The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records


The second wool mill of Dollar was built by Mr William Drysdale of Alva who carried it on for a very long time and after his death his son Robert continued in it for a great many years The water for the wheel of this mill was brought in a raised up wooden trough from the weir previously mentioned and stood right above where the Castle walk now is When not
required for the wheel the water was discharged into the burn by a large spout immediately behind the mill A long row of stenters for drying their goods stood on the opposite side of the burn to the north of Cissy and Annie Sinclair's garden After Mr Robert Drysdale's death Mr Peter Stalker bought this mill and afterwards sold it to Sir Andrew Orr and it is now the property of his brother Mr James Orr It has now been turned into a comfortable hall for religious meetings and must be a great acquisition to the old town of Dollar Immediately below the upper bridge on the east side of the burn there was a long row of one storied houses in those days with two houses at the upper end facing the north many of the inhabitants of which I remember well but of which not the slightest vestige now remains The next two storied house to these nearer the old town was Mrs Burns house the first Mrs Peter Stalker's mother and whose husband was one of the original partners of the first wool mill I might thus go over almost every house in Dollar the inhabitants of which were nearly all known to me but will only refer to a few who were in any way in a public position and to those with whom we came more immediately in contact and whose friendship and intercourse we enjoyed Below the old church the parish schoolhouse stood as at present two one storied houses opposite Mr Eobertson's and three or four one storied houses named the Kirk Style where the present Established Church now is were all the houses on the east side of the burn below the middle bridge while those houses above this bridge have all been recently built With the
Reminiscences of Dollar, Tillicoultry and other districts adjoining the Ochils
By William Gibson (of Tillicoultry.) 1883

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Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on May 12, 2024 at 18:45

 THE Estates of W. & J. DRYSDALE, Wool Spinners, Wool Merchants, and Manufacturers, at Boll
Mills, Alva, in the County of Stirling, and of William Drysdale, John Drysdale, and Robert Mudie Drysdale,all residing there, the Individual, Partners of that Company, as Partners, and as Individuals, were sequestrated on the 20th day of December 1850.

 The first deliverance is dated the 20th day of December1850. The meeting to elect Interim Factor is to be held at two o'clock, on Tuesday the 31st day of December 1850, within Campbell's Royal Hotel, Stirling; and the meeting to elect the Trustee and Commissioners is to be held at two o'clock, on Tuesday the 21st day of January1861, within the same place, 

 A composition may be offered at this latter meeting, and to entitle Creditors to the first dividend, their oaths and grounds of debt must be lodged on or before the 20th day Of June 1851.
All future Advertisements relating to this sequestration will be published hi the Edinburgh Gazette alone.
Chambers 35, Queen Street,
 December 20,1850

Comment by Russell Lynn Drysdale on April 26, 2023 at 20:18

Ron , Yes I had asked Diana Drysdale years back about this [She had Married a Montieth fellow] She said your guess is as good as mine.

Comment by Ronald Drysdale on April 26, 2023 at 19:06

I wonder if the Mr Peter Stalker & Mr Robert Drysdale above were related to the pair that were listed in The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland Vol 8 in an entry for 1607:

If so, it would seem that the family dispute was eventually resolved.

Comment by William Douglas on February 10, 2023 at 13:05

If this is the same man, it puts a date on it:

In 1860 the finishing works of Mr. Robert Drysdale were erected, and have been carried on with great spirit ever since. The grounds around these works are laid out with great taste, and are quite an ornament to this entrance to the village.

There is more an the family here: 

Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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