A collection of historical and genalogical records
Hi all,
I've just about come to the end of my search for early American Drysdales, I turned up a few but nothing of momentous import.
I've summarized what I've found to date in a table, also available as a pdf below:
Drysdale - Early American Settlers - 1600s & 1700s
Best regards
Hi all,
Ref: Baltimore County Families 1659-1759 a Book by Robert Barnes
I have continued my research into some of the names in the above table however I have come up against a brick wall in my research into the Robert Drysdale in Virginia, The problem is that I have come across a source which doesn't fit and may or may not be an error.
I have a lot of source material for a Robert Drisdale in Baltimore, Maryland, for the period 1676-1704 and further source materials for a Robert Drisdale in Norfolk County for the years 1690-1704. I also have a copy of the will of Robert Drisdal who died in Baltimore in 1704. All of these sources could refer to the same person, two separate people or father and son. However the reference in the source above (from the Barnes book) indicates the unlikely possibility of a third Robert Drisdale, also in the Baltimore region, in the same time period, who seems to have died in 1696.
In the first image above, the reference to one Richard Perkins administering the estate of one 'Robert Drisdale' in 1696 indicates that he died around that time or a little before. At the very end of this paragraph there is a long list of numbers which presumably are references to Barnes’ list of sources with page numbers viz. (2:88, 90,136; 12:422; 48:117, 164, 286; 59:62; 64:19; 122:41; 128:2, 3, 9, 12; 129:201, 214; 211:388)
I cannot get access to the source list in this Barnes book (costs about $85) to check if there is actually a source which refers to Perkins & the estate of Robert Drysdale.
Does anyone have access to the 'Baltimore county families 1659-1759' book to check this source list out?
Many thanks and best regards
I eventually gained access to Barnes Source List & this is what the numbers revealed:
2:88, 90, 136; Baltimore Co. records (Hall of Records), Administrative ACCOUNTS, Liber 2
12:422; Baltimore Co. records (Hall of Records), Administrative BONDS, Liber 2
48:117, 164, 286; Baltimore Co. records (Hall of Records), INVENTORIES, Liber 1
59:62; Baltimore Co. records (Hall of Records), LAND RECORDS, Liber RM#HS
64:19; Baltimore Co. records (Hall of Records), LAND RECORDS, Liber IR#AM
122:41; Published Wills. Cotton, Jane Baldwin. "Maryland Calendar of Wills". 8 vols. Baltimore:1904-1928. VOLUME III
128:2, 3, 9, 12; Register of St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church. Original Register (Hall ofRecords)
129:201, 214; Register of St. George's Protestant Episcopal Church. Transcription (MD Hist. Soc.)
211; Maryland Rent Rolls: Baltimore and Anne Arundel Counties, 1700-1707, 1705-1724.Baltimore:1976
388; Skordas, Gust. The Early Settlers of Maryland:
An Index of Names of Immigrants Compiled from Records of Land
Patents 1633-1680 in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Maryland. (1968). Repr.: Baltimore:1986.
Russel has correctly pointed out that some of the names in the table above may not be variants of Drysdale and that there are other name origins that may be more appropriate e.g. Twisdale is a better match for Tuisdale than Drysdale.
Best regards
Hi all,
Perhaps the most definitive work on early Migrants to the United States and Canada in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries is the book series:
Passenger and Immigration Lists index by William Filby & Mary Keysor Meyer
This book series gives lists of names, dates, places etc and the source references from which the information for each migrant has been obtained. The information has been obtained from passenger ship lists, land records, Patents, rent rolls, Court records and many other diverse sources.
Unfortunately these publications are expensive and are not in the public domain except for a few editions that can be referenced on the Internet Archive.
A list of published editions is detailed below, while editions currently available on the Internet Archive are marked with an asterisk *
Passenger and Immigration Lists Series by William Filby & Mary Keysor Meyer,
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index. First (1980 Preliminary) Edition
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1982 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1983 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1984 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1985 Supplement
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1982-85 Cumulated Supplements
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1986 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1987 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1988 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1989 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1990 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1986-90 Cumulated Supplements
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1991 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1992 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1993 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1994 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1995 Supplement
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1991-1995 Cumulated Supplements
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1996 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1997 Supplement
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1998 Supplement Part I
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1998 Supplement Part 2
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1999 Supplement Part I
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1999 Supplement Part 2
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2000 Supplement part I
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2000 Supplement Part 2
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 1996-2000 Cumulated Supplements
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2001 Supplement Part I
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2001 Supplement Part 2
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2002 Supplement part I
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2002 Supplement Part 2
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2003 Supplement Part 1
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2003 Supplement Part 2
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2004 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2005 Supplement
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2001-05 Cumulated Supplements
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2006 Supplement
*Passenger and Immigration Lists Index: 2007 Supplement
Companion Publications
Passenger and Immigration Lists Bibliography. 1538-1900. Second Edition (1988)
Philadelphia Naturalization Records (1982)
I have checked though all the editions that are available on Internet Archive and have
extracted the following details of the 'Drysdales' that I have found there.
Best regards
Robert Drisdale - Ist in the above passenger list:
List of Servants brought into Maryland by the ship 'Merchants Consent' on 6-3-1676 - Captain Francis Partis - the list includes Robert Drisdale
image is Page 59 in megafile pdf
Best regards
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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