The Douglas Archives

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Julie has contributed this: "Genealogical abstracts from the American Weekly Mercury, 1719-1746" compiled by Kenneth Scott (c) 1974 1720 Pg 02 DOUGLASS, Archabald, Scotch servant, age c. 25 – runaway from James Pemberton, of Queen Ann Co., Maryland; if runaway is captured, notice to be given to Israel Pemberton of Phila. (7/21) 

Description: Reward Offered For Three Runaway Servant Men Named James GRIGG, Archabald DOUGLASS and William WILLSON.

Date: July 21 1720

Newspaper published in: Philadelphia, PA

Run away the 10th of July, from John PEMBERTON, James PEMBERTON and Benjamen PEMBERTON of Queen Anns County in Maryland, three servant men. John PEMBERTON's servant named James GRIGG, of a middle stature, long black hair, thin vizage, his face full of pock holes, clothed with a yellowish drugget coat, a vest the fore part tickin and the back part fustian, light collered hose, is a Taylor by trade, about 23 years of age.

James PEMBERTON's servant named Archabald DOUGLASS, aged about 25 years of large stature, and a very likely man, black hair, and has been lately shaved, and is a little pock fretten, clothed with a dark collered frise coat, and breeches of the same, flannel vest, with hooks and eyes, white roled stockins, has a sort of sham shirts.

Benjaman PEMBERTON's servant named William WILLSON, aged about 26 years, a very tall well set man, black hair, clownish behavior, of a tawney complexion, cloathed with a blewish mixt vest, and breeches of the same, and roled stockins, commonly wears his garters below the knees, are all Scotch men. They have feloniously taken with them one large bay mare with a switch tail tail branded on the near shoulder and buttock IC, also one black coloured gelding with a star on his forehead, has a sore back and a blotted brand on one of his buttocks, also one stoned horse, a dark bay and gray hairs mixt, has a gray face, his tail part white and part bay, branded on the near shoulder, and buttock. It is thought that one John WILLSON who lately came from Pennsylvania or the Jerseys into those parts is their guide, he is of a middle stature well set black bushey hair is in mean habbit. Any person that can take them up and secure them so as their said Masters may have them again (and give them notice thereof or to Israel PEMBERTON of Philadelphia) shall have 40 shillings each as a reward with reasonable charges.

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