A collection of historical and genalogical records
Embracing the History of CAMPBELL COUNTY, VIRGINIA
With Illustrations
In 1784 Edward Douglas patented 3OO acres of land on Beaverpond creek. 18O4
patented 3OO additional acres on Beaverpond creek: this Edward may have been a
brother or son of John: whose children were Charles, Elizabeth," Thomas, Polly,
Judith, John, Anne, Achilles and Dorcas.
John Douglas emigrated from Scotland, settled in Orange county where he lived
and died. He married Judith, the daughter of Charles and Judith Moorman: their
son, Achilles, born 1752, married in 1779 Elizabeth, the daughter of Micajah and
Sarah Lynch-Terrell and moved to Campbell county-Achilles Douglas was a member
of the Society of Friends at South River and for some years was clerk of the
meeting. He manumitted his slaves in 1782. In 1786 he was one of the trustees of
Lynchburg. Micajah Terrell, his father-in-law, was a Quaker preacher: the first
meeting of the Campbell county justices took place in his home in 1782; he
offered a site for the county seat, but though his proposition was taken under
consideration and gained many advocates, it was finally rejected in favor of the
more central Rust site. Children of Achilles and Elizabeth T. Douglas:
Sarah, born 1781, married Newby, the son of William Johnson.
Judith, born 1783, m. Jonathan Johnson, the brother of Newby.
Mildred Young, born 1785, married Richard Tyree, and was disowned for marrying
Deborah, born 1787, m. Anselm, son of Benjamin and Mary Johnson.
Elizabeth, born 179O, m. Mahlon Cadwallader.
John Lynch, born 1797, m. Sally Lynch-Terrell.
Achilles Moorman, born 180O, m. Anne L. Terrell; their son, Charles Achilles
Douglass, born 183O, m. Caroline Matilda, the dau. of Ralph and Susan
Marriages: 1795, Edward Douglass m. Mary Ann Jude; 1796, Sarah Douglass m.
Langhorne Scruggs.
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In re : 800 acres part of which was know as Lynch's Tract-
Charles Lynch sr. first land grant of about
1,000 acres was received in 1731, in Goochland County. By 1750 he
had received some twenty grants of land which totaled 101231 acres.
Source: Index to Patents, 1623-1774, Part 1 Library of Virginia
The Lynch family from whom the city of Lynchburg is named and who have also given us the term lynch law became members about 1752 It was the widow of Charles Lynch died about 1753 Irishman and founder of the family who organized the meetings in this locality The Lynches Davises Johnsons Cadwalladers Douglasses Anthonys Holloways Strattons Fishers Stantons Moormans Burgesses Butlers Pidgeons Perdues were some of the prominent Quaker families in Campbell and the adjoining counties At a later period the migration from northern Virginia became more frequent Between 1775 and 1800 we find thirty parties some with families taking certificates from Fairfax and the northern Goose Creek Monthly Meetings to South River Monthly Meeting But before the meetings were strong enough to stand alone in south central Virginia many emigrants had gone beyond them and passed down into North Carolina The large settlement of Friends in Alamance Chatham Guilford Randolph and Surry counties was formed by Quaker immigrants not by the expansion of the native element This stream of immigration was strong and healthy It added a stable element fortified still further by the presence Cabell Sketches and Recollections of Lynchburg 24 et seq and Records Lynchburg was founded in 1786 by John and Charles Lynch sons of the immigrant , John Clark, Achilles Douglass, Micajah Moorman and others The site of the city was the property of the Lynch family See Howe Historical Collections of Virginia
Commenting on the above:
see: http://www.douglashistory.co.uk/famgen/getperson.php?personID=I8059...;
Small world!
J Ruaidri Douglas This Douglass line I find on my mothers side and like you stumbled on to it by accident-and found I share common ancestry thu the Moorman family. My mom's people were Clark's - that were Quakers as well. You never know what's going to turn up .
I had stumbled into this lineage, many years ago, doing my own ancestry. Upon further investigation, I was lead in a different direction.
From North American Immigrants group , Douglas archives , only 2 Douglass listed in Orange County - John and Robert .
Douglass [B]
The English burned Virginia’s 1790 Census during the War of 1812.
Most of what we know about Head of Households comes from tax lists
Name county tax list page
Douglass, John Halifax 1789PersonalB06
Douglass, John Henry 1790PersonalB05
Douglass, John KingQueen 1790 Land 04
Douglass, John KingQueen 1790PersonalB04
Douglass, John Orange 1790PersonalA04
Douglass, Jonathan Caroline 1789 Land 03
Douglass, Jonathan Caroline 1789Personal 05
Douglass, Robert Orange 1790PersonalA04
Douglass, Thomas Albemarle 1789PersonalB05
Douglass, Thomas Augusta 1790PersonalC05
Douglass, Thomas Halifax 1789PersonalB07
Douglass, Thomas Washington 1787PersonalB04
Douglass, Thomas, Jr (BC) Halifax 1789PersonalB07
Douglass, William Caroline 1789Personal 05
Douglass, William CharlesCity 1790 Land 06
Douglass, William Culpeper 1791PersonalA07
Douglass, William Halifax 1789PersonalB06
Douglass, William NewKent 1791Personal 07
Douglass, William NewKent 1790 Land 05
(of Sherman)
Douglass, William, Jr Halifax 1789PersonalB07
Douglis, Archabild Stafford 1789Personal A03
If his birth was 1700 , John would have been old enough - and in the same area [ Orange County Virginia ] when George Douglas of Accomack provided assistance to the Saponi Indians - As recorded in Orange county records .
This will be the mysterious John Douglas:
John Douglass was kidnapped when a baby and brought to Virginia. The
exact date of his birth is not known, but from circumstances it seems he
was born about 1700 or a little earlier. He was born i n Scotland and was
i n line for an Earldom.
The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.
Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.
Professions also help.
'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.
Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?
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