The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

William Drysdale of Mount Sterling Kentucky, Father of James Drysdale of Rush County

William Drysdale was born near
Mount Sterling, Kentucky, July 17, 1815;
died at Virginia April 7th, 1898. He
moved to Rush county, Ind, and in
1887 he married Miss Elizabeth Earnest
 who died in 1879. To this union
13 children were born. In 1866 he
moved to Morgan county, in 1868 he
moved to Bates county. In 1877 he
and his neighbors commenced build-
ing the Mount Carmel church on the
old methodist plan a little at a time
and has always been used as
union church since. The trusteeswere

Johnson Hill, Jas Cowgill, Oliver
Elswick, Newton King, Wm. Hardinger
 and Pleasant Hill, all of whom
are dead except the three latter, In
the spring of 1880 he married Dee-
damonia Kennedy of Rush county,
Ind. In 1881 he sold his farm and
moved to Virginia, but when able
always attended church at Mount
Carmel, He purchased the general
merchandise store of B F Jenkins,
which he conducted until too old,

when the business was turned over
to his youngest son, Omar, who is
still at the same place. He has filed-
nearly all the township offices with
credit. He was a strong man phyl-
cally and mentally, are in his con-
victions of right and wrong. The
last few years of his life his memory
failed him; the past six months he
suffered Intensely. Funeral services
at the ME church were conducted
by Rev. Wm. Pyle, after which the
remains were laid to rest in the Mor
ria graveyard by the side of his wife,
followed by a large concourse of sor
sorrowing relatives and friends. Seven
of his children have preceded him to
that better land; those living are
Henry, of Rush county, Ind, Steph
of Morgan county, Mo, James, of
Butler, Omer, of Virginia, Ballie-
Sherick and Mary Dark, of near
Mount Carmel, all of whom were
present at the funeral We have
been acquainted with Uncle Billy
Drysdale for 20 years; to know him was to love him. 

Sam Hawkins and wife of Pleasanten, Kansas,

 Wm Kennedy and wife of Passaic, 

 Mr Haynes and wife of Foster,

Everett Drysdale and wife of Butler, 

Mrs John Drysdale of Pleasanton, Kansas, 

attended the funeral of Uncle Billy Drysdale.

Image courtesy of Beth Drysdale Pribble. 

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In this obit it references an Omar Drysdale  operating a general merchandise... and  in my reading a pdf titled Descendants of George Allender the Author states - 

...''396. Amos W.5 Drysdale (Mary Jane4 Allender, Garland B.3, George2, William1) was born 06 Jul 1865. He married Emma J. Allen. In 1914 lived in Greenfield, Missouri. More about Emma Allen: “Emma Jane Allen Drysdale … came with her parents from Kentucky when real small, to Missouri. Her parents were Richard Allen, from Indiana, and Madeline Hawkins Allen, who came by stagecoach to a landing on the Marais des Cygnes River, and settled near there. Richard Allen’s brother was Dr. Will Allen of Rich Hill. Omer Drysdale, who had a store in Amoret for many years, was Mary’s [Drysdale6] great-uncle and his son, Fred, her cousin.” – Fern Glassmire.''...         Drysdale%20-%20Descendants-of-George-Allender.docx  


 103. Mary Jane4 Allender (Garland B.3, George2, William1) was born 13 Sep 1841. She married (1) Rev. J. N. McDonald. She married (2) W. O. Kennett. She married (3) John N. Drysdale, born in 1840, on 04 Sep 1862 in Rush County, Indiana. He died 23 Aug 1895. In 1914 lived at 921 Alder Street, Walla Walla, Washington. From “The History of Bates County, Missouri,” by W. O. Atkeson: “Virginia became a trading point upon the establishment of a post-office there in 1871, and hence it has always been known as the Virginia Post Office. Thomas Steaver was the first postmaster, and his office was a half mile east of the present village store or center. James Orear built and started the first store in 1874, and was postmaster. In 1875, S. P. Nestlerode purchased the stock and became postmaster. In 1877, Arbogart & Armstrong became the merchants and in 1879 H. H. Fleisher opened a drug store. About the same date Roberts & Presley bought out Arbogart & Armstrong and soon moved the stock of goods away. Fleisher became postmaster. James S. Pierce was his partner at this time. In February, 1882, Pierce sold out to W. N. Hardinger. February, 1879, J. W. Manahan opened a stock of furniture and in 1880 sold out to B. F. Jenkins, who added hardware. He sold in 1881 to Drysdale & Son; and the same year Fleisher & Pierce sold their drug stock to Williams & Drysdale. For a number of years Judge John McFadden ran the only general store, and the days of its business and mercantile importance, at this time, seem to have departed. It is a community center and the center of a fine rural district. Good roads and automobiles have ruined it as a natural trading point. A number of the early settlers in and about the village were Virginians and hence its name.”


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'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

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