The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

Col Edward Douglas was probably born in Scotland. Records in Northampton County, Virginia state 'age 50 in 1640', which would place his birth in 1590. His wife, Isabel Dale was born about 1598.The Colonel died in 1557 and within the year Isabel married Rev Thomas Teackle. There were no children by this marriage. The Rev. Teackle married after Isabel's death and fathered several children. Isabel was a sibling of two older brothers, Sir Thomas Dale, and Richard Dale. Both brothers predeceased Isabella. Isabellea had an earlier marriage to a Gayner and he, too, predeceased Isabel.The three siblings were all born in Surrey County, England. However, the family at some point moved to Middlesex County. When Thomas Dale was knighted by King James, his place of birth was recorded. It is highly likely that Edward Douglas had an earlier marriage and may have had children by that marriage. We, also know that Edward Douglas had a cousin Probably a 1st cousin, named Edmund Bowman, and it was at Edmund's home where Edward passed away.Sir Thomas Dale claims our attention as it relates to Isabella. Sir Thomas die about 1639 and his wife Dame Elizabeth Throgmorton died in 1641. Sir Thoms had been High Marshall and provisional governor of Virginia. The Dales had no children. Dame Dale wrote a will leaing the impressive estate to relations related to her. Really, Isabella was the closest blood relative and was entitled to his wealth. This helped motivate Isabella to marry Edward Douglas about 1647 probably in Middlesex County. Their interest was in 'Dale's Gift;, the very first patent issued in Virginia. This was an extremely large entity, covering thousands of acres, stretching from Cape Charles to the OP (Old Plantation) near Eastville, Virginia. When the couple (Edward and Isabella) arrive. Edward took immediate action, removing squatters, and obtaining patents. When Edward died in 1657 he had acquired about a third of Dale's Gift.At the time of his death he had acquired the title of Lt. Colonel. Early on Edward Douglas was elected to the House of Burgess. Their closest friends were Col Edward Littleton, Esquire and his wife, Ann Southy. The Douglas children became godchildren to the Littletons. Edward Douglas, Jr. was born in 1644 and died 1648. He never married. Sarah Douglas was born 1646, married Edward Littleton, Jr. eldest son of Edward and Ann Littleton, in 1658 and died in 1658 at the age of twelve. The infant was born dead. In his will 1657, Edward Douglas stated his daughter, Sarah Douglas was mentioned by her father to be under contract to marry Edward Littleton at the age of twelve. (It becomes obvious the community was being hit with a pestilence that was claiming many lives.  We hav Colonel Edward Littleton passing away in 1654; his widow Ann Southy Littleton, passes away in 1656; and Lt. Col Edward Douglas in 1657. No wonder Edward spent the last days of his life with his cousin, Edmund Bowman, who was living further north out of the pestilence area. It is possible when Edward recorded the marriage contract to be, he was hopeful he would be alive to witness it. Daughter, Elizabeth Douglas, was born in 1647 and at the age of twenty-two married John Willett-actual marriage date 25 March 1669, Northampton County, Virginia. John Willett shos up suddenly. His seal was a ,rampant lion, and the shield of the Willett family was marked with five rampart lions. (On 29 Dec 1669 John Martyn, now at sea on the Providence, heading for London exhibited "his love and affection for Elizabeth Douglas, daughter-in-law of Rev Thomas Teackle, and to Mary. (In this one paragraph we find a family reaching the heights of stability and joy and then to see tragedy strike them so hard. (I have written an abbreviated summary leaving out sources and detail. My six vol compendium called William Tankard, Gentleman, 1607 Ancestors and Descendants, located in the public library in Accomac, Accomack County provides all the details. I shall, of course, respond to ant questions on your mind. In a week I shall provide another summary of the family, similar to this one. Henry Barraud Hunt, Jr.

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Maj Edmund Bowman b 1620, England, was the father of Sarah Bowman Littleton, Sarah Bowman married Col Southy Littleton, brother of Col. Edward Littleton, who had married Lt Col Douglass daughter, Sarah Douglass, making the two Sarah's sister-in-laws. The Littleton brothers were the sons of Col. Nathaniel Littleton, son of Sir Edward Littleton, of Henley Hall and Mary, Lady Lyttleton (Walter). The Littleton's were a very prominent family in colonial Virginia. Maj Edmund Bowman was kinsman of Col Charles Scarburgh

..."In 1688 COL. CHARLES SCARBURGH, with his kinsman, Col. Edmund Bowman, was prosecuted for vehement public utterances and accusations against the Catholic proclivities of King James II."


1. "Library of Col. Southey Littleton" The William and Mary Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 4 (Apr., 1900), pp. 230-231

2. William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine, Vol. 9, No. 1. (Jul., 1900), pp. 60-64

3. Virginia Heraldica: Being a Registry of Virginia Gentry Entitled to Coat Armor, with Genealogical Notes of the Families, William Armstrong Crozier, Genealogical Association, 1908

4. Find A Grave Memorial# 132009593  Col Charles Scarburgh

I have a question regarding the death date of Edward Douglass Jr, son of Lt Col Edward Douglass and Isabella Dale Douglass.  Was Edward named in his father's will of 1657 ?  If so, it would seem that a death date of 1648 might be too early.   There is a land deed from From William Willett to William Baker dated 1698 that also would support Edward Douglass Jr being alive after his father's death.  William Willett was the son of John Willett and Elizabeth Douglass WIllett.  It names Elizabeth, Decd as the heir to her brother, Edward.  Evidently the lands he inherited from his father, Lt Col Douglass passed to his sister upon his death.  I would see this as meaning two things, 1st that Edward was alive when his father died in 1657, that he inherited a portion of his father's land holdings, and 2nd that he died before his sister, Elizabeth. who died about 1672.  It would also seem to infer that Edward Douglass Jr died without having children to pass his estate to.   

Here is the land deed from Willett to Baker.  Would love to get your take on this.

From William Willett to William Baker.

To all Christian people to whom this present writinge or deed of sale shall come, I, William Willett, of he County of Northampton in Virginia, Gent. the only Son and heire of John Willett late of the said County, Gent. eceased,
and Elizabeth his wife, the daughter of Capt. Edw. Douglas, late of the County aforesaid, dec'd, the sister and heire of her brother Edward Douglas, Son of the said dec'd Capt. Edward Douglas of the place aforesaid dec'd, send greeting in our Lord God Everlasting, know you that I the said William Willett for and in consideration of the sum of 20,000 pounds of good tobacco and caskes to me in hand paid by William Baker of the County of Northampton aforesaid planter, the Recept whereof I do surely acknowledge, and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof do hereby Acquit exonerate and discharge the said William Baker, his heirs Exc. Admr. & Assigns and every of them forever by these prsents Have given, granted Aleined, Bargained, sold enfeoffed, confirmed and livery and seizen and possession delivered And by these prsts Do fully freely cleerely and absolutely give, grant Alein, Bargain, Sell Enfeoffed confirm liverey & seizen and possession deliver Unto the said William Baker.  All that part of my tract or divident of Woodland ground containing six hundred Acres of Land (bee the same more or less) According to and within the following bounds, Expressed (viz) Scituate lyinge and being in the county of Northampton, aforesaid and is marked and bounded about partly on the West by Old Plantation Creeke including the church or chappell rock thereon and from An Oak att the spring by the said church or
chappell.  Alonge the horse or foote way or path goinge by some of the plantations of and towards Capt. Nathl Littleton's By a line of trees newly marked on the Eastward side of the said Path to the northermost line of the said Littleton's land and Running from the said old Plantation Creeke along the Northerne Brannch of the said church or chappell Neck towards the head the said Brannch till it meets with the Westermost line of Six Hundred Acres of land which I hold by Pattent as hereafter mencioned And soo Running along the said line of marked tres to the northermost corner tree of Jerom Griffiths senr., his Land on Pemino Brannch or Creeke for its Northermost Bounds and running along the said Jerom Griffith's Senr. his Westermost line to its Eastern bounds till it meets with the northermost line of the said Capt. Littleton's land.  Finally alonge and bounding on the said Capt. Littleton's Northern bounds to the aforesaid path and now marked line of trees as above mentioned for its Southern bounds.

Which said or bargained land and premises containing Six hundred Acres (more or less) according to the bounds aforesaid is part of and contained in two Patents comprised in one pattent (with other lands) of three thousand seven hundred Acres granted by Francis Moryson Esqr Gov. etc. to Edward Douglas, son & heire &c., to Capt. Edward Douglas in Northampton Co. etc. * * *

Six hundred acres other part thereof formerly granted to Capt. Edward Douglas aforesaid dec'd April 26th, 1657 on the south side of the Old Plantation Creeke bounded westerly upon a Brannch of the said Creek and the Pattent land of Wm. Burdett southerly on the land of Mr. Edwd. Littleton Northerly on a former divident of the said Douglas and Easterly on the lands of the Seaboard side, etc. which said last mencioned Six Hundred Acres of land parcel of the probargained at afore granted premises was since granted to me the said Willis Willett by Patent of Excy. Edmund Anders Knt. Governr &c. bearing date this 28th day of Octbr, 1697

(relacon being thereunto had) mo: at large and planely it doth and may appear. (Excepting out of the said probargained premises One Acre of land whereon the aforesaid church or chappell now stands to Remaine for that use at longe as the parish are minded to continue to same).  To have and to hold the said Six hundred Acres of land & c. & together with all and singular, Houses Edifices, Buildings, Orchard Gardens, fences, which now are or shall hereafter be built Erect, or Sitt upon the probargained premises or any part or parcel thereof timber, timber trees, wood, underwoods, waters, water courses pasture movres, marshes, meadows, immunities, provileges of Patents &c. &c.

And in the Testimony and confirmacon hereof I the said Wm. Willett have
hereunto sett my hand & Seale the thirtieth day of May anno Regix X Anno
Dom. 1698.                           WILLIAM WILLETT.

Note:  The Nathaniel Littleton mentioned in the deed is Col Nathaniel Littleton, the father of Edward Littleton, who married Sarah Douglass, dau of Lt Col Edward Douglass.  He is also the father of Col Southy Littleton, who married Sarah Bowman, dau. of Major Edmund Bowman.  Nathaniel Littleton's wife was Ann Southy, the daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Southy.   Ann Southy Littleton's will dated Oct 1656, seems to support Edward Douglass Jr still being alive at that time as he and his two sisters are named in her will.

Ann Southy Littleton's will :

Will 1656, Northamption Co., VA Littleton, Ann, widow of Col Nathaniel Littleton, Esq 1656/28 Oct 1656

To my younger son Southy Littleton all my land at Nandue as by a patent dated 1636 taken in his name, according to he bounds therof and seven Negroes, viz, Robin and his wife Fallassa and her three sons, little Tony, and Jane the dau of Peter. To my dau Heaster Littleton six negroes, viz, Congo and his wife Cossongo and her two children, Isaake the son of old Tony, and Besse the dau of Paul ..Francis Pott her facofee in truste Also to my dau Hester ..the key to be kept in the custody of one of my trustees, viz, Lt Col Edward Douglas or Capt Francis Pott. To my kinsman Mrs Thomas Harman the 1st mare coult that comes forth from my stock. To my godson Mr Argoll Yardley the 2nd mare coult as aforesaid. And the 3rd mare coult to the eldest child of Capt Roger Marshall. To my three godchildren Sara, Edward and Elizabeth Douglas the children of my neighbor Lt Col Edward Douglas ..To my servant Susanna Price My dau Heaster to be with Mrs Eyres until 10 and Mrs Ayres to have 800 pounds as formerly paid her yearly. And I request my kind neighbor Mrs Issibella Douglas to take my said dau until 14 . My son Edward Littleton extr. Of the remainder of my estare, viz all my land at Magattey Bay, ten Negroes, three Irish Servents, and one English servant. If all my children die without issue thanth e real estate to go to James Littleton, Esq., of Shropsheire near Ludlowe. My friends Lt Col Edward Douglas, Francis Doughty, minister and preacher of this parish, and Capt Francis Pott trustee.

Witt: Francis Pott, Daniell Baker f 22 (note: the devisee Littleton Scarburgh is the son of Col Edmund Scarburgh and Mary his wife)

There is more on this topic here: 

I do not appear to have any details on the family in my database - or am I just not looking properly?

Mr Hunt, thank you for all the very good information on Col Douglas and his line.  I agree with your statement that Edward Douglas Jr died without issue.  This is supported by the deed of sale between William Willett and William Baker.   This is important information in regards to researchers who have proposed that there is a link between the lines of Lt Col Douglass, of Northampton and Col Edward Douglass of Sumner, Tennessee.  Since Edward Douglass Jr did not have male heirs, it would seem that there could not be a direct link to the Tennessee line.  It may be possible, as you said that Lt Col Douglass had other children  from a previous marriage, but are any known ?  Although a number of genealogist have linked the two Douglass lines, usually through Edward Jr it would seen that is a dead end.  Is there any well sourced information that would link these two Douglass lines ?

Mr William Douglas... thank you also for this great forum.  It is a great resource on all things "Douglas"

I am related to the Douglass family in Gallatin, Tennessee. My grandmother was Helen Augusta Douglass. My mother who is 98 said she was related to Edward Douglass, who fought in the Revolutionary War. I haven't had alot of time to research that lineage. I began to do it a few years ago. This is the first time I have learned that he could have also been related to Col Douglass and his line in Virginia.


Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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