The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

Can anyone help with the connection of James Douglas born 25th September 1768 at Springwood Park

to Admiral Sir James Douglas(1704-1787) of Springwood Park.

Sir James Douglas was married three times and his first wife was a Dutch lady called Uranie Marteilhe.

My James Douglas was a Major in the East India Company and also married to a Dutch lady

Atcha Babee.  His four children were born in Bombay.

He died at Edenside Kelso in 1819 I think, because his will was proved that year.

His letters to the India office D/167 Folios183-185 formally requesting his retiral, dated 1809.

Also a letter D/171 Folios 175-177 applying to become recruiting officer for the Glasgow District dated 1811.

Any information would be most appreciated.

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Comment by William Douglas on July 29, 2014 at 10:21

Major James Douglas returned to East India Dock, London arriving on 15 September 1807 on the Honourable East India Company's ship Huddart, Commander - Capt. Thomas Gabriel Bayliff.

Subsequently an action was brought by a Mr Boyce (a Major in the Army) against Major Douglas of the 2nd Reg't. Native Infantry (The passenger list has him as '9th Reg't N I') who was a passenger on board, for helping the Captain to fetter Boyce and in so doing apparently giving verbal abuse and threatening him with the butt of a musket. Among the witnesses called were Mr Hubbert (understood to be the Captain's gentleman servant) and Corporals Ward & Turner from the detachment of the 77th Regiment of Foot. Counsel for the Defendant said that all this had been covered in the earlier Cause and complained of abuse of his professional duties. After a few words from his Lordship a verdict was found for the Plaintiff, though only the small sum of 40 shillings was awarded for damages.

Major Douglas, the Defendant, an Officer of rank, as the Plaintiff was conducting to the poop to be put in irons there, condescended to present the butt-end of a musket to his head, and had the Defendant not been restrained by a brother Officer, who arrested his hand, would probably have had to answer for a much more serious offence. This act was accompanied by the most indecent and opprobrious language. "You d----d scoundrel (said he) if you utter a word, I will knock your brains out. The offence was aggravated by the helpless situation of the Plaintiff at the time. There was no justification on record. Mr Hubbert, and Corporals Ward and Turner, proved the assault.

In addition to Major Douglas, also on board were his daughters R. Douglas, aged 9, K.Douglas 7 years and M. Douglas, 4 years.

Comment by William Douglas on January 19, 2013 at 19:20

The Sydney Morning Herald Wednesday 28 April 1897, page 1

DOUGLAS.—April 27, at his late residence, 80 Glebe-
road, James Douglas, surgeon, only son and last sur-
viving child of the late Major James Douglas, of the
E. I. Co. Service, who died at Edenside, Kelso, Scotland,
in his 94th year. Edinburgh and London papers please

Comment by William Douglas on October 25, 2010 at 15:11
I was tired last night when I fired off my brief response. I should have given it a bit more time and thought.

Christopher Valin states that Sir Charles did marry Uranie Lidie Marteilh, and that they had two children, Wiliam Henry and Lydia Marianna. Some sources attribute his second son, Charles, to this marriage. (He appears thus in my genealogy database - perhaps I should be altering that!). So no James there.

Major general Robert Douglas (1727–1809) also married a Dutch lady at about this time. He was the son of George Douglas of Friarshaw and his wife, Elizabeth Scott (dau of Sir Patrick Scott, Bart of Ancrum) and a brother to Admiral Sir James, of Springwood. The General married Helena de Brauw in 1754. They had issue, but no James that I am aware of.

According to The Scots Magazine, James douglas died, at Edenside, on 28th April 1814. I think that his will was not proved til 1819, so guess there was some sort of family dispute?

James Douglas of Edenside's youngest daughter, Mary, married Francis K. Turner in Edinburgh on 11th November 1835.

I am sure that you are correct in your assumption that these is a link to the Douglases Springwood Park, but I have not yet been able to identify what it is.

It appears that he was a horticultuaralist of some note. 'In the last decade of last century much work was accomplished in that respect by the late James Douglas, of Edenside, and Martin R. Smith, a famous amateur grower and raiser. Although Douglas was one of the school of the old florists he ...' And: 'A collection of seed and/or nursery catalogs published by James Douglas (Firm) (Edenside, Great Bookham, Surrey, England; also known as the House of Douglas) from 1902-[19--]; part of the Ethel Z. Bailey Horticultural Catalogue Collection.'

'Edenside Nursery was also famed for pinks and carnations, but the auricula always had a special appeal for Douglas, who was succeeded by his son James and grandson Gordon Douglas. The work still continues, although the original nursery ...'

There is a 32-page booklet that might help: THE HOUSE OF DOUGLAS Nursery at Great Bookham, Surrey, 1893 - 1985 By: Eileen Galbally.

Gardeners' chronicle, horticultural trade journal, Volume 147 contains an obituary. James Douglas died 11 May ?1960 aged 86.

So, not much progress to finding out more about Major James Douglas' parentage.
Comment by stephen light on October 24, 2010 at 23:17
Looks as though I was confused with Sir Charles Douglas
and Sir James Douglas of Springfield Park kelso.
William do you know anything about that family
and could my James Douglas be related to them.
Comment by William Douglas on October 24, 2010 at 22:44

Uranie Lidie Marteilhe married Admiral Sir Charles Douglas of Carr. His biographer, Christopher J. Valin, is a members of this network.

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Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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