The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

From  the  Kershaw  News  Era , Camden , SC Dec. 24 , 1948

 by Mrs. E. C. Croxton 

The name Truesdale is of English origin and is said to have been derived from the residence of its first bearer at a placed called Troutsdale in the North Riding of Yorkshire, England. In the ancient records, it is found in many different forms: Troutsdale, Truesdell, Trewsdell, etc., down to the generally accepted ones in America as Truesdell, Truesdel and Truesdale. 

The following account of the Truesdale family is partly taken from an old letter written by James Truesdale of New York (Samuel Truesdale settled in New York) to his cousin, Jesse Truesdale of Flat Rock, SC: 

Our Truesdale forefathers came from England in the year 1649 with Oliver Cromwell, who came with an army of 12,000 men to subdue the Papists that were in rebellion against the British government. They were also murdering the Protestants throughout Ireland. The Papists had made a stand at a place called Drogheda with a large army, it being a walled town and Oliver Cromwell laid siege to it and took it and put 2000 of the Papists to the sword. 

Our forefathers fought there and when Oliver had captured the place he left a garrison in it and went to the city of Wetford. Our forefathers were left at Drogheda with the garrison. When Cromwell had completed his mission in Ireland and peace being restored, the Truesdales and Hollingsworths settled somewhere about Drogheda. How long our forefathers remained there I cannot exactly tell, but sometime in the year 1700 a family of the Truesdale's and a family of the Hollingsworth's left their friends somewhere in the neighborhood of Drogheda and came to the province of Ulster county of Down and town of Rothfreland and settled there where there is a number of their offspring. They reside there to this day

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Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on March 12, 2022 at 16:03
                         Further expanding on the LDS ''information'' at the bottom ...
This information below was Compiled by Lucy Brown Archer , not myself - if you wish to access it here is the link
Sarah Lavinia Brown was born on October 21, 1858 in Brownsville, Weber County, Utah. The city name was later changed to Ogden
Sarah married Joseph [Trusdale] Drysdale on May 27, 1882 at Ogden, Weber, Utah. Joseph is the son of James [Trusdale] Drysdale (1816-1881) and Mary Elizabeth English Drysdale (1821-1888), both from Drumballyronie, Down, Ireland. Both parents died in Hooper, Weber, Utah. 
                          This James was shot dead 1881 , after hitting a young fellow with a shovel -                                                        source: Salt Lake herald Salt Lake City ,Utah April 26, 1881. 
Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on January 3, 2022 at 14:00

Before anyone jumps off a cliff here - The reason for bringing this issue to light  is not to elevate one family name over another , make less of any single person, but rather point out that unpaid volunteers -are human and do make mistakes, yes even Mormons. 

Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on January 3, 2022 at 13:29

From the notes of Elder Daniel Sinclair McFarlane , vol.2 , 1877-1878 , made possible by BYU and J_stor .....

January 15, 1878
Tuesday 15 Jany 1878.
aching wrote to P M-
Killin desiring to leave the
names of the parishes in
that locality with a view
to going to Edinburgh to
[page 121]
to get genealogies. Still

17% Jany 1874.) Confirmed
by Robt Jany
1874 --
Mary Trusdale or --
Drysdale. daughter of
James and Elizabeth
English, Trusdale
or Drysdale. Born at the
Town of Irvine. County of
Ayr Kingdom Scotland.
April 1857 died
May 1873
[page 159]
Father of the above
James Trusdale or Drysdale
Born in the of Baroney
County Down.) Kingdom --
Ireland. (no date of birth) --
Mother of the above
Elizabeth, English. Trusdale
or Drysdale. Born in the
Parish of Drungullan.) Town
of Klaskilt, County Down. ----
Ireland. Nov. 1830 --
[page 160]
Send the following information
to Sister J. Spiking. Mary Trus-
dale or Drysdale Born April
26% 1851 at Irvin Ayrshire
Scotland Fathers Name James
Drysdale Born in the Parish
of Baroney County Down --
Ireland. Mothers
name Elizabeth English --

Drysdale. Born Nov. 14% 1830
in the parish of Drungullan
Town of County
Down. Ireland. the above
Mary Drysdale died
May 1873 a faithful saint

Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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