Which Douglas line are you researching? Dates and places help making connections.
All areas of Douglas history and genealogy are of interest to me.
I am keen to track back family lines that are considered 'brick walls', and hope to be able to do this through the networking opportunities that arise through media such as this.
Hello William, Hope all is well with you. I haven't log on to the site for quite a while. shame on me! I'm going to take your advice about making some Entries of family members that I think should be mentioned in the biographical section . especially the ones I know the historical facts about. Thanks for the suggestion, & thank you for all you do for the site and the Members!
Hello William, Received your message today about the Douglas shepherds. I would be interested in knowing more about them. I have a several ancestors from the borders who moved during the Lowland Clearances timeframe and my James Douglas seems to fit. Can you recommend any reading or links to learn more?
I recently read The Lowland Clearances by Aithchison and Cassell which was a good read but nothing in depth about the occupation of shepherding specifically.
Thank you, William. I have an Alexander McIntire d 1786, Margaret Kerr D 1753 and Archibald Douglas b 1688 d 1762. They are buried at "The Pines" Church Cemetary in Straban Township, Adams County, PA with my know relative John McIntire b 1804 d 1867. I believe they are related as this transcript was given to me in multiple forms from deceased family members. I've been stuck finding any parents for John for years.
Hi William! Roberta Douglas Smith was my great grandmother, her daughter Rachel was my grandmother. I have managed to trace the 'double barrel' name back a bit more. Roberta's father William Douglas Smith 1846-1892 was born at Rue Farm in Holywood, Dumfries, his father was Robert Douglas Smith 1766 Tyrnon Dumfries and his parents were John Smith and Jean Douglas (Duglass) born 1740. I am now seeking further information about them. It is interesting that the surnames were merged as if she wished to retain Douglas. I'd be grateful for more information on her. I do have four 'clan' groups in the family history to research being Bailliol, Niven, Douglas, Anderson and possibly Smith. I was hoping to visit this year and learn more about the locations. My father even spoke Scotch Gaelic and my grandmother believed the family descended from the Black Douglas line.
Yes, he lived in Rockingham. I’m descendant of his son Joseph Sr who moved to Kentucky. The family then went to Illinois. I have old family records that refer to Hugh being from Scotland and coming over in 1740, his son James was already born. If the will I found is accurate he passed around 1780-1788. Wife was supposedly named Margaret. All kinds of misinformation on trees, but likely none true. My Hugh was a farmer and likely not from one of the more notable Douglas lines I presume.
Thanks for the comment William! This is all fairly new to me, so anything that offers up another fascinating glimpse into my family tree is good to me! Thank you for the link to investigate too - I think it's what drew me to your site originally.
Good day, I am pleased that you responded and appreciate any information I can get.
I have more information on the 5 Douglas brothers. Their father was John Douglas b 1750 d1813, Born in Saint Cuthberts, Edinburg, Midlothian Died in Parish of Clyne, Southerland. His sons are Donald b1773 d 1869, Norman b1789 d 1869, Alexander b1798 d1875,Angus b1805 d1890 and John who is my direct relative b 1802 d 1876. The bothers all migrated to Pictou, Nova Scotia. I have no real records on any of this and wondered if you might be able to shed some light on this.
I hope the transfer of Douglas Support into the hands of the Community safeguards it for many years to come. Although I'm a Renfrew girl my dad's family were all miners in the Rosehall Colliery which was part of the Coatbridge Estate.
There is a recently published book - Glasgow's Blythswood by Graeme Smith which has a section on the intricacies of the Douglas/Campbell inheritance. The estate in Renfrew was originally called Renfield or Ranfield, which now lives on in Renfield St.
Yes he was! Richard was my grandfather. He and Brenda had 3 children :
- Shannon Douglas born 2/14/1969 (my father)
- Robin Douglas (my aunt) I’ll get birth dates
- Jason Frederick Douglas (my uncle) also need birth dates
Shannon Douglas married Channa Wells, and had two children:
-Katelyn Elizabeth Douglas 9/10/1988
- Joshua Shannon Douglas 03/30/1990
My parents divorced in 1991, and both remarried. Shannon then married Tami Little, and conceived:
-Jacob Paul Douglas 07/23/1996
- Jenna Lynn Douglas 10/27/2001
My older sister Katelyn Douglas went on to marry David Spangler (since divorced) and conceived :
-Caleb Wyatt Spangler aged 11 (Need birth dates for all of my nephews)
- Henry Wade Spangler
- Griffin Spangler
- Beau Spangler
Having said all of that, I know that my great grandfather (Richards Father) left his wife and kids in the 1950’s, never to reconnect. We later learned that he started a new family, and we have since slowly reconnected. Any additional information on my bloodline would be most appreciated; the rest of my family have reservations about digging into our past. I find it to be terribly interesting. I’ve been told by my grandparents that one of my predecessors came to the States from Scotland within the last couple centuries, and they’ve always stated Lanarkshire as our family’s place of origin. I have no evidence aside from family stories passed down through the generations. Thank you for taking the time to reach out!
I have not forgotten you ,just a lot going on as my Youngest daughter died June 21, 2022 & we are still sorting everything out. Will get back to you as soon as all calms down.. Richard Scotti, St.Charles, MIssouri USA
Thank you for the insights provided a few years ago (when I first joined here), William. Admittedly, there have been more pressing matters on my plate since then. Recently, after a quarter century, I have managed to reconnect with my half-sibling, Steven T. Douglas, and his lovely wife, Nancy has been doing genealogy for 40 years. My profile now contains an updated oldest known Douglas ancestor, and I am pleased to inform that my paternal grandmother's 3-great grandfather served at Valley Forge (Adam Calhoun Scott).
Thank you William. Yes, I did see that listing but it's definitely not the same George Douglas. I have verified records to show that my George Douglas (my great grandfather) married a Hannah Fozard in Yorkshire, UK.
I'm just finding my way around this website at the moment but will come back to you if I need any help. Thank you!
Thank you for allowing me to join! Yes, that is my family. I have been going off of a family tree that is on FamilySearch.org. It originally showed that my oldest known relative was Alexander Douglas 1730-1800, but that is incorrect, it now shows that he lived 1708-1775 in Cockburn and he was the son of John Douglas II 1689-1742, who was born in St. Cuthberts and died in Edinburgh.
Yes, this is my family from Gallatin, Tennessee. I have to dive into this when I have a bit more time but the family of Walter Abraham Douglass who was born in 1853 is my Great-Grandfather and it is missing my grandmother, Helen Augusta Douglass and other information. My mother, who is 97 is assisting with some fo the gaps also.
I don't know any exact dates. I was told that my family on my Mother's side (Douglas) came over from Scotland during the Puritan era here in America. Before that they lived in the Douglas Castle and Glasgow area of Scotland. That's about all I know, unfortunately.
WoW! Many many thanks for your immediate reply. The picture is a great help as ius the extra "s" in Douglass.
FYI , I was the former Chieftan of the Athens (Greece) St Andre's Societyabout ten years ago. My mother was a McMillen, my father a Baynes.My DNA is 53% Northern Scotland, Highlands and Islands, 17% Viking, 14% Irish with the balance North West Europe and England. During the war, my father was one of only 3 survivors on a ship called the Empire Airman when it was torpedoed in a convoy in the Atlantic Ocean.
A few months later after a spell at home, he was on another convo, this time to Murmansk in 1943 onboard a ship called the Empire Portia. She was hit by a Stuka dive bomber. at ancorage in Murmansk. Again he survived and returned home to South Shields on the north east coast. He was discharged and the Empire Portia saild to the south coast where she hit a mine and was sunk. Lucky Baynes lived again! Then for some reason his next shipwas the Edwin T. Douglass which lay in Lyness then later Kirkwall. In all he spent more than 2 year there on the same ship which I do not believe ever left the harbour except for the journey from Lyness to Kirkwall. I want to know more. Why was this ship there, who was Edwin T. Doiuglass, did it ever leave harbour etc etc. The other reason is that whilst in Orkney, he apparently fathered a child. I would like to find out who that child was and what happened to them.
Any tiny clue, like the letter 's' would be more than helpful.
A final note, my son it currently attending Glasgow University to become a vet.
I am trying to find more information about the Edwin T. Douglas.
The information you sent has put me on a new track which changes my supposition sent earlier of the Edwin T. Douglass being permanently in the harbour at Lyness. I have my father's Log Book and below are the dates of him signing on and off ship. Each voyage was 6 months. The question now is where did he go to. Wherever it was, you will see that he was with J.W. Anderson. Incidentally, Engineer Anderson was married to a woman from Amble where he was buried. I shall continue to follow up later in the day. As I mentioned earlier, I am on holiday in Austria and must go sight-seeing with the family....
South Shields 10/02/1944 Sign On Edwin T. Douglas 146334 ***
His parents John William, a harbour pilot, and Annie lived at Leazes Street with his siblings. Born at Amble, he lived at Panhaven Road with his wife Janet. He died 19/05/1944, of a coronary thrombosis, aged 56 and is interred in Amble West Cemetery.
Thank you for your welcome. I just discovered this last week through spending time with my eldest brother (middle name Douglas, same as our father) that my mother's parents were from Ireland. I had no idea. I never had a grandmother as one died 6 months before I was born and one died six months after I was born in 1952. News to me this week that I had Irish ancestry as well, must be the Celtic side of me.
I know I am 2/3rds Viking by DNA and our family surname Pink is linked to the Douglas Clan and we use the Douglas tartan as and when appropriate. Roughly about 25% comes via the Douglas route as far as I can tell. I did get my mother to write out her family tree as much as she could remember whilst still alive, not sure what book I put it into now. I need to do a search of books to find it again.
Hi sorry for the delayed reply, regarding Daniel Douglas and
Letitia Dorsett (Dossett) they are my paternal 2nd Great-grandparents born 1854 and 1849 respectively. They are also my current brick wall as i have been unable to find any birth or baptism records for either of them, So far!
May i ask how their names came to be listed on your site?
I actually came across the listing on your site while doing my research which prompted me to “bite the bullet” and join up, TBH i should of joined sooner,
Thanks also for the group suggestion, gonna have look tomorrow, if i can be of assistance regarding rural St Andrew Douglas’s let me know.
I'm not desperately trying to connect them. Mine says William from Ireland but I do have 14 letters from the mid 1800's my grandfather kept in a locked room. One letter, written by Elizabeth Matthews, Elizabeth states that she is taking care of Mr. Whitworth. I'd be happy to share. Most of the letters are from the sisters. Clara, Elizabeth's daughter and her sister wrote to each other about how their hens were laying. I do have letters from John II and Clara. He does write, "To My Favorite Cousin." I was trying to see if it's possible that there's a mishap because my grandmother's side is also Canada on her dads side. His was Kimmerly, Anderson, Aquire, Maxson. There's one letter written by Clara. She is in a Catholic hospital and says she's going to be very good to John. She wrote that she could hear "Sister Euphrasia praying in the next room." I have the family line. We are Joseph Lapointe and Nancy Fox. Our Cheverie was from PEI, Canada.
I also have pictures. One is on a carboard type substance. It says Grandma LaPointe on the back. My grandfather was in WWII- America - Navy. He had a funeral with the flag, etc. Gun Salutes but I don't know what he did. I had another letter from his dad to Clara. he asked her how much more weight did he need to lose to fly. I don't think he was in WWII. He and Clara divorced. He moved to Galveston, TX. They did bring him back for his burial - I think I was told that. I wonder how we could be related to the Cheverie boys that died in WWII. I think I read there was 3. One weird thing and I have no idea where it is. There was a social security card that had the name, Cora Rodgers. My great grandmother was Clara and none of her sisters were named Cora. There was also a "Brother Archer' that Elizabeth wrote about visiting in a letter.
I've tried to research this area too. My adopted uncle was a Lutz. There's a Freeland Camp in Saginaw, MI. where a woman named Adele Lutz did nurse mission flight to France and died there. He wasn't her child but info says she had several siblings. Wallenburg and Lutz (You can just put in your search bar) were in MI and Wisconsin for some reason. I don't know if there's a connection. My DNA shows a Cherinawski cousin and one was allowed to stay in England after the war for privacy reasons. There's more but this is things i've read over the years and my only connection is mostly names. My grandfather and his brother retired from Ford. His brother was in the corporate and mine was tool and die.or dye?
Thanks William. I will try and upload the family tree as far as I have got. There's one place where there were about three "George"s to choose from so will try and add my reasoning for choosing the one I did!
It is definitely Orval Douglas. He is my paternal grandfather. His father is James David Douglas. They are from West Virginia. I can track back to a John Dowgals married to Bethia Dennis. I am then stuck. Thank you for the welcome! Terry
Hi William, sorry about the delay in getting back to you but I am busy at work. I run a Financial Consultancy in the South of England and still work full-time, even at my age.
I am 2/3 viking by DNA and 25% Celtic, which is where I think the Douglas link comes from. I guess some of my viking ancestors had relations with people in the North of the UK i.e. Scotland now. I have not as yet traced things back, but I am aware my family name were big land owners in the Yourkshire area years ago, which makes sense with the viking bit as that is mostly where they landed. I need to sit down and do a bit of ancestry tracing one day if I can.
I was recently in touch with the Dollar Academy Archivist (carolan-j@dollaracademy.org.uk) and she sent me an electronic copy of this magazine, also see below re further research:
"Thu, 21 Mar at 16:40
Hi Ron
For your information and any other interested genealogists there are two complete sets of the Dollar Magazine and Fortunas in the archive and school library and also two sets in Dollar Museum.
It will eventually all be digitised. Currently I have 1902 (1st issue) to 1921. Only the ones you saw relating to WW1 are online.
Hope to see you in Dollar some time!
There are some copies of the Dollar Magazine online already (1911-1920);
The Lady Archivist was very helpful (unusual nowadays) and as well as being the resident archivist at the Dollar Academy she runs the Dollar Museum:
"I am also the Hon. Curator of Dollar Museum where we have a lot of genealogical information about the Drysdales. We open at Easter – see the website for times etc. I would advise you to arrange a time with me if you decide to visit as the material has to be taken out of the store."
We've been going through family documents recently and came across an original property deed signed by John Jacob Astor from when Hosea Dugliss bought his house on Park Row in Manhattan from the Astor family, which was a great find. Also some documents relating to operations at his mirror making shop. It would be great to find out more about our roots in Scotland as I myself currently live here!
Yes that's correct, due to the mystery parentage I'm not even sure he was a Douglas, neither was Henry who searched for his whole life ... the secret is only known by Staffords and Lord family
Thank you for your message and information. I became interested in my Douglas genealogy after my recent trip to Hogmanay in Edinburgh. Most of my family research has centered on patriots of the American Revolution. I was a founder and first registrar for my local chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. I knew much about my Douglas line in America and that my immigrant ancestors came to America directly after the American Revolution.
When I was recently in Scotland, I was not researching my Douglas family. Still, when I saw the painting of James Douglas EM at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, he looked just like my brother in a period outfit… So, after I got home, I did some research and purchased an engraving of James Douglas EM for my home mainly because he looks like my red-headed brother, who has now passed. Unfortunately, the silver signet ring has been "worn proudly" for generations. When I inherited it, the back of the ring was worn so thin it broke. The crest projected outward for stamping documents and was worn down to a blob in the shape of a shield. The ring was passed down as a connection to something important, so it was always worn. I will attach John Douglas's citizenship document, which I have hanging in my house. It states that John Douglas became a citizen of the US on November 4, 1806. His citizenship document from Marlboro County, SC, also states that he was about 57 years old, giving him a berth year of 1749. Also, the document states that he resided in the US between June 18, 1798, and April 14, 1802. According to the Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, from the 1500s to the 1900s, John Douglas arrived in South Carolina in 1799, and based on the date and location, I believe this is my John Douglas.
I descend from his son Duncan Douglas, and another family member recently told me that our family Douglas surname died out from her research as a last name. Still, it has been continually used in my line and several others because it has always been considered one of our most prominent family names. My line goes John Douglas to Duncan Douglas to Elizabeth Douglas, who married Dr. Alfred Hamer, then to Dr. Douglas Hamer Sr. to Dr. Douglas Hamer Jr. to Patricia Douglas Hamer Coley, then me, Douglas Scott Coley, and my son Douglas Hamer Coley. John Douglas had many successful descendants, probably the most successful being the line of John's daughter Christian Douglas McColl, who married Hugh McColl, another local planter family who started a bank. Their direct descendent, Hugh McColl Jr., was the founder and first CEO of Bank of America, the second-largest Bank in the United States.
John Douglas's Will was probated on April 13, 1826; in this will, he lists his wife, Mary, and children. I need to visit family in Marlboro County, SC, and do local records research to see if I can locate his original land deed; I also need to transcribe his will. Thank you in advance for reading this message and again for your message. Here are a few records I have located on Ancestry.com that seem promising to me, but I would love to know your thoughts. The mother's name, Christian, stood out to me because John Douglas named his eldest daughter Christian Douglas, who married Hugh McCall.Doxie%201450.jpg
Best regards.
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
Greetings William Douglas! My name is Michael Douglas Brewer. My 9th generation Great Grandfather was Colonel John Douglas (1636-1678) who immigrated to Maryland from Glasgow, Scotland in 1655. He was the son of Sir Robert of Blackerston & Blythswood (1602-1669). I am a direct descendant of the Douglas Lords of Mains from Nicholas Douglas (1340-1406) to Alexander Douglas (1563-1628). I am a descendant of Sir Andrew, Lord of Hermiston (1225-1277), a direct descendant of Sir Archibald Douglas (1178-1240) and a 13 generations-2nd cousin, 7 times removed to The Good Sir James Douglas (1275-1330). I have been to Scotland and traced the steps of my Douglas Ancestors and to St. Bride's Church in the village of Douglas and the remains of the Douglas Castle. I am very proud of my Douglas Ancestors and to be a part of the Douglas Clan. I live in Columbia, Missouri with my wife Cheryl.
Hi folks, Not a descendent of the Douglas Family but in the arly 2000s I purchased a ruin of a house in New London, Conn´s downtown waterfront historic district. Planned for demolition in 1974 and forgotten about I fell in the love with the house and this small piece of late 18th c and early 19th c New London. Restored the house, spent years (still not done) researching the builder and his family and have made contact with fantastic people all across the world related to the family or the house itself. Built by Richard Douglass (1746-1828) . I will post info on the appropriate boards. Thanks!
Just noticed the photo and that is definitely him. He had four children made up of two gentleman's families. Two sets of a boy and a girl born in Scotland and Ireland. Walter and Isabella born in Scotland. Robert and Agnes born in Ireland.
Apparently, this John Scott Douglas was from a family ancestry of many Douglas's bearing the John Scott Christian names and from the Hawick, Jedburgh, Peebles areas. Even my late father wasa John Scott Douglas. Correctly or incorrectly, we have always regarded the family ancestry to have come from the Cavers estates. My grandfather Robert Domingo Douglas 1894-1977[third child born in Cork,Ireland]. He did extensive research in the 1960's. He went to a house which I feel was in the center of Peebles with steps up into it. He wished to talk to a lady who I vaguely recall as an auntie Madge who may have been Margaret. She answered the door but he was shunned at the door. My grandfather Robert Domingo Douglas then later discovered a family secret. He then one day threw the whole family tree research papers in to the fireplace and the whole lot went up in smoke. We have never gotten to the bottom of what was the issue, but needless to say rumors have been rife over the years. Were we related to the famous Dr John Scott Douglas and MP?? There was some infidelity some where that in the 1960's was better left in the past. Things were so bad that nobody in our immediate Scottish Douglas family wanted the family heirloom of the grandfather clock that bears that heart emblem of the Douglas family. Being the eldest my Grand Uncle Walter Douglas was offered the clock and took it. He got the clock cased and imported it from Scotland by sea in the 1950's or 60's. He ultimately gave it to my grandfather as it required major restoration works. Anyway our history remains a mystery. God bless all. Robin
Hi William, I am still working on confirming my research but what I do know so far is that John and James Douglas arrived in Australia on the Great Britain in 1864. They resided in Laanecoorie and Woodstock in Victoria.
John Douglas is my great great grandfather who resided in Lannecoorie. There are some references and photos of his family home and him in the below links.
Thanks for the tip. I have established a Marksbury/Marksberry tree with factual evidence tied to Samuel Marksbury of Virginia/Kentucky who served in the militia or army in the American Revolution but who his parents are remains unverified. It is a pleasant thought there may be a family tie to the distinguished Douglas clan but so far what is out there comes from research based on hearsay as far as I can tell. Time for a an advanced DNA test!
Tarek Shraibati
Thanks for the add and the comment. Your observation is spot on. I was always by my mother that they emigrated from Thurso.
Sep 16, 2021
Timothy Bernard Douglass
Hello William, Hope all is well with you. I haven't log on to the site for quite a while. shame on me! I'm going to take your advice about making some Entries of family members that I think should be mentioned in the biographical section . especially the ones I know the historical facts about. Thanks for the suggestion, & thank you for all you do for the site and the Members!
Timothy B Douglass
Oct 2, 2021
Jeanee Tollefson
Hello William, Received your message today about the Douglas shepherds. I would be interested in knowing more about them. I have a several ancestors from the borders who moved during the Lowland Clearances timeframe and my James Douglas seems to fit. Can you recommend any reading or links to learn more?
I recently read The Lowland Clearances by Aithchison and Cassell which was a good read but nothing in depth about the occupation of shepherding specifically.
Oct 29, 2021
laura seymore
Thank you, William. I have an Alexander McIntire d 1786, Margaret Kerr D 1753 and Archibald Douglas b 1688 d 1762. They are buried at "The Pines" Church Cemetary in Straban Township, Adams County, PA with my know relative John McIntire b 1804 d 1867. I believe they are related as this transcript was given to me in multiple forms from deceased family members. I've been stuck finding any parents for John for years.
Nov 13, 2021
Kim Nielsen
Jan 18, 2022
Scott Douglas
Yes, he lived in Rockingham. I’m descendant of his son Joseph Sr who moved to Kentucky. The family then went to Illinois. I have old family records that refer to Hugh being from Scotland and coming over in 1740, his son James was already born. If the will I found is accurate he passed around 1780-1788. Wife was supposedly named Margaret. All kinds of misinformation on trees, but likely none true. My Hugh was a farmer and likely not from one of the more notable Douglas lines I presume.
Feb 4, 2022
Robert Douglas Bell
My grandson researched my heritage on the Douglas side and found we are descendants of William de Douglas / Margaret Kersdale 1167 1214.
My grandfather was William Temple Douglas 1887 -1951 who married Janet Fotheringham. Moved to Canada in the late 1930s.
My mother's name is Mary Ann Temple Douglas. one of six children.
Apr 1, 2022
Ben Berwick
May 22, 2022
Daniel Douglas
Good day, I am pleased that you responded and appreciate any information I can get.
I have more information on the 5 Douglas brothers. Their father was John Douglas b 1750 d1813, Born in Saint Cuthberts, Edinburg, Midlothian Died in Parish of Clyne, Southerland. His sons are Donald b1773 d 1869, Norman b1789 d 1869, Alexander b1798 d1875,Angus b1805 d1890 and John who is my direct relative b 1802 d 1876. The bothers all migrated to Pictou, Nova Scotia. I have no real records on any of this and wondered if you might be able to shed some light on this.
Best Regards, Daniel Stewart Douglas
Jun 12, 2022
Petrina Cairns
Thank you William.
I hope the transfer of Douglas Support into the hands of the Community safeguards it for many years to come. Although I'm a Renfrew girl my dad's family were all miners in the Rosehall Colliery which was part of the Coatbridge Estate.
There is a recently published book - Glasgow's Blythswood by Graeme Smith which has a section on the intricacies of the Douglas/Campbell inheritance. The estate in Renfrew was originally called Renfield or Ranfield, which now lives on in Renfield St.
Thanks again
Jun 12, 2022
Joshua Shannon Douglas
Yes he was! Richard was my grandfather. He and Brenda had 3 children :
- Shannon Douglas born 2/14/1969 (my father)
- Robin Douglas (my aunt) I’ll get birth dates
- Jason Frederick Douglas (my uncle) also need birth dates
Shannon Douglas married Channa Wells, and had two children:
-Katelyn Elizabeth Douglas 9/10/1988
- Joshua Shannon Douglas 03/30/1990
My parents divorced in 1991, and both remarried. Shannon then married Tami Little, and conceived:
-Jacob Paul Douglas 07/23/1996
- Jenna Lynn Douglas 10/27/2001
My older sister Katelyn Douglas went on to marry David Spangler (since divorced) and conceived :
-Caleb Wyatt Spangler aged 11 (Need birth dates for all of my nephews)
- Henry Wade Spangler
- Griffin Spangler
- Beau Spangler
Having said all of that, I know that my great grandfather (Richards Father) left his wife and kids in the 1950’s, never to reconnect. We later learned that he started a new family, and we have since slowly reconnected. Any additional information on my bloodline would be most appreciated; the rest of my family have reservations about digging into our past. I find it to be terribly interesting. I’ve been told by my grandparents that one of my predecessors came to the States from Scotland within the last couple centuries, and they’ve always stated Lanarkshire as our family’s place of origin. I have no evidence aside from family stories passed down through the generations. Thank you for taking the time to reach out!
Oct 19, 2022
I have not forgotten you ,just a lot going on as my Youngest daughter died June 21, 2022 & we are still sorting everything out. Will get back to you as soon as all calms down.. Richard Scotti, St.Charles, MIssouri USA
Oct 30, 2022
Mikko Salomaa
Yes, i have seen that information. Sadly there is no new things on it.
There was many families from Scotland who did stay in Finland : Montgomery, Forbes, Udine, Ogilvy, Teit or Tait,
Clark, Fotheringham, Leslie, Finlayson, and more. Ofcourse lastnames were changed here, or they got different spelling.
Nov 4, 2022
Henry Douglas
Thank you for the insights provided a few years ago (when I first joined here), William. Admittedly, there have been more pressing matters on my plate since then. Recently, after a quarter century, I have managed to reconnect with my half-sibling, Steven T. Douglas, and his lovely wife, Nancy has been doing genealogy for 40 years. My profile now contains an updated oldest known Douglas ancestor, and I am pleased to inform that my paternal grandmother's 3-great grandfather served at Valley Forge (Adam Calhoun Scott).
Jan 3, 2023
Karen Douglas-Bhanot
Thank you William. Yes, I did see that listing but it's definitely not the same George Douglas. I have verified records to show that my George Douglas (my great grandfather) married a Hannah Fozard in Yorkshire, UK.
I'm just finding my way around this website at the moment but will come back to you if I need any help. Thank you!
Mar 18, 2023
Jennifer Smith
Hi William,
Thank you for allowing me to join! Yes, that is my family. I have been going off of a family tree that is on FamilySearch.org. It originally showed that my oldest known relative was Alexander Douglas 1730-1800, but that is incorrect, it now shows that he lived 1708-1775 in Cockburn and he was the son of John Douglas II 1689-1742, who was born in St. Cuthberts and died in Edinburgh.
Apr 10, 2023
Marilyn Trent
Yes, this is my family from Gallatin, Tennessee. I have to dive into this when I have a bit more time but the family of Walter Abraham Douglass who was born in 1853 is my Great-Grandfather and it is missing my grandmother, Helen Augusta Douglass and other information. My mother, who is 97 is assisting with some fo the gaps also.
Apr 25, 2023
Phillip Ammar
I don't know any exact dates. I was told that my family on my Mother's side (Douglas) came over from Scotland during the Puritan era here in America. Before that they lived in the Douglas Castle and Glasgow area of Scotland. That's about all I know, unfortunately.
May 17, 2023
Garrett Stephen Douglas
Hi William, thank you for your message! Here is what I have found in addition to a few other census records
Jun 10, 2023
Garrett Stephen Douglas
Update: If the information on familysearch and ancestry is correct, then James Monroe Douglas was born James Monroe DouglasS!!
Jun 10, 2023
Sidney Anthony Baynes (Tony)
WoW! Many many thanks for your immediate reply. The picture is a great help as ius the extra "s" in Douglass.
FYI , I was the former Chieftan of the Athens (Greece) St Andre's Societyabout ten years ago. My mother was a McMillen, my father a Baynes.My DNA is 53% Northern Scotland, Highlands and Islands, 17% Viking, 14% Irish with the balance North West Europe and England. During the war, my father was one of only 3 survivors on a ship called the Empire Airman when it was torpedoed in a convoy in the Atlantic Ocean.
A few months later after a spell at home, he was on another convo, this time to Murmansk in 1943 onboard a ship called the Empire Portia. She was hit by a Stuka dive bomber. at ancorage in Murmansk. Again he survived and returned home to South Shields on the north east coast. He was discharged and the Empire Portia saild to the south coast where she hit a mine and was sunk. Lucky Baynes lived again! Then for some reason his next shipwas the Edwin T. Douglass which lay in Lyness then later Kirkwall. In all he spent more than 2 year there on the same ship which I do not believe ever left the harbour except for the journey from Lyness to Kirkwall. I want to know more. Why was this ship there, who was Edwin T. Doiuglass, did it ever leave harbour etc etc. The other reason is that whilst in Orkney, he apparently fathered a child. I would like to find out who that child was and what happened to them.
Any tiny clue, like the letter 's' would be more than helpful.
A final note, my son it currently attending Glasgow University to become a vet.
I am trying to find more information about the Edwin T. Douglas.
Jul 16, 2023
Sidney Anthony Baynes (Tony)
Apologies for the typos. I am on holiday with a poor internet signal and a poor keyboard.
Jul 16, 2023
Sidney Anthony Baynes (Tony)
Good Morning William,
The information you sent has put me on a new track which changes my supposition sent earlier of the Edwin T. Douglass being permanently in the harbour at Lyness. I have my father's Log Book and below are the dates of him signing on and off ship. Each voyage was 6 months. The question now is where did he go to. Wherever it was, you will see that he was with J.W. Anderson. Incidentally, Engineer Anderson was married to a woman from Amble where he was buried. I shall continue to follow up later in the day. As I mentioned earlier, I am on holiday in Austria and must go sight-seeing with the family....
South Shields 10/02/1944 Sign On Edwin T. Douglas 146334 ***
Lyness 08/08/1944 Sign Off Edwin T.Douglas
Lyness 09/08/1944 Sign On Edwin T. Douglas
Lyness 07/02/1945 Sign Off Edwin T.Douglas
Lyness 08/02/1945 Sign On Edwin T.Douglas
Lyness 08/08/1945 Sign Off Edwin T.Douglas
Lyness 08/08/1945 Sign On Edwin T.Douglas
Kirkwall 05/02/1946 Sign Off Edwin T.Douglas
Kirkwall 06/02/1946 Sign On Edwin T.Douglas
Kirkwall 06/05/1946 Sign Off Edwin T.Douglas
Kirkwall 07/05/1946 Sign On Edwin T.Douglas
Blyth 25/08/1946 Sign Off Edwin T.Douglas
Jul 17, 2023
Sidney Anthony Baynes (Tony)
1944%20death%20John%20William%20Anderson%20S.S.%20Edwin%20T%20Dougl...1944%20death%20J.W.%20Anderson%20re%20Edwin%20T.%20Douglass.pngRe earlier conversation:
ANDERSON John William, Chief Engineer 8736, S.S. ‘Edwin T. Douglas’, Merchant Navy.
His parents John William, a harbour pilot, and Annie lived at Leazes Street with his siblings. Born at Amble, he lived at Panhaven Road with his wife Janet. He died 19/05/1944, of a coronary thrombosis, aged 56 and is interred in Amble West Cemetery.
Jul 17, 2023
Sidney Anthony Baynes (Tony)
I have found Mr Edwin T. Douglass...the man in the picture you sent and the man after whom the ship was named. Here is a link to show it:
My next step is to identify where the ship sailed to and from on its 6 monthly trips.
Many thanks for your assistance.
Tony Baynes
Jul 17, 2023
Nicholas Timothy Pink
Hi William,
Thank you for your welcome. I just discovered this last week through spending time with my eldest brother (middle name Douglas, same as our father) that my mother's parents were from Ireland. I had no idea. I never had a grandmother as one died 6 months before I was born and one died six months after I was born in 1952. News to me this week that I had Irish ancestry as well, must be the Celtic side of me.
I know I am 2/3rds Viking by DNA and our family surname Pink is linked to the Douglas Clan and we use the Douglas tartan as and when appropriate. Roughly about 25% comes via the Douglas route as far as I can tell. I did get my mother to write out her family tree as much as she could remember whilst still alive, not sure what book I put it into now. I need to do a search of books to find it again.
Sep 11, 2023
Simon Daniel Owen
Hi sorry for the delayed reply, regarding Daniel Douglas and
Letitia Dorsett (Dossett) they are my paternal 2nd Great-grandparents born 1854 and 1849 respectively. They are also my current brick wall as i have been unable to find any birth or baptism records for either of them, So far!
May i ask how their names came to be listed on your site?
I actually came across the listing on your site while doing my research which prompted me to “bite the bullet” and join up, TBH i should of joined sooner,
Thanks also for the group suggestion, gonna have look tomorrow, if i can be of assistance regarding rural St Andrew Douglas’s let me know.
Oct 27, 2023
Karon "Jeni" Davis
I'm not desperately trying to connect them. Mine says William from Ireland but I do have 14 letters from the mid 1800's my grandfather kept in a locked room. One letter, written by Elizabeth Matthews, Elizabeth states that she is taking care of Mr. Whitworth. I'd be happy to share. Most of the letters are from the sisters. Clara, Elizabeth's daughter and her sister wrote to each other about how their hens were laying. I do have letters from John II and Clara. He does write, "To My Favorite Cousin." I was trying to see if it's possible that there's a mishap because my grandmother's side is also Canada on her dads side. His was Kimmerly, Anderson, Aquire, Maxson. There's one letter written by Clara. She is in a Catholic hospital and says she's going to be very good to John. She wrote that she could hear "Sister Euphrasia praying in the next room." I have the family line. We are Joseph Lapointe and Nancy Fox. Our Cheverie was from PEI, Canada.
Dec 19, 2023
Karon "Jeni" Davis
I also have pictures. One is on a carboard type substance. It says Grandma LaPointe on the back. My grandfather was in WWII- America - Navy. He had a funeral with the flag, etc. Gun Salutes but I don't know what he did. I had another letter from his dad to Clara. he asked her how much more weight did he need to lose to fly. I don't think he was in WWII. He and Clara divorced. He moved to Galveston, TX. They did bring him back for his burial - I think I was told that. I wonder how we could be related to the Cheverie boys that died in WWII. I think I read there was 3. One weird thing and I have no idea where it is. There was a social security card that had the name, Cora Rodgers. My great grandmother was Clara and none of her sisters were named Cora. There was also a "Brother Archer' that Elizabeth wrote about visiting in a letter.
Dec 19, 2023
Karon "Jeni" Davis
I've tried to research this area too. My adopted uncle was a Lutz. There's a Freeland Camp in Saginaw, MI. where a woman named Adele Lutz did nurse mission flight to France and died there. He wasn't her child but info says she had several siblings. Wallenburg and Lutz (You can just put in your search bar) were in MI and Wisconsin for some reason. I don't know if there's a connection. My DNA shows a Cherinawski cousin and one was allowed to stay in England after the war for privacy reasons. There's more but this is things i've read over the years and my only connection is mostly names. My grandfather and his brother retired from Ford. His brother was in the corporate and mine was tool and die.or dye?
Dec 19, 2023
Sarah Douglas
Thanks William. I will try and upload the family tree as far as I have got. There's one place where there were about three "George"s to choose from so will try and add my reasoning for choosing the one I did!
Jan 6, 2024
Terry Douglas Irons
It is definitely Orval Douglas. He is my paternal grandfather. His father is James David Douglas. They are from West Virginia. I can track back to a John Dowgals married to Bethia Dennis. I am then stuck. Thank you for the welcome! Terry
Jan 16, 2024
Nicholas Timothy Pink
Hi William, sorry about the delay in getting back to you but I am busy at work. I run a Financial Consultancy in the South of England and still work full-time, even at my age.
I am 2/3 viking by DNA and 25% Celtic, which is where I think the Douglas link comes from. I guess some of my viking ancestors had relations with people in the North of the UK i.e. Scotland now. I have not as yet traced things back, but I am aware my family name were big land owners in the Yourkshire area years ago, which makes sense with the viking bit as that is mostly where they landed. I need to sit down and do a bit of ancestry tracing one day if I can.
Jan 17, 2024
Nicholas Timothy Pink
Thanks for your help, that looks interesting. I will read that when I get a moment to myself. Thanks for your help on my behalf.
Jan 17, 2024
Pauline Baker
Thanks for the add everywhere, William. I am looking forward to meeting some people!
Mar 15, 2024
Ronald Drysdale
Also, your Alexander Drysdale and Christian Donaldson couple are about 100+ years down the line.
Mar 16, 2024
Ronald Drysdale
Hi William,
I was recently in touch with the Dollar Academy Archivist (carolan-j@dollaracademy.org.uk) and she sent me an electronic copy of this magazine, also see below re further research:
"Thu, 21 Mar at 16:40
Hi Ron
For your information and any other interested genealogists there are two complete sets of the Dollar Magazine and Fortunas in the archive and school library and also two sets in Dollar Museum.
It will eventually all be digitised. Currently I have 1902 (1st issue) to 1921. Only the ones you saw relating to WW1 are online.
Hope to see you in Dollar some time!
There are some copies of the Dollar Magazine online already (1911-1920);
Best regards
Mar 22, 2024
Ronald Drysdale
Yes William,
The Lady Archivist was very helpful (unusual nowadays) and as well as being the resident archivist at the Dollar Academy she runs the Dollar Museum:
"I am also the Hon. Curator of Dollar Museum where we have a lot of genealogical information about the Drysdales. We open at Easter – see the website for times etc. I would advise you to arrange a time with me if you decide to visit as the material has to be taken out of the store."
You might even get a cup of tea if you visit!
Best regards
Mar 22, 2024
Linda Tanner
Thank you for the welcome. Much appreciated. I look forward to viewing the information here.
As best I can determine, my Frederick was born in North Carolina.
Linda Tanner
Apr 3, 2024
Diana Burgess
Thanks William!
I'll check that group out.
Apr 21, 2024
Aoife McCaul
We do have a bit of information about him, it's been well summarized here by someone along the family branch, quite an interesting life story:
Hosea Dugliss (1793-1867) - Find a Grave Memorial
We've been going through family documents recently and came across an original property deed signed by John Jacob Astor from when Hosea Dugliss bought his house on Park Row in Manhattan from the Astor family, which was a great find. Also some documents relating to operations at his mirror making shop. It would be great to find out more about our roots in Scotland as I myself currently live here!
May 24, 2024
Leslie N Bright
Hi William!
I replied via an email; if you didn't get it, let me know, and I can try again, or post it here.
Best, -L
Jun 12, 2024
Peter Stanley Hurford
Yes that's correct, due to the mystery parentage I'm not even sure he was a Douglas, neither was Henry who searched for his whole life ... the secret is only known by Staffords and Lord family
Jun 14, 2024
Douglas Scott Coley
Thank you for your message and information. I became interested in my Douglas genealogy after my recent trip to Hogmanay in Edinburgh. Most of my family research has centered on patriots of the American Revolution. I was a founder and first registrar for my local chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution. I knew much about my Douglas line in America and that my immigrant ancestors came to America directly after the American Revolution.
When I was recently in Scotland, I was not researching my Douglas family. Still, when I saw the painting of James Douglas EM at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, he looked just like my brother in a period outfit… So, after I got home, I did some research and purchased an engraving of James Douglas EM for my home mainly because he looks like my red-headed brother, who has now passed. Unfortunately, the silver signet ring has been "worn proudly" for generations. When I inherited it, the back of the ring was worn so thin it broke. The crest projected outward for stamping documents and was worn down to a blob in the shape of a shield. The ring was passed down as a connection to something important, so it was always worn. I will attach John Douglas's citizenship document, which I have hanging in my house. It states that John Douglas became a citizen of the US on November 4, 1806. His citizenship document from Marlboro County, SC, also states that he was about 57 years old, giving him a berth year of 1749. Also, the document states that he resided in the US between June 18, 1798, and April 14, 1802. According to the Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, from the 1500s to the 1900s, John Douglas arrived in South Carolina in 1799, and based on the date and location, I believe this is my John Douglas.
I descend from his son Duncan Douglas, and another family member recently told me that our family Douglas surname died out from her research as a last name. Still, it has been continually used in my line and several others because it has always been considered one of our most prominent family names. My line goes John Douglas to Duncan Douglas to Elizabeth Douglas, who married Dr. Alfred Hamer, then to Dr. Douglas Hamer Sr. to Dr. Douglas Hamer Jr. to Patricia Douglas Hamer Coley, then me, Douglas Scott Coley, and my son Douglas Hamer Coley. John Douglas had many successful descendants, probably the most successful being the line of John's daughter Christian Douglas McColl, who married Hugh McColl, another local planter family who started a bank. Their direct descendent, Hugh McColl Jr., was the founder and first CEO of Bank of America, the second-largest Bank in the United States.
John Douglas's Will was probated on April 13, 1826; in this will, he lists his wife, Mary, and children. I need to visit family in Marlboro County, SC, and do local records research to see if I can locate his original land deed; I also need to transcribe his will. Thank you in advance for reading this message and again for your message. Here are a few records I have located on Ancestry.com that seem promising to me, but I would love to know your thoughts. The mother's name, Christian, stood out to me because John Douglas named his eldest daughter Christian Douglas, who married Hugh McCall.Doxie%201450.jpg
Best regards.
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
Record Details
Name John Douglas
Arrival Year 1799
Arrival Place South Carolina
Primary Immigrant Douglas, John
Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Record Details
Name: John Douglas
Gender Male
Baptism Date 4 Jul 1749
Baptism Place Nigg, Ki
Jun 22, 2024
Douglas Scott Coley
oops, I was too wordy... Here are the records that I mentioned.
Passenger and Immigration Lists Index, 1500s-1900s
Record Details
Name John Douglas
Arrival Year 1799
Arrival Place South Carolina
Primary Immigrant Douglas, John
Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950
Record Details
Name: John Douglas
Gender Male
Baptism Date 4 Jul 1749
Baptism Place Nigg, Kincardine, Scotland
Father James Douglas
Mother Christian Stronach
Name: John Douglas
Record Type Marriage
Marriage Date 20 Oct 1789
Marriage Place Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Father Charles Lyon
Spouse Mary
Scotland, Select Marriages, 1561-1910
Record Details
Name: James Douglas
Gender Male
Marriage Date 8 Jul 1745
Marriage Place Nigg, Kincardine, Scotland
Spouse: Christian Stronach
Jun 22, 2024
Michael Douglas Brewer
Greetings William Douglas! My name is Michael Douglas Brewer. My 9th generation Great Grandfather was Colonel John Douglas (1636-1678) who immigrated to Maryland from Glasgow, Scotland in 1655. He was the son of Sir Robert of Blackerston & Blythswood (1602-1669). I am a direct descendant of the Douglas Lords of Mains from Nicholas Douglas (1340-1406) to Alexander Douglas (1563-1628). I am a descendant of Sir Andrew, Lord of Hermiston (1225-1277), a direct descendant of Sir Archibald Douglas (1178-1240) and a 13 generations-2nd cousin, 7 times removed to The Good Sir James Douglas (1275-1330). I have been to Scotland and traced the steps of my Douglas Ancestors and to St. Bride's Church in the village of Douglas and the remains of the Douglas Castle. I am very proud of my Douglas Ancestors and to be a part of the Douglas Clan. I live in Columbia, Missouri with my wife Cheryl.
Jul 30, 2024
Evan J Andriopoulos
Hi folks, Not a descendent of the Douglas Family but in the arly 2000s I purchased a ruin of a house in New London, Conn´s downtown waterfront historic district. Planned for demolition in 1974 and forgotten about I fell in the love with the house and this small piece of late 18th c and early 19th c New London. Restored the house, spent years (still not done) researching the builder and his family and have made contact with fantastic people all across the world related to the family or the house itself. Built by Richard Douglass (1746-1828) . I will post info on the appropriate boards. Thanks!
Aug 16, 2024
Robin J Douglas
Hi William,
Just noticed the photo and that is definitely him. He had four children made up of two gentleman's families. Two sets of a boy and a girl born in Scotland and Ireland. Walter and Isabella born in Scotland. Robert and Agnes born in Ireland.
Apparently, this John Scott Douglas was from a family ancestry of many Douglas's bearing the John Scott Christian names and from the Hawick, Jedburgh, Peebles areas. Even my late father wasa John Scott Douglas. Correctly or incorrectly, we have always regarded the family ancestry to have come from the Cavers estates. My grandfather Robert Domingo Douglas 1894-1977[third child born in Cork,Ireland]. He did extensive research in the 1960's. He went to a house which I feel was in the center of Peebles with steps up into it. He wished to talk to a lady who I vaguely recall as an auntie Madge who may have been Margaret. She answered the door but he was shunned at the door. My grandfather Robert Domingo Douglas then later discovered a family secret. He then one day threw the whole family tree research papers in to the fireplace and the whole lot went up in smoke. We have never gotten to the bottom of what was the issue, but needless to say rumors have been rife over the years. Were we related to the famous Dr John Scott Douglas and MP?? There was some infidelity some where that in the 1960's was better left in the past. Things were so bad that nobody in our immediate Scottish Douglas family wanted the family heirloom of the grandfather clock that bears that heart emblem of the Douglas family. Being the eldest my Grand Uncle Walter Douglas was offered the clock and took it. He got the clock cased and imported it from Scotland by sea in the 1950's or 60's. He ultimately gave it to my grandfather as it required major restoration works. Anyway our history remains a mystery. God bless all. Robin
Oct 1, 2024
Nicole Mathers
Hi William, I am still working on confirming my research but what I do know so far is that John and James Douglas arrived in Australia on the Great Britain in 1864. They resided in Laanecoorie and Woodstock in Victoria.
John Douglas is my great great grandfather who resided in Lannecoorie. There are some references and photos of his family home and him in the below links.
There is also a book available in the State Library of Victoria, "Douglas, a family history 1843 - 1981" which gives a full history of James Douglas.
Oct 30, 2024
John Marksbury
Thanks for the tip. I have established a Marksbury/Marksberry tree with factual evidence tied to Samuel Marksbury of Virginia/Kentucky who served in the militia or army in the American Revolution but who his parents are remains unverified. It is a pleasant thought there may be a family tie to the distinguished Douglas clan but so far what is out there comes from research based on hearsay as far as I can tell. Time for a an advanced DNA test!
Oct 30, 2024