A collection of historical and genalogical records
In a PDF titled ‘’A record of The gravestones in the Churchyard of St Nicholas, Uphall (formerly Uphall North)’’ I ran across this among other Drysdale references , entry #195 is particularly interesting. [Photo courtesy of Harry Macpherson]
Sacred to the memory of Major and Bt, Lt-Colonel J Drysdale 42nd Highland Regt The Black Watch who joined AD 1836 and died AD 1865 of disease contracted in an Indian Climate He served the 42nd throughout the Crimean and Indian Mutiny campaigns and was decorated as a Knight of the Legion of Honour This tablet is erected by his brother Officers and the NCO and men of the Regiment as a mark of their affection and esteem.
Referring to The Roger Fenton Collection #207 , then Captain John Drysdale of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment during the Crimean War of 1855.
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After the battle, it was a touching sight to see the meeting between Lord Raglan and Sir Colin Campbell. The latter was on foot, as his horse had been killed in the earlier period of the action. Lord Raglan rode up, and highly complimented Campbell and his brigade. Sir Colin, with tears in his eyes, said it was not the first battle-field they had won together, and that, now that the battle was over, he had a favour to ask his lordship, which he hoped he would not refuse—to wear a bonnet with his brigade while he had the honour to command it.
The request was at once granted, and the making up of the bonnet was intrusted secretly to Lieutenant and Adjutant Drysdale of the 42d. There was a difficulty next morning as to the description of heckle to combine the three regiments of the Brigade. It was at last decided to have one-third of it red, to represent the 42d, and the remaining two-thirds white at the bottom, for the 79th and 93d. Not more than half a dozen knew about the preparation of the bonnet, and these were confined to the 42d. A brigade parade was ordered on the morning of 22d September on the field of Alma, "as the General was desirous of thanking them for their conduct on the 20th." The square was formed in readiness for his arrival, and he rode into it with the bonnet on. No order or signal was given for it, but he was greeted with such a succession of cheers, again and again, that both the French and English armies were startled into a perfect state of wonder as to what had taken place. Such is the history of "the bonnet gained."
Source: Electric Scotland , Scottish Regiments
The Black Watch - 1854 - 1856
Sir James Douglas, I found while in National Library of Scotland looking up more on John Drysdale of the 42nd...
A rather interesting paragraph at the bottom of pg.99 of harts army lists of which John Drysdale is listed near the bottom of the page (see below)
Sir James Douglas accompanied the Expedition to South America under Gen. Craufurd on the Quarter-Master-Generals Staff,and was engaged in the attack on Buenos Ayres. Subsequently in the same capacity he proceeded to Portugal with the Expedition under Sir Arthur Wellesley : was senior officer of the Quarter-Master-Generals Department on the landing of the army ; and was present at the battles of Roieia, Vimiera, and Corunna. Joined the Portuguese army with the command of a Regiment in 1800 : was present at the passage of the Douro,and battles of Busaco.Fuentes d’Onor,Salamanca, and the Pyrenees (wounded); after which he obtained command of the 7th Portuguese Brigade, and commanded it in the battles of the Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse (twice wounded, occasioning the loss of a leg). Sir James lias received the Gold Cross and three Clasps for Busaco, Salamanca, Pyrenees, Nivelle, Nive, Orthes, and Toulouse.
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Hats off to Harry McPherson, the fellow who took the photos and created the .pdf file he was most agreeable to using his photos and even supplied me with original photos, great guy, also Jonathan at
Broxburn & Uphall Community Website Trust for putting me in contact with Harry.
Another source Monumens and monumental inscription in Scotland states
In the [Uphall] parish churchyard a handsome monument commemoratesLieut-Colonel John Drysdale, of the 42nd Regiment, who died in 1866. The monument, which is seven feet in height, is adorned with castings in bronze, designed and executed by Mr. John Steell, of Edinburgh. It was reared at the expense of the officers, non- commissioned officers, and men of the 42nd Regiment, as a tribute of respect to one who, through his own personal merits, rose from the position of a private soldier to the command of his regiment.
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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