileges of the Burrows and Church Government, as 
by Law Established : And that the same is destructive to the true interest of 
this Nation : Therefore, We humbly beseech Your Grace, and the Honour- 
able Estates, and do confidently expect that you will not allow any such 
Incorporating Union; but that you will Support and Preserve entire the 
Sovereignty and Independency of this Crown and Kingdom, and the Rights 
and Privileges of Parliament, which have been so valiantly maintained by our 
Heroick Ancestors for near 2000 yeirs: That the same maybe transmitted 
to succeeding Generations, as they have been conveyed to us; and we will 
heartily .concur with you for Supporting and Maintaining our Sovereignty and 
Independency with our Lives and Fortunes conform to the Laws of the 
Nation — 

James Richardson. 
Robert Donald. 
Andrew Hepburn. 
Alexander Coventry. 
Thomas Hanna. 
James Henderson. 
John Jamison. 
William Hodge. 
Alexander Couper. 
John Horn. 

James Kellock. 
James Wardlaw. 
Robert Bauld. 
James Hall. 
James Richardson. 
James French. 
John Wilkie. 


James Law. 
David Black. 

Thomas Wilson. 
Adam Stevinson. 
William Anderson. 
James Smith. 


William Ker. 
John Anderson. 
Robert Adamson. 
Robert Drysdale. 


James Buist 
Robert Ferguson. 
George Crawford. 
James Legat. 
John Buntine. 

John Wilson, Deacon. 
James Wilson. 
John Stark. 
Patrick Hutton. 
James Turnbull. 
David Marres. 

James Wilson. 
Charles Kirk. 

Andrew Wilson. 

William Kirk. 

Thomas Drysdale. 

Thomas Richardson. 

Alexander Douglas

John Gotterson. 

John Black. 

John Williamson. 

William Wilson. 

David Dalglish. 

John Ker. 

Andrew Wilson. 

James Shortlands. 

John Wilson. 

John Wilson, a//er. 

Robert Gotterson. 

Robert Wilson. 

Robert Strachan. 

Robert Buist. 
John Durham. 
Robert Dalgleish. 
Adam Robertson. 
Andrew Young. 
Robert Black. 
Robert Stark. 
Thomas Bain. 
Magnus Malcolm. 
Robert Inch. 
George Pullans. 
William Beanny. 
Robert Mackeraigh. 
John Inglis. 

John Mackeraigh. 


John Main, Deacon. 
Andrew Wilson. 
John Simpson. 
John Potter. 
George Walker. 
George Walls. 
Thomas French. 
Thomas Bonnar. 
John Henderson. 
James Henderson. 
John Main 
James Kirk. 
Patrick Thomson. 
William Hutton. 
James' French. 
Thomas Richardson. 


James Signet. 
Charles Young. 
David Hunter. 
James Sumervel. 
David Purvis. 
William Murgain. 


Andrew Duncan, Deacon, 
George Stewart. 
John Young. 
Andrew Main. 


John Hodge, Deacon. 
James Cusin. 
Robert Kirk. 
John Belfrage. 
Thomas Beverage. 
Thomas Beverage. 
George Philip. 
William Taylor. 
William Welwood. 
John Burly. 
Andrew Belfrage. 


David Adie, Baillie. 
David Adie, y'., Baillie. 
Jerome Cowie, Dean of 

William Wilson, Treasurer. 
David Wilson, Counsellor. 
John Cowie, Counsellor. 
James Meldrum, Coun. 
John Adie, Deacon-Con. 
Laurence Henderson, 

William Inglis, Coun. 
William Findlay, Coun. 
William Young, Coun. 
James Walls, Coun. 


William Black. 
Hendry Elder. 
Robert Anderson. 
John Hart. 
John Belfour. 
William Wilson. 
Thomas Mitchel. 
Andrew Polland. 
Robert Adie. 
Charles Chambers. 
John Hay. 
Patrick Clow. 
Joseph Kirk. 
John Couper. 
William Wilson, 
Robert Robison. 
James Dick. 
David Gray. 
George Christie. 
John Watson. 
Patrick Currie. 
John Brown. 
John Allan. 
James Pringle. 
John Bethon. 
Robert Wilson. 
David Meldrum. 
Robert Walker. 

Ego- Andreas Symson, Notarius Publicus a scriba dicto de Dumferling


Making conections

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Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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