The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

While in British Columbia, I had a tale related to me by an Acadian - an old story about a devil , dressed in all black with cloven hooves -He looked like any other man except his feet-
One night the local folks had a dance and the devil dressed in black stopped by and danced with a few of the ladies. He asked one to step outside for more privacy - and poof both disappeared.  ---

I certainly put no stock in the story , nor have I been able to find a written copy - possibly it is written in French. Any other folks heard the above story?

I read this passage back to the woman who told me the above- 

...''On the 27th Annabel made a fuller deposition. She said that last harvest the devil, as a black man, had come to her mother's house, and required her, the deponent, to give herself to him; promising that she should want for nothing good if she
did. She, being enticed by her mother and Bessie Weir, did as was desired--putting one hand on the crown of her head, and another on the soles of her feet, and giving over to him all that lay between; whereupon
her mother promised her a new coat, and the devil made her officer at their several meetings. He gave her, too, such a nip on the arm that she was sore for half an hour after, and gave her a new name--Annippy, or an Ape according to Law. Her mother's devil-name was Lands-lady; Bessie Weir
was called Sopha; Marjorie Craig was Rigeru; Margaret Jackson Locas; John Stewart, Jonas; and they were all present at the making of the clay image which was to doom Sir George to death. They made it of clay, then bound it
on a spit and turned it before the fire, "Sopha" crying "Sir George
Maxwell! Sir George Maxwell!" which was repeated by them all. Another time, she said, there was a meeting, when the devil was dressed in "black
cloathes and a blew band, and white hand cuffs, with hoggers on his feet, and that his feet were cloven." 
The black man stuck the pins into the picture, and his name was Ejoall, or J. Jewell. For the devil delighted in
giving himself various names, as when he caused himself to be called Peter Drysdale, by Catherine Sands and Laurie Moir, and Peter Saleway by others.

John now followed suit. He confessed to his own baptism; to the hoggers on the black man's legs, who had no shoes, and spoke in a voice hollow and ghousty; to the making the clay image; and to his new name of Jonas. On the 15th of February, 1677, John Stewart, Annabel Stewart, and Margaret Jackson all adhered to these depositions''...

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another source states

Superstitious Belief and Practice

venged of her brother who had wronged her [her being Catherine Sands]

in parting of her father' goods, and gear ; she was brought under the Devil's

service , who appeared to her in the likeness of a Gentleman.

And in the first place caused her renounce Christ and her

Baptism, and give her self over both soul and body to his

service by laying one ot her hands to the Crown of her head

and the other to the sole of her foot & Isabel Inglis

confest that ...

the Devil . . . caused her resign her self to him ... in the way and manner confessed by Catherine Sands

And further confessed that her spirits name was

Peter Drysdale

and her name which he gave her

is Serjeant...

....''and they were all present at the making of the clay image which was to doom Sir George to death. They made it of clay, then bound it on a spit and turned it before the fire, "Sopha" crying Sir George Maxwell!  Sir George Maxwell!" ...

This folklore is present in both Jewish and Norse mythology -and old horror flicks

I remember it from a black and white movie I remember seeing as a kid .Guy made a clay man and I think he had to write something on his forehead before he came to life...

Better informed references than I say

....''The oldest golem story dates back to early Judaism. In the Talmud, Adam was initially created as a golem as his dust or mud was formed into a shapeless husk''.

EvEven-Israel (Steinsaltz), Adin. "Sanhedrin 38b"., 1993...

 as well in a Norse Myth,
...''In Norse mythology, there is a similar creature to a golem. Mökkurlálfi or "mist-calf" is described as a mighty creature made of clay''...


 Lindow, John (2001). Norse Mythology: A Guide to Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-983969-8.


Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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