A collection of historical and genalogical records
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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Hello Alex
It was good to read your comments. I had found out this interesting piece of information about about Primrose being a member of the Bow Street Mounted Police Patrol after one of my grand-daughters decided to see what she could find out about him. It was a fascinating if rather grim read. I had heard from another Primrose descendant, Sylvia Snipp I think, that he may have been on the Royal Wagon Train. Have you got evidence that he was? You said some of his children were born in Croydon, Surrey. Do you have any details on who they were? I know about William being born in Cambrai, John (my ancestor) in Edinburgh, abt. 1811, Agnes in London and then much later Harriet also born in London.
Hope you don't find I'd love know something of the the origin of "Primrose" as name for males also.
According to the 1861 census Harriet, the daughter of Harriet Ward and Primrose was only 1 at the time of the census, Harriet the mother 39 and Primrose supposedly 72! Have you got another reference for the year of Harriet's birth?
Hope you don't find I am being to nit-picky about details.
All the best,
Maria mcElroy
Hello Alex
Thank you for additional information. Yes I did know Primrose was married twice and I have a copy of his marriage certificate from his 2nd marriage to Harriet Ward in 1852. It was good to find out that Mary Ann Boyd was Jane's mother. What do you think of the year of her birth year though? I wonder if she was really 14 years older than her husband, John Thomson.
Regarding the name "Primrose". There are a number of male Douglas's with the 2nd name "Primrose".
There was a Robert Primrose Douglas born in 1844, who was a Presbyterian minister. He w as born in Dumfries. There is John Henry Primrose Douglas born about 1865 and Charles Primrose Douglas who died just a few years ago in Australia. He was born in Ayr, Scotland. There are others Major General John Primrose Douglas and so on. It really makes you think the name Primrose has some significance to some of the Douglas clan. it would be interesting to know if your rather romantic story offered an explanation. I found a website whatsinaname.net. On this site, their comment on males with the forename "Primrose", was that it was indeed very rare but they found it occurring in different parts of Scotland and that is highly likely to have originated from the surname, Primrose which was the family name of the Earl of Rosebery. The hunt goes on.
Best wishes
Maria McElroy
Welcome to our group, Alex.
There is a discussion about Midlothian Douglases, which you might find helpful, on this page: http://douglashistory.ning.com/profiles/comment/list?attachedToType=User&attachedTo=0peyh7g7tirdp&commentId=3482022%3AComment%3A45556
Yours aye,