A collection of historical and genalogical records
In the search for James Drysdale son of James Drysdale , also older brother of John Drysdale Of Cedar Fort
John Drysdale last I know in 1858 seen his brother James in the troops of Albert Sidney Johnstone just before the Civil War broke out while Johnstone was occupying Utah keeping an eye on the Mormons , after that , the trail goes cold , no information I have found so far concerning civil war involvement of this James Drysdale .
Something coincidental here , both Johnstone and the Drysdales shared a degree of Arnott lineage
' John Drysdale had learned the trade of a Charcoal burning, either in England or St. Louis, Missouri and made use of his knowledge, using the Cedar trees just north of Cedar Fort for that purpose.
One day as he was busily at work, he was approached by a sedate soldierly gentleman in the uniform of a general who proved to be none other that General Albert Sidney Johnston, commander of the Army unjustly and unwisely sent out by President Buchanan to subdue the Mormons. The army had entered Utah without any bloodshed through the cleverness and strategy of the Mormon men, with the aid of Colonel Thomas L. Kane, a good friend and mediator.
Peace was established and it was agreed that General Johnston might bring his army into Utah if he would establish his camp at least 40 miles from Salt Lake City. Cedar Valley was the place selected for their permanent camp, June 26, 1858, the camp being situated at the north end of the valley on a stream coming from North Canyon. It was at this time that General Johnston approached John Drysdale and asked his opinion of their camp. John informed the General that there was water in that stream only in the spring and early summer. the water drying up in August. He told him of the better springs near Fairfield and suggested that as a good place to make their camp. General Johnston acted on his suggestion and the place was named Camp Floyd, after the Secretary of War. The General told John Drysdale , he had a man named Drysdale in the army. John looked the man up and to his surprise found him to be his brother, James Drysdale ..''
Albert Sydney Johnstone it seems took up with the Confederate forces in Texas , in searching names lists , [which is rather exhausting] it seems for the most part Drysdale s didn't favor the cause of Robert E. Lee ...
still nothing in this area to connect to James .
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...''Virginia had seen slavery dissolve more fully and rapidly than states in the cotton South, where Union armies often did not reach. Black Virginians began reconstructing their own lives at the first opportunity. They founded their own churches and benevolent organizations, reconstituted their families, and started businesses. In many ways, these quiet, non-political actions were the most enduring acts during Reconstruction.
The Freedmen’s Bureau helped in this work, especially in the earliest days of freedom and especially in legalizing marriages among formerly enslaved people. The Freedmen’s Bureau ran the major relief operations in the city, providing rations for destitute white and black people. Teachers, black and white, mainly female, came to Virginia to teach school for the freedpeople, of all ages. They were met with eager enthusiasm by black people but with contempt by white Richmonders.''...
In 1866 I found >a< James Drysdale working at the Freedmans Bureau , I can't say for sure if they are the same James Drysdale
I found this Indenture in Library of Virginia if I recall correctly ,
This indenture made this 28th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty
Witnesseth: That Lt Jas. Drysdale Asst. Superintendent Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
for the Sub-District of Amelia & Powhatan counties State of Virginia, acting as guardian, under authority of
Major General O.O. Howard (as contained in Circular Letter, War Department, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen & A. Lands, Washington, D.C., of date October 4th, 1865,) for the apprenticing of orphan minor children of Freedmen, doth bind out Patrick Jones a minor orphan, freed boy aged 13 years - months -days as an apprentice to JS Johns at Amelia county, Virginia, to learn the art and trade of Farming. The said Patrick Jones after the manner of an apprentice, to dwell with, and serve said J S Johns from the day of date, hereof, until the 1st day of Sept. one thousand eight hundred and seventy four, at which time, if the said Patrick Jones should be living, he will be twenty-one years of age, during which time or term the said Patrick Jones shall well and faithfully serve the said James S Johns. And the said James S Johns on his part, doth covenant, promise and agree to instruct the said Patrick Jones in the art and trade of Farming in all its branches, and furthermore, to teach or cause said Patrick Jones to be taught to read, write and cipher in Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication and Division, and in the other rules of Arithmetic, as far as, and including Ratio or Proportion,
and shall well and faithfully provide for the said Patrick Jones good and sufficient food, clothing, medical attendance and care when sick during the term aforesaid, and at the expiration of said term of apprenticeship the said J S Johns shall pay unto the said Patrick Jones the sum of Thirty-five dollars, for which sum of
Thirty-five dollars aforesaid, said J S Johns doth hereby bind himself his heirs, executors and assigns, to well and truly pay to said Patrick Jones free from all debts, demands, liabilities or obligations from whatever cause arising during minority of said Patrick Jones
Witness our hands and seals, this day and year above written.
Jas Drysdale {Seal}
2d Lt "[illegible]" A Supr F B
J S Johns {Seal}
Witness at signing
Giles A Miller
Note.- Female orphan minors will not be indentured for a longer period than until they will arrive at the age of
eighteen years.
Field Offices for the State of Virginia, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865–1872
Oct. 1865–Aug. 1866
Assistant Superintendent W. F. White
Aug. 1866–Jan. 1867
Assistant Superintendent James Drysdale
Jan. 1867–Dec. 1868
Acting Subassistant Commissioner J. B. Clinton
''General Johnston approached John Drysdale and asked his opinion of their camp. John informed the General that there was water in that stream only in the spring and early summer. the water drying up in August. He told him of the better springs near Fairfield and suggested that as a good place to make their camp. General Johnston acted on his suggestion and the place was named Camp Floyd, after the Secretary of War.''
Camp Floyd after the Civil War was renamed Fort Crittenden , and was later closed , John Drysdale tried to gain homestead ownership of sizable property about 5 miles from his property in Cedar Fort but lost his case in Washington DC .
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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