The Douglas Archives

A collection of historical and genalogical records

I have been trying for a while now to find any information on one William George Douglass, who was transported to Australia in 1804 from York (not Middlesex). I hit a brick wall when I tried to find out where he was tried. The searchers found a sentencing sheet, but I have contacted every official source in York and surrounds that I can think of and no body has any info at all. I am now trying to find associated links. Such as the person he stole from was a John Gamble who owned a dwelling house in 1802. Also, the person who he was tried with was one Thomas Peters. No reference to either of them has yet been found. The new Ancestry database of all English and Welsh criminals doesn't throw any light either. I would appreciate it if anyone who comes across any of the above people in their searches could let me know. If I can find out where he was living, it may re open the trail.
Daryl Douglass

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Thanks Russelll. The link gives me a bit more of the puzzle as I can see more of how the judicial system worked


Thanks again Russell. The William Douglass of 1804(Coromandel) is my ancestor and the entries tie in with what I know of him

Thanks again


The British Convict Transportation registers are searchable on the
Queensland State Library website.

hi Russell,

Thanks again. I have Wiliam's trail back as far as the York Assizes, where he was convicted to hang in 1802. However, for some reason, his sentence was commuted to life in Australia but can't find any  reference to him, his partner in crime or his victim (John Gamble/Gambol) in any of my searches. Perhaps someday my DNA test will throw up a match, but to date, nothing even close.Cheers

All douglas , duglas & douglass were listed as douglas in the back of the book 
page 211
''Close Roll, 22 Geo. IL, Part 19, Nos. 10 and 11.  Indenture made the 27th Sep. 1748 between Michael  Lambert Weatherill, late of Antigua, but now of the parish  of St. George, Southwark, Esq., of the one part, and Richard  Holmes of May Fair, St. George's, Hanover Square, Esq.,  and George Weatherill of Antigua, Esq., of the other part,  witnesseth that in consideration of 10.s. Michael Lambert  Weatherill grants, etc., to Richard Holmes and George  Weatherill all that plantation or sugarwork called Dun-  combe's Folly, containing 575 acres, in the parish of  St. John, Antigua, bounded E. with lands belonging to  Edward Williams, Esq., S. with lands belonging to Richard  Oliver, Esq., W. with lands belonging to Peter Thibou,  Esq., and Samuel Martin, Esq., and N. by lands formerly  belonging to and in the possession of Robert Chester, Esq.,  but now or late held by Colonel George Lucas, and those  107 negros and all cattle, horses, as such are or lately were  in the possession or occupation of Michael Lambert  Weatherill, subject to the estate for life of Margaret  Weatherill, widow, his mother, for one whole year to the  uses of an Indenture to be made. William George Douglas,  Hugh Hamersley, witnesses. ''

I know this is a stretch , but this could be his father . i believe there is a john gamble in the above book ...

rather interesting tree

Many thanks Russell, I will check it out




I have received the following:

Convict No:19715Extra Identifier:SEE Surname:SEE Given Names:Voyage Ship:Coromandel (1)Voyage No:8Arrival Date:12 Mar 1820Departure Date:27 Oct 1819Departure Port:SpitheadConduct Record:CON31/1/9,  CON37/1/3 p720Muster Roll:CSO1/1/403 9097Appropriation List:Other Records:Indent:CON17/1/1 p242Description List:CON23/1/1Remarks:Off Norfolk Island per Lady Franklin Oct 1846
If Darryl John Douglass does not have this he needs to go to the Tasmanian Convicts page - there he will find some original convict records on William Douglas 

Thanks William, but I believe this to be a later trip made by the Coromandel. My ancestor arrived in Sydney in 1804. He lived in teh Sydney area for the rest of his life.

Thanks anyway, perhaps someday I will jag a link.Keep up the good work, i think the Douglas Archives are a fantastic project


A further contribution: 

There were two by the name William Douglas on the Coromandel in 1804 - Some on the web have William George Douglas as the one who was sentenced at Middlesex Gaol Delivery in 1803. You ruled this one out.
The other was William Douglas who was sentenced at York in 1802 - this appears to be the one you are looking for.
(and there was the later one who was sent to Van Diemens Land).=

Hi William,

I have been very slack in not replying before now and you guys do such good work. The second William Douglass (Middlesex) ended up on the Central coast of New South Wales as a government employee in Newcastle. Didn't follow him any further




Making conections

The more information you can give about the people you mention, the more chance there is of someone else connecting with your family.

Dates and places of births, deaths and marriages all help to place families.

Professions also help.

'My great-grandmother mother was a Douglas from Montrose' does not give many clues to follow up! But a bit of flesh on the bones makes further research possible. But if we are told who she married, what his profession was and where the children were baptised, then we can get to work.

Maybe it is time to update the information in your profile?

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